Who are the top 3 buggiest heroes?

I remember the devs saying Dva is the buggiest for them because she is basically 2 heroes in one.
I play Doomfist, and while I can’t confidently say he has the MOST bugs, his bugs seem to always remove his ability to play the game. Punch doesn’t bounce right? RIP your timing. Get the wrong seismic slam even tho the indicator was visible? Hope you fall off the map and are spared being annihilated by the whole enemy team. There’s a corner within a mile of your seismic slam landing? Ur ability’s damage is no good here. Not that slam is a viable offensive ability in 2019 anyway

Reinhart, mei, Sombra: EMP doesnt deactivate minefield anymore, doesnt work on sym turrets, (they are visually hacked but still active)

Doomfist and rein are the buggiest heroes ever

Sym comes 3rd probably

Genji… dash counting you in multiple places at the same time

Deflect being a garbage bug show