Which forum-goers do you like the most?

Sorry, sorry, sorry… :wink:

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Whoa, Catchphrase isn’t doing okay?
That’s not good. Reinhardts need to be in optimal condition.

I think (it’s been a while) mine started with my IRL friends using it as a nickname for me so I just started to run with it and use it for all my games.

Seems like I made a lot of people’s lists. Thanks :yellow_heart:
Either I’m a decent guy with decent ideas, or I just spend way too much time on here…

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Most liked:
1.) Cnflagration with 73
2.) Soleil with 65
3.) Ninthfriend with 60
4.) CoolUsername with 52
5.) Swagganomics & Ceres (EMc73) tired with 39

Basically the Tracer crowd. :sweat_smile: :+1: :sunglasses: Some are missing from the list, too, like Archon, Joshua, Joey, TwinSnickers, and some other memorable faces (or avatars :P).

As far as other posters I like seeing, there’s a lot of you. Wabba, Andough, Chibi, Jinx, etc. (I could never name them all).

I also find Thrillo’s conversations kinda interesting, but I can never tell if he likes me or dislikes me. XD Ah well, fun myestery, that. lol

Overall this forum is a pretty whacky and fun community. I don’t get why everyone says it’s so toxic. Like for every bad post, there are 10 good / funny ones. :heart:


Hey, remember that really dumb story about where my name came from?

Well here’s the full version, in all its stupid glory.

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yep just checked. zence by a giant margin, then darthwinston, hana, fritz, magy, and jessicka

Thanks mate! :smiley:

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gang gang gang gang

wait someone actually said me?

im flattered :flushed:

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totally fine with gang gang just as long as im not forced by use of handgun to become darthcelsius

ngl not one person has me in their top five bc nobody even knows who i am… not sure if thats good or bad

I guess Terranguard, GreyFalcon, ChibiFox and TREB are my most liked.
Don’t judge my Bastion mains list please.


I see your name all the time, silly

But my top five lists are all dominated by primarily Megaythread people (due to, of course, the drama of it all) and a few D.Va players.

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me too honestly i just am part of the dva cult except my pc (which i literally have never played on) icon is shown over my ps4 winky face one

I’ll give you a few links for things I grabbed and general instructions.

Tattoo aftercare instructions

The Aftercare Kit I Grabbed

It’s a good starting point and not too difficult. Important thing that the instructions forgot is everything has to be scent free and after it starts healing, your skin will peel. Don’t peel the skin, let it come off when you wash :smiley:

Edit: When you go to take off the bandage, if it sticks take a lightly damp cloth and dab it to get it off.

The bastion main likes other bastion players, as expected XD


That must be nice, us Mercy mains hate each other. And everyone else. And everyone hates us. And we hate ourselves.

Insert that Simpsons meme about Scotland…

I don’t hate you :slight_smile:

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Well it’s not my fault you’re a bad judge of character :stuck_out_tongue:
I guess there’s always some exceptions to the rule though.

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