Where ow1 the game I and many payed for

Seriously just give back our game, the one with less way less cheaters, less bugs, and less greed on blizzgreeds behalf.

Yesterday you said tomorrow.


So for staters.

The game is still here. OW2 has all the modes, skins and heroes and the like. It is very much a continuation.

Just in a different format no different then going from no-limit, hero-lock, and to 2-2-2. We saw loads of reworks for nearly every hero well before the 2 got slapped on.

And considering that china banned loot boxes, and the US had bi-partison support to regulate such if the Games market didn’t sort themselves out. Loot boxes would have gone the way of the dodo for being part of one of the companies being directly threaten by such.

You still have the game. It’s a live service it’s going to change.

I’m up for older versions of the characters/maps/modes being in the workshop tho.


I’m an advocate for keeping OW2 and 5v5 but with a separate “Overwatch Classic” client.

Only heroes and abilities as of 2021, 6v6, 2cp in rotation, possibly skins carried over from OW2 client but thats it besides maybe anti-cheat

also, OW classic will only be updated with fixes and such. just the 2021 game permanently


let me kindy stop you there.

-Ow1 way less bugs
-cheaters got punished
-way more mic users, and people would crack jokes without snowflakes getting their panties up in a bunch.
-A vary respectable SR ranking system as well better system with finding teams for both sides.
-better balance all around.
-Orissa had a shield, a grav-orb and her ult boosted all her teammates damage
-Zaria was better balanced then
-waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay less server lag if any at all!
-there was only 1 type of currency you got by winning comp games
-way less leavers
-you could leave quick play without punishment.
-more maps.
-mercy could rez twice
-mei could freeze players with her gun (and ult) where as now she just slows you down

So no the game is not “still here” its gone and many people want their game back.


You can kick and scream all you want, but you are almost 2 years too late to the discussion. Next time, read the terms and conditions.


Where Jet Moto?

Where’s Battleborn, the game people paid for in 2016
Where’s Lawbreakers, the game people paid for in 2018
Where’s Symphonica, the game people paid for in 2017

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difference is those games were dead when they pulled the plug - overwatch wasnt. but good job standing up for modern gaming cancer - here is a gold star.


Sadly that was never our game, we paid to access the game, not to possess it. Is in the firsts lines of the EULA

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You didn’t have to pay again for OW2. It changed over time. And thank goodness it did or we would still be walking into 5xTorb 1xBastion defences.

Pfft OW released to a metrix ton of bugs, not limited to hooking you from behind walls, animations getting stuck, tracer rewinding into the pay load permentently soft locking that round as she can’t be killed their, d.va demeching into the top of the sky box and falling for like a minute or two back into the map, or just straight up crashing games outright on use of bomb or remech. Sym’s TP / turrets getting placed in map geometry making them invinicble, sym/sombra TP out of the map in several locations, Doom fist hit detection was wonkey for years, Riens shatter crawling over the payload hitting Pharah out of the sky. And I can go on!.

Still do, like they announced a ban wave every few months. And are now tackling the Xim users on console. So no more M+S on console.

Pfft ya no if you weren’t in groups mic’s would be dead in most ranks. Doubly so on console.

Yet it was reworked like 10 times over it’s life span and people still complained about it even at the end of OW’s life span.

Oh yes getting stuck in mirror match meta’s that worked on nearly every map, and didn’t change for months. got to love your favorite characters not being playable for most of OW life span.

And wasn’t played for years after released, as dive just ate her team behind her. And she really couldn’t do jack all to save them. And was just pumped with stats for years attempting to like force her into relevance.

Their was an issue with PS players for abit, but their is less stress per server at the moment. And less people complaining about shots that not registoring. Or just servers in general crashing.

uhhh no, the penalties in placed made leavers drop from like 1/3 of your games to something rarely happens at all.

So which is it? or they staying or they leaving? or are the one being the issue here?

Ahhh all the old maps are here in OW2, plus we had loads of releases since then so this just objectively wrong.

That got patched out in OW1 like years before OW2, and hasn’t been a thing for ages now.

Mei significantly more playable, as like the damage she has now actually makes her a threat to groups of players. And dps/support duo’s that she can line up.

In any rank like that was above mid gold. It would have been an extreamly rare sight to see see people actually freeze, and for said freezed players to actually die. As it was very easy to peel, cleanse, block, dash, and more to keep it from ever triggering.

TLDR nestolga googles are glued to your face.

I think people would be disappointed in a classic client when they found that every match had hour-long queues at best due to nobody playing. I almost wish they would implement it just to prove to the community that they don’t really want that.

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I played OW 1 up until OW 2 release and you’re straight up lying about the “hour long queues” and I was in High Masters.


It wouldn’t be my first suggestion; I’d prefer if 5v5 and the whole “Overwatch 2” branding were completely erased, so we may think it all a mere bad dream.

But now I am starting to think it might be best to just make OW1 available again, and let the players choose what they want. I can get as far away from OW2 as possible and 5v5ers will have no reason to complain, since they will get to keep their game.

In a way, everyone wins.


Yep, lol.

