Where ow1 the game I and many payed for

NOBODY said that, lol. Everyone wanted it, which is why they made it, and consequently, why it was so popular. Not sure where you are getting that people said it was a dumb idea, because I’ve never heard anyone say that. I HAVE heard a lot of people say that OW classic is a dumb idea though.

Yes they did.

A lot of people wanted it.


Ok? You can probably still find a billion threads in the WoW forums.



I looked, I couldn’t find any (I think because you are just making that up). :person_shrugging: Regardless, the amount of success it had/has speaks for itself in how many people wanted it, and were NOT saying “what a dumb idea!”

But even just on these small OW forums, I see about half the people saying OW classic is a bad idea, which also speaks for itself.

I don’t know if the forums purged when WoW classic became a reality, but people dumped all over the idea for years, including Blizzard.

I think OW Classic though is an idea that doesn’t really work. I don’t want to play OW Classic. I want to play 6v6 in OW2. The first thing people ask is what do you consider “classic” OW1? That right there has its problems and about 30 different answers.

No they didn’t. But, we can agree to disagree.

Well, if YOU don’t want to play it, then NO ONE DOES!

I don’t.

Yeah that’s not what I meant, I thought I was agreeing with you that OW Classic doesn’t seem like the right idea.


You’ve made that clear.

rofl maybe it’s time for me to go to bed. I read that as WoW classic

My bad, goodnight

lol sleep well. :wave:

what even is OW “Classic” ?
It is 6v6 no limit ? 6v6 with limit ? or 2/2/2 ?
What are they supposed to do with the heroes that werent there in OW1 ? remove them ? rework them ?
What about game modes ? add back 2CP and remove Push/Flashpoint ?

And then balance and bugfix, do Rein got his 2nd firestrike remove ? Do Genji got his ledge boost back ? What about Rez and Valkerie ?

People keep saying they want “OW Classic” hasnt even spent a minute thinking about it, all they got in their head was “oh i was having fun in 2016 so i want that game back”.

Also let’s stretch the playerbase into 2 different clients, oh boy that would do wonder for the queue times. Probably the fastest way to kill both OW2 and OW Classic at the same time

I don’t know why you wrote all that to me. I don’t want OW2 Classic either.

Im not the only one who knows this also Im sure you know how easy it is to get a new number/email if one was to get band. To add, cheats have become smart (to put it in words). I could turn up my aim lock on by 0.5%, Its unnoticeable to the untrained eye, and in some cases you have to slow down the video, but its a great advantage. Turn up hit box aria by 1.0% … you get the picture. Not every cheater Is noticeable.

I disagree, there are so many variables at play. If the player has terrible aim, this would let you get in close. Corners, pin-holes hand full of ways to freezes players. Not that rare.

Here lets rewind for a sec here, ow1 zero or near zero server lag on PC. Crossplay gets forced but Sony has some server lag.

So what dose blizzard do? they even the playing field by giving everyone some of that lag. Currently I’m dealing with 0.5 second to 1second server lag window that gets me killed. It doesn’t seem that big right?! But its the difference between getting the frag, or getting fragged, leading up to getting Victory or Defeated.

Not my experience, mics almost every game. Sure it thinned out at the end, but still mics, If not, at the least your team was listening in.

Due to the fact It still happens, and I don’t know If its just my games that I get these people but the fact is it happens more often to some of us than you know.

Then where are the old maps?

I guess this comes down more to player preference. Personally, she wasn’t broken.

You can keep trying to take these personal jabs, but the facts still remain.

First game today, server lag and someone left.

You didn’t own the game though, you paid for a license - a pass to participate in whatever devs want to do with the game. So you are not in position to demand anything. You have already agreed with all that happened with the game as you logged in for the first time.

Overwatch 1 is dead just like all of our accounts will be once Overwatch 2 kicks the bucket, assuming Blizzard doesn’t release Overwatch 3.

So getting a new phone number is possible, but it comes at major inconvience that you have to update like a dozen businesses, your family, and friends that it has changed.

Also you can get banned at an IP level, Which includes other accounts that have been used on that IP.

So their main account can get hit at the same time, as well as anyone else on their service playing the game. Or system that had ties to that account.

Like you can in fact like ban a whole computer / console in some cases.

So like if blizz really wanted to… they could basically force you to replace basically everything to play again. (it’s also why you shouldn’t be buying used pre-built PC’s)

So when you get high enough on the ladder, that’s some that simply you will never fine.

Like I specified any rank that’s up from the upper half of gold for a reason. Once you start getting close to plat, people will not have “terrible aim” thats a none factor.

