The Great Mercy Raid™
Personally I think its mostly Ana, Ashe, Bap, Bastion, Brig, D.Va, Doomfist, Echo, Genji, Hanzo, Junkrat, Lucio, McCree, Mei, Mercy, Moira, Orisa, Pharah, Reaper, Rein, Roadhog, Sigma, Soldier, Sombra, Symmetra, Torb, Tracer, Widow, Winston, Wrecking Ball, Zen Mains in here with a few Mauga, JunkerQueen, Jetpack Cat, Mama Hong, Timmy Mains here and there.
sym mercy genji doom. maybe dva
A half year ago I would have said Mercy but right now it feels like we have a ton of genji and other DPS players that antagonize support players (like Mercy main) and still think that they are “suppressed” even tho they are the majority.
Tank mains are so rare that I would not call them “represented”.
if in terms of size then sym’s obvs out of the picture (legit not many people main sym). mercy’s a high contender but then there’s always the typical hitscan mains to compete.
It used to be mercy she’s back, now I think it might be Genji
I feel like the mercy mains and genji mains would be on here more due to the want for a smaller hit box for both of them, (might just be my friends who say that but considering that 2 of them main mercy and genji i don’t know) Me as a Hog Main don’ really have any complaints so i’m not here often.
Brig, Sym, mercy
Mercy sym and maybe sombra
Anything but brig mains…
I do see a lot of Moira’s, tbh.
The mercy main population is growing, soon we will outnumber you, submit to the mercy overlords
I mean there’s so many types of mercy mains because their’s so many mercy mains in general, ngl it’s more just which type of mercy is this person, so no mercy mains will not become a problem, I’d say that while for example most genji mains would agree on a lot of things(buffs mostly) Mercy mains tend to be very different(because it’s such a large community) but as I said, I don’t think Mercy mains or any mains in general will ever do like mercy raid stuff again. It’s mostly just some hero’s mains being generalized as annoying(symmetra mains)
Symm Mercy Brig
Genji mains are few, but very vocal
Genji, definitely - so many weebs whining about Moira.
Would be nice if the Rein players would stop demanding every other tank be nerfed the second Reins not king of the meta.
Cant say that I agree with that.
When polls are done tanks are always overrepresented. As you said, that could just be people lying though. However, the data here A fun large overwatch survey! (Over 600 responses!) (Now with raw data) (credit to Yourself, such a good source of data) also seems to suggest that tanks are overrepresented. I cant see huge numbers dps players filling in this kind of poll and lying just to trick everyone.
For example on the questions about which heroes should get small buffs, Dva, Rein and Winston are the top picks. Not Sym, Bastion or any of the other F tier dps. But the tanks who should have the smallest population and who aren’t performing anywhere near as badly. Apart from maybe Dva.
When asked about large buffs, Rein is top. Beating Bastion and Sym. This kind of data is so strange to read while also trying to assume that tanks are the smallest group on the forums.
There are far more interesting points but everything does seem to indicate that dps as a group are dead last on the forums.
Genji, otherwise I don’t get all the hate for Brig, Moira and Mercy.
Doom mains are by far the most vocal in here. Which coincides with their ingame attitude. Which is being total man childs and whining