frogger too so Idk who they’re talking about
Wth is this lol
it definitely won’t have been
when Jeff resigned he took his remaining political power with him
a new leader has no political capital at the start to push back on upper management’s hair-brained ideas
Some kind of weird interview, I think it’s literally Aaron’s neighbor and they’re actually at his house or something? I didn’t look too much into it, I just thought it was funny.
(i mean seriously, they’ve already remade goats WITHOUT Open Q and WITHOUT 6v6… incredible design and balance from the team. I expect there to be a shield support added in next to recreate the unproblematic double shield meta… and then symmetra will be nerfed again because she’s op!)
Right, but you have a spread of hitscan to harass flyers, mobile to inconvenience flankers and Ana/Bap/Zen can put out some damage. As they’re released one at a time and everyone gets access after the season you’re not gonna be in a situation where a whole bunch of characters will be locked off (unless I misunderstood something).
Nope. Already confirmed that isn’t the case
If the hero is quite far down the free track (which I think they will be). We should all just protest.
How can you protest?
I typically always play flex, so end up tank, sometimes support.
If we all only queue tank and dps, even if you don’t usually. It’s going to screw the queue times hard and tank their game.
New players aren’t going to wait 20 mins each time for a game.
well i havent seen a single word from the game director… i guess he doesnt care about what overwatch is and what people are thinking about their “new beloved most revolutionary awesome shiny sequel game,” or hes still trying to go over the books to know how much money he can spend on advertising.
I can say without a doubt he will be caring a lot.
You don’t take this position without putting your soul into it. I’m sure he is in endless meetings around “how do we put this dumpster fire out”.
Hey, good for him for supporting her.
Yeah I dunno. I think Jon knew exactly how it would be received. This might even be his way of fighting the decision.
You have to remember that unlike Jeff, who was VP of Blizzard, Aaron is a peasant in the corporate hierarchy. He can most likely only speak on PR matters if and when execs permit him to. He’s probably been losing sleep over this matter since long before the leak.
Nope. Already confirmed that isn’t the case
Oh? Where did they confirm free heroes wouldn’t be unlocked after the battle pass ends?
It may have not been his choice, we don’t know what kind of fights go on behind closed doors there. It ending up in the game, is not a thing he may have had control over.
Of course it wasn’t his choice. Anyone who thinks its the developers doing this monetization is an idiot. Bobby Kotic is trying to rack in as much money possible before he leaves. He doesn’t give a crap if the players are upset about it.
There is free paths to get to the heroes in future seasons if you don’t unlock them in the current season.
Which means they are not automatically unlocked after the current season.
Aaron is probably too busy licking the boots of Bobby Kotick. Considering Aaron didn’t have the gull to stand up for his game and team and say no, we’re not doing this or working on this game further until the idea is completely scrapped. The Overwatch team probably worked extremely hard and had no idea this was even going to be a thing.
It’s such a sickening slap in the face to everyone but the people way higher up in the chain that aren’t even gamers, or have an inclination of gaming. They have no passion for what they work for, and it shows loud and clear.
Aaron is probably too busy licking the boots of Bobby Kotick.
He is almost certainly in endless meeting trying to deal with the dumpster fire.
Lol well, better hope the new chars aren’t required to counter someone then
I’d be surprised if anything is so different that X will be required though. Even with only 7 there’s still options for every scenario
better hope the new chars aren’t required to counter someone then
Even with only 7 there’s still options for every scenario
Not always good options.