Which characters do you hate fighting against (even if in your head you know their balanced)

For me, it’s Junkrat. I always feel super cheesed out when I get taken out by a grenade from halfway across the zone.

EDIT: Yeah, tracer too, though both of these characters are weak and need buffs. Maybe the only people that play these two are just really really good lul


God, what is it with the Junk hate on the forums lately??

I personally hate Pharah… a lot

EDIT: This forum is full of filthy Junk haters :pensive:, see ya


tbh, I know the junkrat is a bit weak even, I just don’t like fighting him (prolly cause I main supports)

Junkrat as well…always feels like I died to random luck more often than actual skill…

So junkrat buff is exactly what I wanted :confounded:

Honorable mention to Moira, mei, current reaper and brig

He’s always been hated. It’s just that he’s mostly disappeared from the game (thankfully).

Doomfist, Sombra, Mei, Tracer, Bastion.

mmmmmm tracer and sombra…

I also despise Junkrat. His kills feel cheap and his gameplay involves hopping around the point with the primary fire button held down and occasionally throwing out mines to steal kills from his teammates. He’s probably my least favorite character in the game, despite having a fair number of hours on him.

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Genji, as soon as he is low he just gtfo with a cheap dash and deflect.

Junkrat, Tracer and Moira

Mostly Genji and Pharah. Current Reaper is annoying as hecc too.

Tracer weak? Are you crazy? She is still op.


That’s it, just him. But I REALLY hate Hanzo.


Pharah is my most hated as I usually use Brig and she only has one ability to keep her away unless she starts to land. That being said I practiced booping Pharah in the sky for an hour or so and she’s been a lot less of a challenge for me now.

i cant get close to him because he will hook me and one shot me every time I try to charge my beam.
I hate him so much.

Hanzo. Everytime i try to duel one hes a god amongst men in gettin headshots even though i just play in plat.

Mei. I just want to play the videogame, and her whole shtick is that you don’t get to do that.

Gives me flashbacks to WOW frost mages :frowning:

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I mean, the players that still play tracer now in this day and age are really good and dedicated to the character. But like, half the roster hard counters her (and the other half are either supports or are completely unviable in today’s meta)

I know he’s statistically balanced, but I just don’t like the oneshot on his primary fire, especially if the Hanzo player is just spamming it without any proper aim. Speaking of spamming, I dislike his Storm Arrow as well.

But he’s balanced so I’m not asking for Hanzo changes.



Nothing fun at all about dying to a 0.1 chargeup mechanic at 10% strength or whatever.

Or genji dash. (seriously, delete this skill)