Who is ready for more Shimadas?

I think it may involve a Fox clan too, I made a more detailed post about it with screenshots from the map :slight_smile:

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I fully imagine that when I complete something totally original, I will probably go back through it five… six… seven… twenty times. I envision building a skeleton, or infrastructure, and as I return to it I fill in more of the organs, muscle and finally flesh…

I write often, with a group of three or four others, consistently. Formal education is next, which I will probably take alongside public speaking, in order to aid my twitch presentation.

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And you can’t say something like that, and not reference what you’re talking about.

If we willed Doomfist into existence, we can do to same with the Shimada sister.

Well good luck to you. Writing is great.

I’m currently working on a side-story for some roleplay my boyfriend and I have been involved in for the past six years, because character development is slow without it.

My opening:

Karuvis put a lot of stock into the concept of loyalty. He wasn’t sure why. He couldn’t say whether it was something instilled in him by his Queen when she gave him life, or if he carried that trait with him from Before. Many parts of his personality stood subject to the same conundrum, and the big warrior had long ago decided that attempting to differentiate between the two was not worth the literal headache that it caused him. He understood loyalty. He cherished it, in particular when that loyalty was borne of choice and not obligation.

Blood was loyal to blood—for the most part. Such was the way of his people, for the precious fluid within their veins was of a noble, powerful heritage. An innate sort of fidelity, that—something which required effort or extreme trauma to destroy. His loyalty to his Queen, however, was of choice, a pledge he made when he opened his eyes for the first time since Before. That fealty had served him well, he thought, for it had brought him into the fold of the galaxy’s most powerful beings.

And that was why he thought for certain that the bottoms of his boots were melting.


Unfortunately a poster of links I am not because I don’t have those privileges

I plucked this randomly from a post-log we keep on a discord and it’s absolutely not even close to my best and, to be honest, I haven’t even looked at the content within before posting, because it’s probably the fairest representation to my -crap-. It will also be completely out of context and I should just not bother posting it lol

Owen: Owen stopped in his tracks, partly out of curiosity of the magic being used and then, of course, the absolute surprise and befuddlement born from her knowledge of him. Owen slowly reaches out with his ringed hand and takes the card, looking it over. He feels a flush of warmth followed by a panging cold, but it is not Winter’s. The wind becomes softer now, a breeze, and the snow falls beautifully and gently. Chaos, it seemed, was roaming back to its den for rest. Owen, in the silence of winter’s breath, looks at the card. Clearly it is intended to be a marker of what once was between Rouge and He, or perhaps it was a new designation regarding Semira… Owen knew little of his own heart, let alone what others knew of it. The Mage looks up to Cailleach, snow in his beard and brow. He watches in the mirror… and recalls clearly that evening, but not his motivations… he never could, and often came close to believing he had been cursed that night. “Yes… I am Owen Autumn Ash.” He did not often pronounce his full name and few knew it. This meant he was likely correct, and this woman in fact may be an agent of another Deity, clearly not his own. “And yes… Rouge and I…” He struggled to connect with the past. Then was not now. It was clear to him, as well, that this was -not- a coincidence, and that Rouge’s part in this play was more important than they had known.

All manner of being, Demon, Agent, Undead, Deity… seemed to be in motion. What was going on? “You know of Rouge’s fate… I ask this~” and it is a most critical question. “~We believe Mother Terra speaks to her now, as she once did myself. We believe there are demon’s at play… and darker days are destined upon us than we know…” Owen seems more than a human, as he stands with this woman in this snow… It was clear he had been through much, and had been touched by destiny several times. “Is it Terra that speaks to her?” For a time now, Owen had been theorizing regarding Terra and her involvement, questioning the validity of his perceived deity… So many questions… and this could be the moment many were answered and clarity brought forth.

Because that’s boring.

New heroes from not yet included cultures add more to the game than a 3rd japanese or 5th (6th) american hero.


1- you can put ` before and after a link to post one even if you lack the privileges to post a normal link


2- don’t even post the link. Just copy / paste what was said, or put it in quotes, or ANYTHING so those of us who have no clue what you’re referencing, will have a clue as to what you’re referencing lol

thats very disappointing

Just a couple hints for you:

You want to avoid adverbs as much as possible. Words ending in -ly, qualifiers such as ‘just’, ‘most’, and ‘quite’. You don’t have to cut them out completely but adverbs tend to lessen the impact of a statement, as does passive voice, or what are called ‘to be’ phrases.

