Which characters do you hate fighting against (even if in your head you know their balanced)

Hanzo arrows around corners. Hate that BS.

Ana, she scares me. I don’t think i’ve been slept more than once, but more Ana’s have killed me than Zens.

Pharah is very annoying if you’re not a dps main because the other roles have very limited options to interact with her.

Symmetra. Sentries are annoying, and enemies shoot me in the back when I’m shooting at sentries.

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Without a doubt Doomfist. I’ve kinda turned it into something comical, though. Like how Ragg Tagg hates Hanzo. Or… hated? I haven’t watched his videos in a long time. :thinking:

That dumb face i can hear it now,

“a gift”
“a gift”
“a gift”
“a gift, for you”


wraith, her hitbox is basically cheating.

A classic, one of my personal favorites right now is

“I choose you, SAKE!”

Or “My ultimate is SAKE!”

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there is not a single char that counters tracer? She can’t just get thorugh the armor. Thats not a counter

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Widow and Hanzo. I don’t care how much “skill” it takes to consistently delete someone before they have a chance to fight back. It’s still deleting someone before they have a chance to fight back.

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Brigitte, Mei

Both of these are very oppressive. When they’re in too close you’re already dead. I feel they’re even more frustrating than a reaper up close

Any hero that requires extreme skill to master. Probably cause I’m bitter and I don’t have the luxury of doing the same since I’m always filling… Why I got a faster pc to load quicker and still let everyone else pick their characters is a mystery to me.

Def trashrat. If I die to him I guarantee you he didn’t even know I was there in the kill feed. It literally bounced off a pillar and landed where I was waiting for my team to regroup. KILL IT WITH POISON

Hanzo definetly

And i cant make up my mind to see is he’s balanced lol