Who is just waiting for better balance now?

I dont think it ever improves tbh

Its very up and down for me,

As is the case

I mean rather than reverting some of the buffs, they went with her TNT

Which isn’t going to change anything, so then she’ll get nerfed somewhere else down the line

It’s almost like their so proud of their changes, that they wont revert things until it’s one of the ONLY things they can do

I agree.

And I agree with OP that balance feels terrible. I think that’s an important point in itself, that The Meta :tm: doesn’t inherently relate to how heroes feel to play, whether they’re fun to play or not.
Which also intuitively makes sense looking at early SC2 balance, where everything was so sanded down it was numerically balanced (or easily moved there in a few patches) but also lacked the ability to make for truly interesting plays.

And it’s what we’re seeing here that is worrying me: Yeah, sure. For pros and twitch watchers the game has never had better balance. But personally? I’d rather have old Tier 3 Turret Torbjörn ravaging the enemy DPS back. I’d rather have Orisa being a tank playing pseudo-sniper again. 185 DPS thick beam Symmetra.

Why? Because the whole game - not just those heroes! - was more fun to play back then. I think what I’m trying to say is: Heroes aren’t powerful enough nowadays. There’s strong heroes like Genji or Reinhardt, sure. There’s also weaker heroes such as Orisa or Brigitte. But no one feels powerful.

I guess as much as I hated Doomfist in his early incarnations, at least he got the underlying design philosophy right that heroes need to dominate everyone at something. They need to be overpowered. In a highly specific manner, and balanced by everyone being overpowered in such a fashion.

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so basically titanfall 2

I have to say that’s not why I think the balance feels terrible.

For me, it’s because I generally can’t play any of what I like. There are a few extremely strong heroes you almost have to play (Reinhardt, Genji, Ana are the standouts) and about half the roster is god-awful and you shouldn’t play them ever. This causes three issues; I can’t play a lot of the heroes I like, it killed all variety because even in QP most games are mirror matches, and I get a lot of forced losses because idiot teammates pick useless heroes. Between all of it, it really kills the fun of the game for me.


No, I think it’s an attitude problem.

Well I mean

When I was playing last in Masters comp, there wasn’t a happy player in 9/10 games



I think the game is doing way better than before in terms of balance.

The thing is I actually play the game a lot and on all roles, I test the changes and I give it some time to see how things go.

I don’t make a new thread on the forum immediately after a nerf, I don’t sit here and complain about a game that I’m just “waiting” for better balance.

It’s good to be part of it and feel the changes going i the right direction. I’m here since the beginning and I never left because I still have faith, even after 3600 hours played.

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I would have to take your word for it because for me and my friends the situation is very different :man_shrugging:

I mean, how can you think that?

I go on tank, and unless we have one of two comps, we’re probably getting slaughtered. You play Rein Zarya (preferably) or you play double shield. Nothing else is even remotely viable.

DPS? One of you sure as hell better be Genji. The other one can choose from Ashe, Tracer
 maybe McCree
 that’s about it.

Support? What would you like to play with your mandatory Ana? Hope it isn’t Brigitte or Baptiste or Zenyatta.

 kinda? Yeah.

I mean I would say TF1 even more so than TF2, but you’re right in that it nailed the “Everyone is OP in a way”-approach since you only get the Titan temporarily, but then for a brief moment you can go wild and stomp puny little flies.

The balance has been a giant mess ever since they abandoned the game’s original design philosophy in early 2017. You know, cuz OWL metrics.

It’s not just the adjustments they make, it’s the whole mindset around them. They took a game that was designed around “every character is sorta OP so none really are” and are now balancing it like it’s ONLY mechanical input that’s allowed to influence the outcome.

Overwatch has been turned into its own antithesis.


I uninstalled the game over a year and a bit ago on the premise that I would return as soon as “blizzard fixes tanks.” 2-2-2 was a step in the right direction, but to my dismay, tanking is somehow in an even worse state than when I left.

If Papa Jeff thinks he can sell me a copy of OW2 when the devs have done everything in their power to destroy pretty much everything about the first game
 well, he’s in for a rude awakening I suppose. I just hope that others who are also dissatisfied with the game follow suite.


The game’s been unfun ever since they decided to:

  • Add Brig instead of nerfing dive/mobility like everyone wanted them to.
  • Butcher heroes who’ve been garbage tier for years,but somehow managed to be viable for a week or two.
  • Add role queue and forced 2-2-2 due to failing to balance GOATs,which then resulted in awful queue times and even worse MMR,especially in Quick Play.
  • Add Sigma who turned the game into Shield Shooting Simulator 2020.
  • Add Echo with that ridiculous ult.
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Whaaaa? The changes Genji didn’t need and were way too extreme turned out to be unneeded and extreme? If only the balance team had had any voices of reason telling them that these changes would be bad for the game!

If only


i think this is the best meta since dive tbh. Everything feels so relaxed and genji feels awesome toplay wit

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the only heroes they need to change are Sigma and Genji.

Sigma does too much of everything has a shield, defense matrix and a stun. Is way too powerful in double shield comps.

Genji 2 second deflect :rofl:

He feels awesome to play because he’s overpowered.


But genji is getting played in owl? Do you even watch owl?

Genji has it WAYYYY easier than any projectile hero.
Not to mention his ult charge is insanely high.
Not to mention his tools for defense.
Not to mention his 1v6 potential.
Please, enough.