Who do you think should be nerfed

I repeat, you do realize storm arrow does almost 840+ damage in all 6 shots right?

He can 1skill an ult’d rage monkey from full health.

He can nearly kill any tank from full health WITH lucio’s ult.

He can kill zarya through her shield from full health, He can kill bastion through his heal from full health. He can 2 click Sombra from full health, even WITH her leg humping a health pack.

What rank are you? Silver? Bronze?

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Plat pc. Masters console.

Go into a game and do storm arrow only. Look at your accuracy at the end. Look at it and if its 100%, then you delt all that 900 damage every time. Shouldn’t be too hard with how easy your making it sound.

Brigitte is the second least picked support and Symmetra is the third least picked DPS. If anything, they need buffs. Genji is the most picked DPS hero, so I at least see you point, though I don’t agree with it

Only Hanzo.

I think most heroes are in a balanced state except Hanzo.

What is he? A sniper or a generic shooter?
If he’s a sniper then he should be weaker in close range. If he’s a generic shooter then he should be weaker in long range.

Genji is in quick play. Thats not a good scale, considering most games are atleast 4 dps. Also, private profile exist now therefore makes overbuff useless.

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I was looking at Competitive Stats. Widow is the most played DPS in quick play

Brig needs a nerf to either her inspire duration or her movment speed with shield. Besides her, I think the game is really well balanced right now.

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I guess it really depends on where they’re played. I don’t do competitive so the heroes that are picked in the games I play aren’t meta picks.
You’ll see a lot of Genji, Bastion and Brigitte in my games and they can be a pain to get rid of.
Genji in particular after he gets his ult.

Jeff, he’s gotten to powerful man he’s started nerfing the other hero’s by himself

Because pickrate means a lot in terms of actual balance OMEGALUL.

Brig has a 56% winrate, even in GM. Nerf her.

I think the current balance right now is better than it has been in ages, especially in the support role. I think right now there are way more people who need buffs than people who need nerfs.

Lol, suggesting you dive a glass cannon with two heroes. Winston should be able to kill him just as he (Winston) can easily dive Widow and kill her. Lunge provides Hanzo with the mobility he needs at his operating range. He doesn’t need another damage ability. Remove Storm Arrow and call it a day.

Hanzo/Brig, those characters can go in a dumpster fire together.


Why should a SNIPER, someone who is supposed to have damage based upon accuracy, have an ability that lets him shoot in rapid succession?