Which forum-goers do you like the most?

me too honestly i just am part of the dva cult except my pc (which i literally have never played on) icon is shown over my ps4 winky face one

I’ll give you a few links for things I grabbed and general instructions.

Tattoo aftercare instructions

The Aftercare Kit I Grabbed

It’s a good starting point and not too difficult. Important thing that the instructions forgot is everything has to be scent free and after it starts healing, your skin will peel. Don’t peel the skin, let it come off when you wash :smiley:

Edit: When you go to take off the bandage, if it sticks take a lightly damp cloth and dab it to get it off.

The bastion main likes other bastion players, as expected XD


That must be nice, us Mercy mains hate each other. And everyone else. And everyone hates us. And we hate ourselves.

Insert that Simpsons meme about Scotland…

I don’t hate you :slight_smile:

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Well it’s not my fault you’re a bad judge of character :stuck_out_tongue:
I guess there’s always some exceptions to the rule though.

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I’m not too terribly bad, but everyone makes mistakes lol

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Seriously! Thank you. Good to know there are some forumers who’re so adamant to help- especially about a topic that barely concerns the forum’s basis.

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Fortunately Mercy’s job is literally undoing everyone’s mistakes and watching them do it all over again :smiley:

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Dont worry wabba, I might not give out too many hearts, at least not that recently, but I still like you.

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I’ll add you so we can keep in touch about it. I have no problem helping out and easing concerns about tattoos or other things I have experience with. I’ll let you know how my session goes in 2 weeks so I can give you a general idea about the first experience.

How could we not recognize you? You’re practically everywhere and most conversations if not all are pretty pleasant.

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That’s actually pretty cool of you. Thanks man! Hopefully we can game together sometime and share the experience when I…do it. x.x

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It’s really refreshing to not talk about forum drama on the forums sometimes, so thank you lol

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No one else uses the Erlenmeyer icon here tbh


That too. Icons help and it’s why I’ll never change my icon not that I would anyway, Hanzo is pretty hot


Part of the reason why I switched to Cuterisa. No one uses it


Didn’t you recently change it? Wasn’t it Garrosh in the “Academy DVa is sorta gross” thread, or was that another Darth…

I was Garrosh for a while, Catcher Winston for a while… I think my longest stretch was, uh…Cute Winston? I was the Zandalar icon for a while too. Gotta keep the forum on their toes

I’m the new Baptiste icon in game hehehehhe