Where is Jeff Kaplan

After leaving Blizzard he just kinda fell off the Earth.

Haven’t seen him on a podcast, a post leave interview, surprising people on stream, a tweet, a Facebook post, a Tiktok vid. Nothing, he just disappeared.

Has anyone heard from Jeffy boy?


Probably spending time with friends and family like he deserves.


He’s probably home drinking some cold ones with the boys :sunglasses:


He retired, idk why so many people thought he had big plans and we would see him on other games after ow


Jeff notoriously has no known internet presence if I remember correctly. No twitter, facebook or anything like that (that people know of).

He just seems like a kinda private guy who’s content to do his own thing. I would assume he’s either gone to work on other projects that we will hear of eventually, or perhaps had enough money left to just retire. He could have even just gotten a normal person job, I have no idea what qualifications he has but I’m sure he’s career at Blizzard would make him a desirable hire.


He did, he is probably just done


Probably spending all his moneys.

Im assuming he left to move to another position somewhere else for big bucks.


I like to think he’s on an alt account still trolling these forums.


Team 4 forum alts aren’t really that hard to spot.

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Generally speaking, most game developers ultimately go on to do nothing of note after leaving the companies which made them popular in the first place. (John Romero, Warren Spector, David Jaffe, Cliff Bleszinski, Peter Molyneux, Ken Levine, Keiji Inafune, etc.) They leave the company, talk a big game about their next big mind-blowing project for awhile, maybe turn out a disappointing game or two, then just sort of fade away. They may still be around, still making games, but their days in the spotlight are over.

Truthfully, game development is a team effort. Modern games simply aren’t made by one person, and no matter how talented an individual game designer may be, without a competent team to back them up and help bring their ideas to fruition, there just isn’t much they can accomplish.
Often times such designers get an inflated ego from all of the accolades and attention they get during the height of their popularity, taking for granted that they’re just one person in a great big team, so when they leave they think that they’ll be just as successful elsewhere, that they’ll have access to the same amount of freedom and resources they had in the company that enabled them to turn their ideas into something tangible, but then they discover that not everyone is willing to accommodate them to the same degree, and they can no longer tap into their full potential because they just don’t have the backing they once had.

The difference with Jeff Kaplan is that he left with a bit more class, didn’t pretend to be a bigshot, imply that he was extremely talented and that Blizzard was only holding him back, or blow any smoke about how he was working on some revolutionary new game. He just left and that was it.


It’s so weird that we’re in a place now where this is out of the ordinary lol

He’s behind you right now. Don’t look or he’ll wrestle you to death.


After they canned his buddy Afrasiabi and trashed his 6v6 dream, Jeff Kaplan left Blizzard and journeyed down a dark path filled with mobile gaming marathons and Goop Gift Sets, all while alienating those that loved him and rejecting the help of those that would save him. After spending all his savings on Ubisoft NFTs which are now collectively worth about 6 roubles, he begrudgingly took a job at Zynga as associate UX designer for their upcoming mobile battle royal extravaganza, ‘Crystal UwU Race To The Center Of Unicorn Kingdom’.

There is no happy ending, I’m afraid.


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Living a peaceful happy life hopefully. Internet is a terrible place to be.

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he got sucked into the video game and will become our 35th hero … a grappler type hero

cant wait to play him!

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do they pay him for hanging out w/ them? and was blizzard holding him hostage in the blizzard HQ?

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Hopefully having a good time.

I mean the guy is worth millions so almost certainly comfortably retired.


Wait, Blizzard keeps hostages??? :disappointed_relieved:

Probably comfortably retired and waiting for the NDA and non-compete to expire so he can speak out and/or take work elsewhere. Or maybe just stay retired.

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