Which forum-goers do you like the most?

They got banned?? Was that the one that Ariarose jumped on? lmao

Iā€™m 5ā€™6-5ā€™7. Not short, but for a while I used to want to be taller since tall IS beautiful. Now I donā€™t care, my body plan has loads of perks.

Like I donā€™t ever deal with this ^^

Iā€™ve always liked my talent for fitting into tight places anyway like an octopus

My favorite question.

I love the synth heavy 80ā€™s music I grew up with.

Flying Lizards invented trap music 40 years early when the made a song about money XD.

But I also love what the current generation is doing with those sounds.

Check out these remixes:

But I also love the hardcore rap my Dad introduced to me:

(Official unofficial Roadhog theme song)

I do also enjoy that song about a granite crustacean.


isnā€™t that why he stopped posting?

i thought maybe assumed he got banned


You know who else lives in cryogenic chambers? Not Captain Oparaā€¦

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Walt Disneyā€™s brain

Simpler times

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how tall are you?
i lost the mountain quote and i dont care to find it bc my phone did a dumb but anyways

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so i decided to waste even more time and put like an attribute or reason i know of each person on my list

always is friendly and fun and wants bastion fixed

emojis and positivity

idk? rationality? just overall a nice and chill person to talk to

like forum dad

forum emojis and etc

rework and ideas man

junkrat girl

mosy bannable person, also wears a lucio icon when hes a doom main

those rebalance threads i love

dont tell me to swap off widow

the octopus icon

civil and understanding sym mains alsoā€¦ GOLD

not much else to say has the cutest doggo (also hero idea threads)

At least over 6 feet, last i measured.

But that was around a year or two ago.

same here like 6ā€™1"

also i think im one of the younger ones on the forum

but frick im getting old

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All really cool people to talk with- none of them want my favorite character to be garbage regardless of what they play. 'Cept ChibiFox. ChibiFox is loved for the above reason and also because theyā€™re also a fox. #FoxLyfe

Love them like I love the people at the store I shop at. Friendly faces I have yet to hang out with.


He either got banned, or unofficially left the forums

i think hes just taking a break from the forums

ā€¦your icon has changed. You were in the tattoo conversation too right? The one worried about the infection aspect?

We all need those from time to time

Yup. I changed my Icon because I love Hamster atm- and me and Lucio have been at odds all thanks to the rollout nerf. But yeaā€¦
still scared.

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My dad is a solid 8 inches taller than me. And he isnā€™t that much older

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  1. Wyoming

  2. Bendubz

  3. Antibravo

  4. Iloveyou

These forum contributors have the most likes from me.

My favorite forum contributors include:

Iloveyou (I feel like we are kindred OW spirits)

Kornmeal (seems like a good person)

Areocrypt (Junkrat main and happy to tell you)

Tactician (has the most bizarre ideas, like I thought he or she was a troll at first, so the content is always entertaining.)

Me (I am the most bipolar forum goer in my opinion)


Donā€™t be :slightly_smiling_face: my first session is on the 5th, Iā€™m getting nervous lol

Heh. Alright alright. Iā€™m actually a wee bit excited to get my first tattoo.

Only thing Iā€™m really scared about was infection- buuuuut I ended up thinking about what you said, and decided *ā€œInfections happen because of stupid. Youā€™re not stupid, so the infection wonā€™t have a chance to happen.ā€ Telling myself that- in most instances of anxiety, help me greatly to process how I do things.

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Also, where did you get your name from?

It reminds me of one of those PEZ candies

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I will always miss Aerocrypt