Who is just waiting for better balance now?

It feels like the game has finally entered a state of being actively unfun. The balance is trash on all three roles.

Tanks are still overwhelmingly dominated by Reinhardt.
Genji is so much stupidly better than any other DPS the rest are a waste of time.
Ana is the only worthwhile support left, and you’re going to be playing her into a brutally overpowered Genji, so it’s going to be pure misery.

How can you have fun with the game in this terrible state?


i think the meta now is the best its been in the last 2 years


me, i deleted the game like a month ago, as soon as they said they will butcher brig next, theres no heroes left…they ruined all i liked to play.
So im waiting for better game i guess, didnt find one so far, but i wont play this one…i dont believe blizzard will fix it all of the sudden , i have zero faith in them


It’s been in this state since S10


I’ve waited for nearly 3 years

I dont think its going to come



No the balance is in a perfect state the game is most fun than ever, I rarely even see genjis in my matches but he isn’t as powerful as you say he is if he was he would be played on owl where he hasn’t existed in like 3 years, brig nerfs are also a big genji nerf, like I can possibly understand where are you coming from, I checked overbuff genji stats are the same as ever


Tbh, damage have it best rn.

Hitscans kinda just get to pew pew mindlessly and blame their team for not enough cover/healing.

But because dps mains are gonna eat me out for playing victim, I do agree, the band-aid covered in tape and spit that was holding balance together pealed off last patch for ladder.

Now all who aren’t in OWL will suffer the consequences of reckless balance.


oh you’re right about hitscan having it easy. It just sucks when you’re a DPS player, but you’re a projectile player, and a projectile hero finally becomes viable and now everyone wants them nerfed :slight_smile:


This is the best joke of today. Brig nerfs are Genji buffs. Only support that can easily deal with him is Moira and that’s not for a long time.

Double Barrier was better smh


technically we’re in a double shield meta now, but at least theres more depth in DPS and support than just mei and moira every match

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Trust and believe

As a support main who really enjoys Pharah/Mei/Symmetra I feel…or felt…little bit of your pain…not that I bother queuing damage anymore

But ngl, I also enjoy 76 too lol

Lol how are they, really have you even read the patch notes? They gave her more shield and does the same damage as ever, they nerfed her because she could broke balance like having a genji or tracer armor tank, genji and tracer benefited so much from armor that brig was a forced pick in gm as it enabled dps too much, so yeah is a dps nerf they were the only ones benefiting from the armor in the first place

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I mean, the problem with ruining Brig is there were only two worthwhile supports left and one of them was Brig. Now it really is Ana or bust, except you’re playing into a monstrously overpowered Genji and you have no Brigitte. So every game is the worst possible circumstances to play Ana into. But you have to anyway because all other supports are trash!


Yoooo I finally can play genji.

And he was one of my worst heroes before this. Lmao

It’s hilarious how balance is not considered part of skill for genji and he is a “high skill hero” but not other heroes who have balance issues like brig

I gotta say this…I love tank rn because on console at least…there’s this revolt against barriers.

Zarya hog, dva zarya, dva hog , ball dva…it’s wild and I am here for it.

People just being fed up and farming boxes makes dps wild to play…I’m just out here spamming on genji :joy::joy::joy:


I mean, I wouldn’t be so upset if they made Genji decent, but they went ridiculously overboard and Genji is ludicrously overpowered. Like, the worst any DPS has probably ever been.

I don’t even feel like I can go in and play Ashe or Echo because DPS right now are either Genji or trash and I’d only be hurting my team by showing up as not Genji.

I wait for any ballance that will not includes a support nerfs. Sounds almost unrealistic.


Honestly, I hit this point a while ago.

And it’s not just this, it’s also the lack of content too.

While I haven’t quit the game, entirely, It definitely is on the back burner for me. Now, I really only play enough to get Daily/Weekly Loot Boxes, place in Comp and get Event Items.

For the last month and a half, Apex Legends has been my “go to” multiplayer FPS game.

And, truthfully, I don’t foresee myself fully coming back to OverWatch, until the balance is better and/or we have more content other than skins, every couple months…

So, basically, not until OverWatch 2 launches and we get Push for PvP and those PvE modes. Yeah, the balance will probably still be garbage, but as long as the PvE plays well, it’ll get my attention. I just might not play the PvP part as much as I did when I first bought OW1. My focus might switch to PvE at that point.

I cant. Outside of the PVE that comes up a couple times a year. That’s why I’m playing Apex Legends most of the time, now, instead. :man_shrugging:


No…ironclad bastion was a dark age… Always will be a dark place for me as I was console and that lasted

A month

But genji is pretty up here. Because I’m definitely not a skilled genji going up against peers.

He was literally unplayable before now for me. And suddenly I can outdo one tricks … No. This is realllly freaking bad.

Partly imo, cuz he never was high skill. I also can’t play junkrat. I’m not good with some heroes. Happens. But people acted like genji is some a tier impossible kit…

Never was. And this balance just really lets that show.

I’m literally a potato finger bashing on him.

Still works :+1:t5:

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