That and like genji’s can dash out of your beam range and onto highground, tracers can blink and rewind from such, sombra can cleanse, reaper can cleanse, snipers will be well out of range, soldier can run out of range the moment he gets tagged, like basically 2/3 the dps/support roster had tools or gameplay styles that highly limited your ability to freeze them.

Tanks will either have mobility, barriers, or a partner to peel for them. Like unless the enemy was rolling in hog, d.va you would have a wall or a zarya bubble that would keep anyone from getting frozen.

Being bad at the game isn’t a argument for the mechanic, because players that remotely understand the game could avoid it with ease.

So I hate to break this to you, but cross play was enabled in OW1. It’s been around long before OW2 was a thing.

that and all versions of OW run on the same servers. It’s not sony servers nor do PlayStations have bad networking.

Their was a glitch that slowed down PS copies of the game for a bit. But that was fixed.

So people opted out of mics over time. It became clear that most players didn’t know what they were talking about or provided useful information. And in many cases just… kind of made the situations worse.

A lot more noise, in a game where you need to hear sound ques to actually avoid getting hit with ults or flanked. That people can be highly toxic, and anyone that streamed would more or less have to mute chat so xxxReapermain doesn’t start spouting cursewords into your viewers.

Sounds like your in the lower ranks. Which is also filled with kids and newer players.

So ya your experience is a lot different then what most of the player base. I would recomend grinding up to upper end of gold ~ plat. Where most of the player base sits at.

2cp is in the arcade, all maps are available in the work shop/custom games. And everything none arcade specific is just in rotation in QP/comp so it might take a bit for you to get your favorite map, because their are just so many to cycle between.

Some of the old arcade maps are rarely used because most event modes are made to play out on the normal gamemodes these days. But are still in the game, and commonly used in workshop modes. That or when something like mei’s snowball offensive rolls back into the game.

I mean you directly stating that you are leaving games, miss understanding the issues PS consoles were having, as well claiming cross play is a major issue and creating server lag, when it’s not as all versions of OW run on the same servers.

You made this big list of issues, admit your part of the issue. Then make wild claims about cheaters and the like.

like give me a game where a cheater pops in, like several if it is as common as you think.

Good point.

This is why we should all support Stop Killing Games.

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yes and no, I can get a new number right now, or 20 new numbers right now and keep the old one. I can set up a custom IP address, little more pain in the ars but still doable. But like ive said before they arent doin much about it because money.

you dont have to brake anything, I was there for it and was one of many that protested against it.

Fun fact I made it to top 500 for about 3 months, what was a shocker to me was Id get all bronze teammates from game to game against all top 500 on the other side but it never was the other way around. Isnt that odd?

I real only play comp, sometimes QP due to the dumb ranking system. Cant play comp with my friends. they should bring back the (find a team) in game, and take down the barrier.

please qwote where I said anything about me leaving comp games.
I did say QP players should be able to leave when ever they need or feel like it

Well we wouldn’t be having this debate if it wasn’t that big of an issue.
I have been posting up videos of cheaters on here, though for some reason blizzard keeps taking them down, however that’s no excuse Ill see if I can get some of the more obvious ones. Ill send some Codes.


We can watch people get ban mid game. Let alone see loads of people complaining here and on reddit about their accounts getting banned. Doubly so when blizz announces ban waves.

People cheating don’t put money into accounts they cheat on. And will remove such as it’s making the game worse for every players, which can cause them to leave the game.

Their is zero finacial benefit of keeping cheaters.

also you can ban hardware to, so like you can turn the 1000+ pc into the rubbish, with your main account in tow. Plus ruin the accounts of family and friends at the same time with an Ip ban ontop of such.

And it do anything doubly so in comp where their is no cross play to speak of.

Don’t beleive that for a moment. You talk like you never made it off silver. Doubly so if your comming across players that can’t escape a mei freeze or aim at all for that matter.

Then you don’t play with Cross play on in most cases.

No just leaving QP games, your complaining about the leavers penalty. Then complained about leavers as a whole.

correct, it just unfun OW1 tho


For me most of OW1 was unfun.

It changed from a game where individual hero interactions via 1v1 or duo combo’s creating loads of unique scenarios and ways to play around each other.

To you being a component of a machine to either set up the dps ults, or sustain them till they get them. And kind of just watch the game break down in the same way for like 4~5ish years.

5v5 brings back what I loved about OW at it’s release. And never want the game to go back.

so they took a game people liked and tried to make it for people who didnt…

no wonder the state of OW is what it is