Usually when I think of OW1, I think of the 15 minute queues, and quitting the game due to them.

And honestly, even if they did somehow fix queue times, I’d still choose OW2.

That’s not what I said, bud. Hold your horses.

I promise I played OW1 more than anyone in here, and I know the queues weren’t that bad then. What I said was, if they split the game into two different clients, OW2 and OW classic, the queues for classic would be that long, because everyone would be playing OW2 instead.

I don’t think anyone but the most masochist among us would play OW 2. So that wouldn’t be a problem.


ow1 ive seen only 3 cheaters in my whole time playing and had over one-thousand hrs.
ow2 almost every game, blizzard says they band cheaters but they don’t due to profit.

Its forced crossplay, still 1 out of 10 games one person has a mic.

sound like you didn’t know how to play as her. she was my #1 played character for the fact she had great team support, not to mention her ult was nice.

And? if corssplay wasn’t forced this would be less of an issue. Players didn’t want corssplay but we still got it. So lets make the lag bad for everyone? by now blizzard should have fixed this.

for me its 5/10 comp games my worst yet is ten. TEN games back to back someone on my teams leaves for whatever reason. Thats not rare its an on going issue, however there are plenty of great solutions brought up by the players but blizzard ignores their supporters.

Its quick play for F-sakes why punish the players for a mode that was deigned for a fast warm up/ time killer or whatever. If it was comp then definitely punishment is in order.

keep t old and added the new.

Thats the issue.

Fair point, but I disagree on one thing top 500 I’ve seen plenty of freezing, highly common through out the rest of the ranks.

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Ya no, if this was true you should be able to send several replay codes right now displaying such.

Which considering I can say with confidence of my own gameplay the loads of gameplay that exists online right now, you can watch for free. Actual cheaters are a rare sight.

I think what your experiencing is the more open nature ow2 and the likely hood of people having more space to engage you directly. Where just attack you and ignore the defensive tools of the one tank. Which isn’t a bad thing, this more or less what the game was original designed and played like in the early ow.

??? not sure your implying, but no actual open air mikes became a rare oddity over time. Common-ish at the start of OW1, by the end was like none existent.

Cross play or not, your were mostly getting dead silent games. Especailly in QP were your actually see crossplay between pc/console as a thing.

Sounds you like you been playing in the kiddy pool of lower ranks for a long chunk of time. Only time Mei was remotely consistent was post GOATs ubber buffs, and really early in OW’s history when no one knew how to play around anything.

The former had more to do with her wall trapping tanks cutting them off from healing and defensive tools from the supports and other tank. The freeze only really ever came into play at the end of fights when tanks were dead or in her ult plays.

Like the moment a barrier or god for bid two barriers were in play (zarya bubbles counts), then your ability to freeze anything was near zilch if the enemy was actually paying attention to you.

You have zero idea how crossplay works do you? because for the most part the data that’s sent to the server and back to the player isn’t branded or specifc to a console. It’s basically a fancy excel sheet with the coordinates of players/projectiles, detailing if their respective players shot something to the rest of the over players. And the basic stats and states of everything involved.

Also your now shifting something you claimed as an OW2 issue to a Crossplay issue which existed in OW1.

I highly doubt that, as unless you specifically are being a problem that no one wants to be around.

Then the likely hood of people risking suspensions that will cut them off from playing the game. To leave as much as your saying they are, is simply well saying a third or more of player base is basically been banned for weeks or months at this time.

since that isn’t happening it’s safe to say you are lying in this case.

And it sounds like you are the leaver more so then anyone else is.

Also to your question, leavers ruin games that are perfectly playable. As they leave usually in the first fight or two, before alot of the momentum and come back mechanics in ults, swaps, and feeling out the enemy playstyle pays off.

Like you are both complaining about leavers, and complaining about the system that prevents such.

At this point you just need to self reflect and understand what your complaining about.

Yes it kept the old maps, it is continuation of OW. OW2 only existed for like year or so now. it can’t magically double the map pull in that time frame.

That mercy isn’t OP and broken? ya not thats not an issue, that’s you whining you don’t have a borked mechanic to abuse.

Their specific context to when and where those happen. She isn’t freezing at the starts of the fight, but only after they break down to a point where she has already won. And are more or less just cleaning up after the fact.

I couldn’t really do much to the tank line, or break apart enemy defensives. As it was easily peeled or ignored with self cleansing tools, barrier, a things like tracer blink/genji dash/ sombra tp.

I’m not referring specifically to the primary fire and not the ult, as works under different mechanics.

Outside of that, mei was on really played in two specific instances and that was early 2-2-2. And the sym/mei strat to lock the attacking team in their spawn, with primarily the wall and stacking slow with sym’s turrets.

As a character that was general viable in top 500 no. like not at all. Right next to rat, torb, sym, and more. Who all struggled to maintain winrates up their.

so much so when the patch to remove performance based SR from diamond ~ top 500 ranks. Loads of said heroes were more or less purged to high plat tapping diamond and going no further.

People said the same thing about WoW classic. “Who’s going to play that? What a dumb idea.”

Granted I dont think overwatch classic is the way to go, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see it be very popular.

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