Who is just waiting for better balance now?

Rein dominant? Genji the best dps?
Someone tell this guy its not Apil 1st.

There are many more viable heroes now that there have been for a long time. Game is going in a very good direction, even though forum warriors will tell you otherwise.

Edit: If you scroll through this post, all the players who have not posted alot seem more or less content with the changes. Just saying.

i am waiting for better game developers to salvage what is left of this game with less than 40k viewers on an esport lvl competition. oof.

im just waiting for the open que finallyā€¦

I wait old Sombraā€™s translocator, hack, stealth :^)

Iā€™m waiting that blizz stop to please owl players and revert the stupid and unneded Genji buff.

Is a month now, revert that thing at once.

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Its not. Rein is the best because Sigma and Orisa have paper shields that can not protect the team from the damage thrown around and Genji was already good after the last buffs but now they buffed him even further. Its pretty obvious and you think this is a JOKE? Really dude? Some peopleā€¦

as a sym, mercy, moira and brig main, Iā€™ve been waiting for literally years.

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Personally I gave up on tank/support about a week ago. The Genji changes really pushed it over the edge for me. At my level he dominates supports to a game ruining degree which in turn makes the already awful tank role even worse. I just donā€™t have fun anymore. I tried DPS but the ques are ridiculous for a match that last 1/4 the wait time. Itā€™s still installed and Iā€™ll keep tabs on the balance, but this weekend my friends and I are jumping back into other games with the intent of finding a new main game. Not complaining, just matter of fact. Cā€™est la vie.

Iā€™ve always been kind of sort of happy about the balance devs since the gameā€™s balance has progressed steadily towards a more healthier balance overall (for example Torb/Sym/Bastion arenā€™t complete throwpicks anymore and have their own niches and synergies), but for the tank role that progress stopped and started degenerating hard after double barriers especially since they didnā€™t decide to just cut Sigma 1.0 (the most broken iteration of any hero in the gameā€™s history btw) down but decided to cut down other tanks too. Ever since that balance heck was let loose it has not been pretty for tanks especially since Rein has been dominating the role so much despite dominating it for the majority of the history of the game too

There are some huge mistakes theyā€™ve done and they are:

  1. They waited too long to come out and have a balance policy to only consider high tier gameplay when they balance heroes
  2. They took the line too far at OWL when they shouldā€™ve focused on your typical Top 500 gameplay and then rebalanced hero kits if they prove to be overly strong in a very hardcore control environment that OWL is. Now that theyā€™re balancing around OWL itā€™s creating 2 metas in the OWL and on the high end of ladder which poses a balance policy issue where they canā€™t really buff D.va that much because sheā€™s already the strongest tank in OWL while hardly seeing play in high tier ladder
  3. They wasted a lot of time on hero ban rotation which was supposed to ā€œfix the issue of balancingā€ which was to stop meta from being stale. The thing is that only the devs thought that the issue with a meta forming was the fact that it got stale after a while while the playerbase wasnā€™t mad about metaā€™s for that reason. They were mad about meta comps because they were almost exclusively built around over-tuned heroes which from balance side is just plain unfair
  4. Role queue took far too long to hit live so a lot of balance changes that were made for open queue 3-3 comps and such in mind are still in the game and causing slight design issues in the forced 2-2-2 environment

Iā€™ve played every season so far and I think this Genji is silly. Itā€™s not an attempt at balance, itā€™s just to make Genji exciting and fun for a while. I donā€™t want to leave but this is the first time Iā€™ve felt like the devs arenā€™t taking it seriously and are making a meme out of the game.

The person who posted that is around 2300 rank and Iā€™m guessing that because your endorsements are 5, you are a support at a much higher rank than that? To be fair, Genji starts being an issue around 2400-2500.

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I was on the same boat since January of this year.

I had uninstalled the game back then and just tried it again the last weekā€¦ Oh, boy! One of the most horrible weeks I have had with a game.

OW used to be fun and engaging, now it is about who has the most broken characters on their team and who is playing Reinh+; Ana+; Genji+. It is sad to watch because I like the game but it is in such a miserably state. And the matchmaking is not even close to what it means to be a competitive game when throwers and smurfs ruin your games on a daily basis (yeah even at high masters - GM level where I was/am).

I just got Titanfall 2 and I am having a blast. It is too much fun. I see myself playing its multiplayer for months tbh. So I will patiently wait for more games to be realeased such as: Halo 6, CyberPunk, Mass Effect Remastered(?), etc.

OW2 will be a huge flop if they think people is going to comeback just because of the number 2 on its title. Once they fix their core problems I will comeback. Otherwise, farewell Blizz.

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I also reinstalled last week to find the Game is worse than what it was, which was already in a bad state.

This all went down hill when OWL was introduced. Too much focus on In-house e-sports leaving the entire community left to fight in a enclosed competitive season, instead of it being run by the community and 3rd partys.

This meta is like when Mercy could revive the whole team and every game was just that strategy of hide and revive every game.
Everyone in here saying itā€™s been going downhill for years and OWL ruined this and that, I donā€™t think that helps. This is the most one dimensional balance weā€™ve had maybe in the history of the game, we donā€™t need to make it more dramatic and hopeless than that.

If it makes you feel better, Genji will only be getting a slap on the wrist for his next few patches, like every other overpicked DPS. People havenā€™t realized yet that Blizz balances around fan favorites, not equality.


No. Genji needs to go.

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They literally dumped all their eggs into OW2. the current game is just the repercussions of a stupid move such as that. come back in 5 months when the ā€œsequalā€ comes out.

I donā€™t play him I play tank

Game is in a good state. It just sucks for solo play because since tanks/support are weaker with limited options we are not enabled to be as versatile as DPS can be. The game is balanced when people pick the right heroes, but when they do not its a struggle in the tank or support category to pick something that can alleviate those issues.

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Waitā€¦ What?
When they say ā€œunbalanced,ā€ I think they mean what you are describing.