Where is Jeff Kaplan

Jeff wasn’t even the head of game balance,and neither is Aaron.

Oh… Image that theres an another studio and they anouced new game and sayed yea on this game is working Jeff Kaplan.

Image PPL drop ow for game that Papa Jeff working 🥲

He’s probably working on Everquest 3 jk. But iirc he was hired because of how knowledgeable and passionate he was about that game.

didn’t he start out as a writer I bet he is writing a novel.

Probably rolling around on the floor pretending to be Junkrat’s ultimate like he used to do at those New Year’s parties.

…I miss Dinoflask’s edits of his developer updates.

How would your life be different if he “put out a statement”?
Why should he even care?

Why should chris metzen care? Why should mike morhaim care? Its not about me, its about not being a weasel its and giving a sincere apology to people who were affected. Tbh i wouldnt believe him if he put out a statement unless he confessed. The guy left like a rat at a very good time. How will he acknowledge that?

He may be restricted to discuss anything Blizzard for “x years” or he may just don’t care about it.

He went on to get a career in wrestling, I heard. Supposedly the best wrestler in the world. His catchphrase he got from an old YouTube friend of his.