Widow because one shot primary
Nah it’s just Widow. If you’re hitting every shot, Widow is definitely the best and no one else compares
He never said Tracer maps. He said Widow maps. Why edit a quote for no reason just to make a new complaint about a character lmfao
Honestly I’m convinced that you hate Tracer because you don’t have the skill to play her. Just based on your arguments. Toast doesn’t like Tracer either but he doesn’t go out of his way to constantly complain about her, nor does he claim she’s easy. You’re salty, aren’t you?
Widow, or Cass with a pocket
I read it as ‘‘Tracer and Widow in their maps’’.
Ultimately nothing changes… so why make a fuss about it. Tracer is still always good regardless of map and there are still no maps where Tracer is actively bad.
wow that’s a great answer.
I’m curious, you said Cassidy but not Soldier, any particular reason?
And that’s how EVERY hero should be. Your point?
Undoubtedly widow. Not even close. Tracer second.
I mean if we are going to talk about this topic then let me start by pointing out that its a nice sentiment to have!
If it was applied equally and not only to popular hitscans DPS. Because lets be honest, if heroes like Sym or Mei were viable in as many situations as Tracer is strong in, they would get nerfed in 5 days again.
Either no one is situational or everyone should be.
Because those heroes are flawed in that they become balance issues in specific situations OR are simply all around cancerous when meta. Making heroes strong in all situations means you have to remove their niches to make them fairly evenly good across all maps. Because what you left out is that Tracer, while not having many “bad” maps, has no “good” maps like a specialist hero either.
Mei can’t be good without at least a mini rework because she makes Tank feel much worse to play and we need people on that role to keep queue times good.
But yes, all heroes should be designed to be fairly equal on all maps. That would require reworks though, not just blindly buffing niche heroes.
In your opinion.
Because there is no proof that either claim is true other than the words of a Tracer main that loves when the meta is stagnant and about her.
In fact the one time that Symmetra was anywhere close to being meta she was there to stop Double Shields… which popular DPS mains also hated and called cancer.
Is there anything that popular DPS mains dont hate? Aside their own heroes? lol
Almost every map is a good Tracer map because the devs have outright said they design the maps and balance around her being always good.
Ah yes, the usual ‘‘lets blame Mei for tanks not wanting to play’’ despite that A. you cant just balance around coddling Rein/Hog onetricks and B. tank queue was an issue because of years of tank nerfs for the crime of countering popular DPS mains.
…yes. Yes there is. Sym is a niche hero with specific maps that work better for her. If she’s buffed to be good on every map, her good maps make her a must pick there.
Mei is hated by most Tank mains because her entire kit is designed around making that role miserable.
Your bias can’t change fact.
Almost every map is neutral. Tracer has two bad maps and the rest are fairly even. She doesn’t have an equivalent to Junk or Sym’s Lijiang.
No one is blaming her for Tanks not wanting to play. Just acknowledging the fact that even LESS would play if Mei was good, and that’s not something the devs can afford right now.
Tank queue was an issue because being a meat shield was always going to be less popular than being an assassin or a healer.
There is currently no map where Sym is a must pick as a DPS hero.
As a team TP slave, to be quickly swapped for Tracer? There are 1 or 2. But that does not excuse her being so dogcrap awful.
‘‘Niche’’ is just codeword for weak and nerfed. Sym became more ‘‘niche’’ and less played the more she was nerfed.
Mei is hated because Dva and Rein mains dominate the tank experience narrative and god forbid someone counters either.
But you wont find tank players that know how to swap and hate Mei to the point that they actually think she should get dumpstered forever and turned into a generic hitscan shooty shoots.
Its funny how you think that your bias is law.
At the end of the day you are just as biased as the rest of the playerbase lol
I guess that when you are used to being privileged, good maps look neutral.
Ah yes, the roles of OW. Meat shield, skillful assassin, and healbot.
The mind of a Tracer player is as always an essay in self serving delusion.
Reading my post would help a bit here, love.
Sym has good maps. Actual good maps, where she’s significantly better than normal. If Sym is buffed to perform well everywhere, what do you think would happen on those maps?
Mei is hated because wall is a cancerous ability and slows feel like grinding your balls against sandpaper. It’s not JUST Rein and Dva. It’s most Tanks, because Mei forces ALL of them to play differently and in a less fun way. And alienating Tanks right now is not an option.
I wasn’t speaking from bias. You were. So…
Good maps are maps where the hero performs better on average. Tracer doesn’t have those. Stop with the victim complex.
Those are the archetypes, yes. Obviously you don’t play the roles exactly like that, but the general idea is the point.
All you do is whine and complain about a game you apparently don’t even PLAY. Most Sym mains are chill people so I won’t stereotype your main, but you specifically are genuinely a pathetic individual.
While that’s true on most maps it’s not realistically achievable and the inconsistency puts Tracer back in the #1 spot. Tracers highs definitely aren’t as high as Widows on a map like Circuit but overall she’s the most consistent carry dps on most maps. Generally speaking it’s Tracer as the hardest carry on everything not a Widow map but on those maps Widow is God tier.
Nah because OP said if you’re a god
I agree it’s not realistic but I don’t feel that the topic was either, y’know?
For normal players I somewhat agree, although it depends on the comp because Tracer can’t force kills particularly well. But going off of someone constantly hitting crazy shots, the one tap primary just makes it an easy choice
Anyone who currently has a positive win rate in the role.
Which would basically be; Tracer, Reaper, Venture and Ashe across most or nearly all tiers of play.
Torbjorn also fits here too, but eh… I dunno if he would have the capability to carry whole teams anymore, even if you were godly.
Yeah but I hate hypotheticals
This is why I dislike very, very broad discussions like this. Tracer is the best dps in general but situationally she isn’t. Obviously…It’s a silly discussion but I stand by the correct answer being Widow on her maps then Tracer everywhere else unless we want to start doing a map by map and comp break down Then it gets far more complicated because Tracer isn’t the best everywhere into everything but is generally going to be a top pick more than other heroes.
Hypothetically, what if you didn’t
Y’know what? Fair.