Which mains dominate the fourms?

As an old sym main I am here to contaminate this thread


Good luck with that, but the thread was started by a Sym main.

That is actually pretty funny now that I think about it.


In the past Iā€™d say Mercy/Dva but I suspect many have diversified into Brig and Moira, or left the game. While I do think that they can still be considered a coherent bloc, I think we need a fresh survey at this point. I dug around a bit and itā€™s been quite a while since the last one.

Iā€™m considering pinging @Yourself to see if theyā€™re inclined to do it lol

Ayyyyy *starts blasting EDM drops*


That is a great idea, would like to see the results.

Umm is supports that arenā€™t ana and zen a good answer ?

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Symmetra 20 characters


crabs in a bucket and all that

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Zman in their prime between all of that.


Worse than a failure. If anything it just showed how stupid the Overwatch community can be lol

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There might be a hero that most forum players find themselves on, but I donā€™t think any ā€˜x hero mainā€™ dominates the forums.


mercy and ana, sym and tracer, rein and dva.

Genji, Mercy, Brigitte and Symmetra Mains


Support mains in generalā€¦

(Thereā€™s a reason why this place doesnā€™t in any way represent the actual player base if Overwatch)


Mercy>Brig>Dva>Sym and thatā€™s why never take the forums seriously, NO ONE HERE WANTS BALANCE, they want thier own hero to be a must pick and others throw pick so they can climb to GM as they believe although they are all golds, they deserve GM and are only stuck because bad balance.


Salty mains. Most definitely salty mains.


Sombra mains you just donā€™t see them as they scrub everything.

I feel like Brig mains probably make up a lot of the forums, considering any post that criticises Brig gets immediately raided by hoardes of them.

Sym, Mercy, Brig, Moira, Bap, D.Va
Roughly in this order, which is why ANY healer nerf floods the forums with ā€œNERF ANA AS WELLā€ threads

Tanks and Supports, that for sure.

But if we are looking into something more specific, it used to be Sym and Mercy.

A neverending battle between Mercy and Genji mains, with special shootouts to Rein, Moira, Symmetra, and Doomfist.

I think itā€™s mostly supports vs dps here, with a lot of ā€œtankā€ mains being obvious dps mains masquerading as tanks because they think it helps their opinion.