Who do you guys see on the forums the most?

Someone that probably most people know about is our friend:

SlayerAdam :stuck_out_tongue:

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I have been called a Blizzard apologist.

Do you know that type as well?

Greyfalcon ever since he first joined. That boi gets busy on these forums.


They’re probably celebrating that Doomfist got deleted.

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I’ve called you a few other things, and thought many opinions of you that I have refrained from putting in writing. But I would classify you as a Mercy supporter.

Here’s one you may like better. No Mass rez.

I havent seem him in a while actually :v

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I guess I didnt need my extra thick skin this week after all, then…hmm

Better Mercy than Athletic, I suppose

Thats my dude - OTP Junkrat main Aerocrypt

My favorite forum member is WyomingMyst - hope to meet him someday

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There’s this one dude that always shows up on my posts and shouts his battletag in all caps…

Seriously, who does that?


People who do that are really, really annoying, you know? I mean, why?


Factually, you’re correct. :wink:


we all have our burdens

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Ah, well, that’s because I figured most Mercy feedback was attempting to put themselves in direct opposition to the devs, instead of perfecting the devs direction with balancing a hero.

As as comparison,
The Devs will probably never give Roadhog back his old damage.
But the buffs they did give him gave Roadhog players mostly what they want, but without buffing his damage.

I was mostly just exasperated that the vast majority of Mercy players couldn’t do something similar, in applying “outside-the-box” thinking.

Especially when you got strong personalities in the Mercy community, if they could focus on “we don’t care what you do, as long as the playstyle is similar enough, and the results are there”.

I chose this icon since last lny, and it never changed on the forums, so I stuck with it ive only seen one or two other people with it

thank you :slight_smile:


thanks ivan/haychii (which would you prefer me to call you since you changed your name)

i could only do it with your icons :stuck_out_tongue:
(and by cheating my level 3 by having my computer scroll through the mercy megathread…)

aha heres what you didnt know

it was me all along



The people who recognize me probably perceive me as someone less than pleasant that is incredibly pessimistic and who’s primary focus is achieving a Mercy rework.

I remember a time on the old forums when I was constructive, friendly, and attempted to be a calming influence in a similar style of Jellyandjam. These days I find such positivism to be forced and false, and I try to stay away from such threads so not to spread my own toxicity too much among the people who are still making an effort…

oh how far I’ve fallen… These forums… sigh

You know people would have recognized you more if you kept the name Ivan.

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Youtube: “Throwverwatch 2”



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