Who has the worst ult in the game?

Thing is that’s basically Mei’s ult:

  • AoE
  • Damaging
  • Forces people to move and split (CC)
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I believe its probably Mccree, Mei and Reaper.

Mei’s Ult is terrible though, everyone leaves the area when you use it and it doesn’t guarantee kills like other. The damage is horrible on it to. There are tons of people I feel would be under crowd control. Also isn’t there going to me some overlap eventually. Widow really does need a better Ult than just looking through walls.

By guarantee kills, I mean that it doesn’t pretty much wipe people like other characters ults.

Literal wall-hack for 15 (?) seconds is not to be shaken off.

Yeah, but assuming you had the window of opportunity. They don’t guarantee kills, like other characters. Just because it can be useful doesn’t mean it is consistently useful.

Ana it doesnt do anything for her. I feel like they should just give teamates a button that allows them to pick if they want ana’s ult cause its basically a second ult for your teamates ana doesn’t get anything from it. In a well cordinated team it would work it would almost change nothing lol.

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That’s where timing comes in, using it as your team is about to push an objective is super useful, as it allows you to check all enemy positioning and make judgements on where to push and what ults to use.

Mercy, Orisa (cause it’s destroyable), Symmetra.

It’s ageist against far away allies? That must make Soldier 76 and Ana upset, seeing as they’re old timers lol

syms ult isnt really bad, but it has a few bugs.
like, tracer bombs aoe still killing people who are behind the wall already

This is really nothing to debate though. I made a simple statement about how her Ult is terrible, and my opinion of that won’t change because it is terrible. For a futuristic shooter, Widow is boring. Her skills are lame or she does stuff that other characters do, for example, see through walls. Even if it is for a longer period than Hanzo’s Scan ability, Hanzo can consistently do what she has as an Ult making it less likely to impact the game. Guess what Hanzo can do, shoot through wall with his ult with twin dragons. You ever hear about people being excited about Widow’s Ult that all you are talking about? Probably not because everyone else has interesting and cinematic Ults.

If you disagree cool, but I don’t have the time, nor would I like to keep debating this. :man_shrugging:

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Yea it has low hp for sure, but it does charge fairly quickly if you know how to hit a decent amount of headshots.

I would say it is a bad ultimate mostly because in most situations, there is a better alternative, and in situations you can use the supercharger everyone focuses it.

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I would say Doomfist because it’s soo buggy at times and people can move out of the circle.

Boring =/= bad. I don’t see how anyone can put Symmetra, Mercy, and Orisa ults in the same category.

Symmetra ult completely denies ranged threat for 15 seconds, guarantees her team favorable positioning, and can block delayed damage - including ults. It can do these things from spawn.

Mercy ult basically makes her immortal, which is already great for a support. Pretty much guarantees a successful Rez. It’s also 15 seconds of Amped-Up Lucio healing, or 15 seconds of discount Orisa ult, whichever her teammates need and wherever they need it.

Whereas Orisa ult is just…a damage boost. With limited range, that needs line of sight. That can be destroyed instantly. And takes longer to charge than many better ults, including ^those two. Like what? No comparison.

So yeah, Orisa ult is probably the worst. Roadhog ult is also terrible, just makes him easier to kill half the time.

I just want to point out every ult is to some extent situational, just some more than others.

That’s said, I feel Mercy ult definitely loses out in this regard. You can’t really do anything but give your team a slight boost. Orisa gives more of a boost considering it gives a whopping 50% damage boost. There’s a reason Zen discord was nerfed away from this number. Heck, add Zen discord and you’re at 80% damage boost for your whole team on a single enemy. Ouch.

Whole hog is like primal rage in terms of knockback. Hog just needs a pocket heal for his ult, that’s all. Could be worse.

Tracer pulsebomb charges super quick.

Bastion just needs to destroy barriers first before ulting, though that takes a surprising amount of time trust me.

If I had to pick something that wasn’t valk, it’d be Mei blizzard. Too many people get knocked out or run away for it to work on them, and its only good on defence when you want area denial, and minefield can often be better, as you can place it at the enemies exit route if they run away.

Conceptually, Doomfist. You’re using it to single out a target and not much else.
Practically, Winston. I can push people around. Woo…
Theoretically, Lucio. He makes his team deaf for a few seconds which protects them(?).

Top 3

Orisa - a stationary Mercy damage buff but I think it’s the tradeoff because she’s a very low skill floor hero.

WM - more of a delay than anything, great early game, useless anytime after that

Roadhog - just makes him one big target with little impact to the game.

Special Mentions go to

Symmetra - LOLOLOLOL a giant wall you can just walk through

50hps chain healing that can be rapidly toggled with chain damage boost where you get both effects combined with it making it so you can avoid basically everything in the game except aimbot or a good widowmaker. Yes mercy being able to fly matters because it means she has the best positioning capability in the game during ult

30% vs 50% dmg amp is quite a difference.

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As a Sym main I hate this myth.
Yeah, you can walk through it. But maybe place it and position it correctly and use it at the right time and it’ll happen less?

Do people not realise how amazing Photon Barrier can be when timed right?
Cutting off half the point or preventing fire from many different directions is nothing to just shake off.

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