Who is ready for more Shimadas?

But would she use a naginata?!


She could go all out and get up close and personal TF2 spy-style. Slit someone’s throat with a tanto. Be worth it just for the whining.

I’d like to see more old-style weaponry. Eggshells full of smoke powder, poison/dirt in the wakizashi scabbard to blind on a draw, etc.

A sister most likely. People way over theory-crafting it.

All he said was “who are the other members of that family?” That doesn’t mean they have to be playable heroes.

Yeah, i figured. That’s far later and really not ‘ancient’ Scandinavia, on that we have unfortunately very little info.

I mean you used the term in that context, not me. Norse or Nordic is what most use.

I got a bit into norse paganism too before i became a steppe weeb. I think i just uno reverse card-ed you.

I’m rather skeptical because of your usage of ‘ancient’ is sus. Like, ancient Japan? Must have been extensive research.

I accept your surrender.

Ok sure.