Where did you get your name from?

Its based on my RP Oc :wink:

Was given to me by guild leader that i was in.

Let’s see if anyone can guess.

Is it Sufferance ???

It is an inside joke that my friend made.

A common RPG character name I used because it’s “Cool Story, Bro” most famously a half-orc Bard I played in D&D.

However, the rabbit icon has been tempting me to change my name to WatershipDowned because of the book.

Someone won the forum contest I set up, to rename me.

This happened to be the name, in the number of the post that hit on the random number generator. I ran the rng at 100 submitted names.

Goats sound like some pretty wild pets to own. I want one.

My brother created this name :frowning:

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I made it up. I was just chilling one day thinking up a super hero group and I needed a name that wasn’t taken, so I put letters together and got Kosaba, and then I just added on 11for my username because it was easy to remember. It wasn’t until way later that I figured out there is actually a place in Japan called Kosaba. Quite the coincidence honestly.

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WOW player since year 1 (also Warcraft 1, Starcraft 1, Diablo 1+ WC2 WC3 + expansions for each).
Anyway, back to WOW. They finally came out with Worgon as a race that could be played an couldn’t figure out a name. So, looking at background/foreground on creation page and saw Roses. Since the starting area for Worgons is right next to areas affected by the Blight, I corrupted that into ‘blite’.

Skyrim :dragon:

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My cat who is really fat and when he a
sits down and tucks his legs in he looks like a potato.


No one likes to be healer, someone had to step up

I like to be toxic in elos I don’t belong and spam “Just takin out the trash.” as Ashe while I spawncamp.

Accelerator | Toaru Majutsu no Index

This name dates back to almost 15 years ago. I was really into the books Eragon and when naming my account in Dragonfable, I created “Ergotth” and I use it almost EVERYWHERE, and this name remains never used by anyone else xD

I wonder where my name came from all the time.

Mine is simple my name is Topaz and I was and still am a spaz.

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Back in the day I played fighting games so I named myself after a Tulkas from J. R. R. Tolkiens Silmarillion. Basicly, Tulkas is a god, whose job is to beat the s*** out of the evil. And then it just stuck.