Also watch your tenses. You write partly in past tense and partly in present tense. Pick one. Past tense is usually easier on the reader and on you as a writer.

I will post this excerpt from my current novel but then I’m not going to post more writing here because we’re derailing this pretty bad and it becomes a wall of text, but this is just to show you how impactful it is when you keep adverbs and passive voice to a minimum:

It was a beautiful spring day.

The last vestiges of winter had fallen away, leaving the forest floor damp with the promise of renewal. Deep amber rays filtered through the treetops, the evening sun gracing each new leaf with a halo of shimmering light. The scent of green growth saturated the air, thick with moisture from the previous night’s gentle rainfall.

Elonia Dawnstar drew in a deep breath, filling her lungs with that sweet perfume. It tasted like the essence of life itself, and she loved it with all of her heart. Shoulders laden with the bounty of her catch, the huntress moved through the trees with sure, steady ease. She left no footprints, made no noise in passing, feet clad in supple leather moving in silence across the mossy soil.

The creatures of the forest paid her no mind, for like all Alftir, Elonia was at home here in the wildwood, a part of nature just the same as they. The small red doe she carried had fallen to a single flint-headed arrow, taken down as it quenched its thirst beside a crystalline stream. A whispered prayer offered thanks to the deer for its sacrifice, and to the goddess Ephele for providing her family with sustenance. The Lady of the Forest was kind to those who kept her ways.

A gentle breeze blew soft strands of auburn hair into Elonia’s emerald eyes and caressed the tanned skin of her elfin face. Slender fingertips brushed the errant tendrils back, tucking them behind one delicate, pointed ear. She was almost home. Soon, she would smell the cooking fires, and hear the sounds of the village children playing games among the trees. Her stomach growled, prompting a smile to curve the blush fullness of her lips.

Her mother would turn this deer into the most delicious stew, bursting with the flavor of wild potato and onion. Her father would look at her with pride, for she owed her hunting skills to his stern but encouraging lessons. An injury last autumn had taken his ability to stalk game, and so the duty of feeding his family had fallen to his daughter. Her brother, too young to venture into the deep forest on his own, would demand she tell him every detail of her hunt. Sitting by the fire tonight, she would oblige him, eager to see the excitement rising in his eyes.


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I don’t see how it’s “boring”. Would you say it’s “boring” if we got three Chinese heroes or two new Chinese heroes and a new Korean hero? What if we got one more of each of the ‘big three’?

Who cares what race or country new heroes are from anymore, anyway? With the exception of needing a black female, the cast is super diverse. At this point the only considerations should be where a hero fits within the story and what their abilities are.

Dude that’s just dumb. As if that’s all there is to Japan.

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you mean Danes? or Sami?

ancient scandinavians are just germans

Im a male, so I more into Hanzo’s sister.

We need more Shimada.

I’ve studied mostly Viking-Age Norway/Sweden/Denmark/Finland etc. I refer to Scandinavia as a geographical region, not as a culture (because there is a variety of cultural practices throughout the region), or I would have said “Scandinavians” and not “Scandinavia.”

You can stop now, seeing as how I am also a Norse Pagan.

It’s like you don’t believe there are people who enjoy reading everything they can get their hands on about ancient cultures just because I said that two of the cultures I have studied are China and Japan. lol

I’m not even going to bother with you anymore, because I’m in a good mood today and I won’t allow myself to be trolled~

I’m a male, and more into Genji

Dude Gaku Space


But also how can you be MORE into Genji when this exists:


My favorite cosplayer evarrrrrr

He’s been my phone wallpaper for like 2 years haha. I can’t even look at that picture without drooling.

3 would be a bit much but another chinese or korean hero is no issue.

I don’t. It would just be nice to not be overexposed to japanese characters in yet another video game.

Gets old after a while.

A kunoichi Shimada, or rival clan would be dope af. The melee heroes tend to wind up being the heroes that get complained about the most though, so not sure what kind of weapon style would be best considering. Though it’s more video game lore than actual lore, chain scythes would be pretty sweet.

damnit, i already hate both of the existing ones :sob:

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