Who are the top 3 buggiest heroes?

They tried to increase it from 1.5 meters to 2.0 meters, but it is bugged and decreased to 1.0 meters.

The intended nerf was for the outer circle to deal 200 damage instead of 300.

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Reinhart spaghettis code ultimite.
Doomfist rocket punch was broke.
D-va Meka was very lagging before.
Hog hook 2.0

Sorry, I misread it.
I though it was decreased not increased.

They should definitely fix this.

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Iā€™m talking about the current state of the game.

Who are the top 3 buggies heroes currently?

Hammond some time when he getā€™s pinned be Rein he lags.(very rare)

Itā€™s gotta be Road, Doom, and Rein.
Ghost hooks, floaty punches, and vacuum charges are all too common.

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Not only that the SS not registering is back and instead of pulling targets towards you, it has a chance to boop them all over the place instead.

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Iā€™d say Mei.

She doesnā€™t get credit if her freeze gets environmental kills, her ice wall can destroy friendly versions of the enemy objects it can destroy (Orisa supercharger, Hammond mines, widowmaker mine, etc.) additionally if it does destroy supercharger it doesnā€™t show in kill feed AT ALL, even like how it does when the payload destroys it.

Iā€™ve also had some weird interactions lately, like people killing me through my ice wall. So yeah, the more I play mei Iā€™d say mei

I canā€™t speak for every character nor can I say Sombra is the buggiest but there are still quiet a few bugs that pop up often for me.

  1. Using your translocator, having the throw animation play but you donā€™t actually throw it.

  2. if you hold E for a milisecond too long than youā€™ll translocate prematurely.

  3. going out of cloak at random without a cooldown.

Probably Rein, Doomfist and Sombra

Rein has always been the most buggy of all the heroes. All the rest of them seem to get bug fixes or play in ways where a bug only shows up here or there. Itā€™s rare that one comes into play for almost every single move they do.
So Rein #1 and so far ahead of everyone else you canā€™t even see them, and then #2 and #3 on the list shifts around all the time.

but for Rein all sort of strange stuff has always happened.
His charge works on some stair/curbs but not others and you will be stopped 100% cold like you just hit a wall, not a pebble. His hammer had bugs for a while with connecting. Then we had a sound bug for hammer hits for a chunk of time.
His shatter had issue with corners and doors (still dislikes doors). Then it was up some stairs but not others and issue of height.
His charge will pull players in that he seemed to miss but then you turn around and bounce others away. Charge a sleeping person on the ground and watch them just bounce off, even when not moving.

Even now if you charge certain areas of the map and hit a wall, your view point goes straight up in to the air.
Iā€™m going to guess his over all programing, for what his role and abilities are in game, is just not that easy to nail down.


Rein, Doomfist, Mei. Poor things are riddled with them.

Could also add Sombra to that.

idk atm, but historically, rein and doomfist and dva.
rein because of earthshatter and charge
doomfist for a bunch of issues with his whole kit
dva because h ttps://kotaku.com/d-va-makes-life-difficult-for-overwatchs-developers-1824292820
honorable mentions:
sombra, sym, reaper teleports, and mei wall for out of bounds shenanigans
sombra again for other stuff with translocator
roadhog for hook 1.0
genji for triple jump and the dash ledge grab launch thing

If Iā€™m not mistaken, the developers have said before that D.Va is the most bug prone hero. Apparently she breaks a lot because of her two-in-one hero design.

Has to be Roadhog surely. His hook half the time doesnā€™t show, the chain cuts out. Itā€™s been an issue for so long, I dunno why itā€™s not fixed. Heā€™s still usable, but I donā€™t think any hero bugs out as much as Roadhog does with his hook.

I think a lot of people claim itā€™s a bug when they muck up lol and I agree sudden changes in latency.

Sombra, Doomfist and BOB.

I think theyā€™ve worked pretty hard on bugs over the last half year or so and it shows. The only one Iā€™m aware of still for Widow that happen too frequently are:

  • Grapple hook still picks very weird surfaces sometimes but itā€™s way better than it used to be and more forgiving too.
  • She has SMG firing sound on respawning sometimes for no reason (didnā€™t die using SMG or anything). Clicking SMG briefly fixes it.

Iā€™m not sure vs the megathread how many they fixed but I do not notice those ones too much since I canā€™t remember them. itā€™d still be good for them to take a look at any bug megathread tho and try to resolve them.

Hit reg seems to be better now and that was the definite #1.

Doom is probably the most buggy, but youā€™d think itā€™d be hammond since he has even more physics than doomfist but I they did a good job with him far as I know.

MoSt Of ThOsE ArE LaTeNcY ReLaTeD

Symmetra for sure. The teleporter is like 90% bugs by weight.

Ashe still has some sort of weird aiming issue going on, and Bob is kind of buggy, or at least doesnā€™t act as expected quite often.

After that I donā€™t knowā€¦ Maybe Sombra or Doomfist.