Where did you get your name from?

Name of my kitty cat.

Its not hard to guess lol

my first opossum i had a few years ago…

It was a made up word :man_shrugging:

Idk it made zence at the time…

Originally it was going to be something more intense like Stallion or Bronco or something like that (my last name has equestrian associations), but I couldn’t think of anything good, so I tried PowerPony. Was taken, so I asked my sister for an adjective starting with “P.” She said “Puffy”

So yeah, I’m PuffyPony

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My first Blizz game was WoW. I started with Mists of Pandaria and I wanted to make a Pandaren. I needed a name and this what I came up with. Back then WoW had its own launcher and I didn’t have a Bnet account yet. When I was forced to make one to play HotS I just took the name of my main WoW character without putting much further thought into it.

On second thought, my usual nickname in onlie games is Dabrewmaster (I like the Pandaren, mkay?), but for some reason it didn’t occur to me to use it for Blizzard games as well. :man_shrugging:

However, it does make for some funny moments when I happen to pop off or get a cool PotG. Then there’s usually someone commenting something like ‘That’s definitely a mighty panda’.

From the better Overwatch game…

My wow name was Cemeteri. Most of my friends called me Cemmy or Cem so Cemmy kinda stuck since the girls I played with called me that.

Zanza from Xenoblade Chronicles
Best JRPG I’ve ever played

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Lmao My Friend gave me a account named banerjeetnk and it didnt have namechange so i decided to just make my name baner, on all accounts and games

The name of a planet in Starcraft 2. It’s an early mission in the Terran campaign. I thought the name sounded cool, and I haven’t really found a name I liked better than this.

My best feature. It’s a shame they made me change it from DongQuixote, which I got from an online comic.

first stage in Bayonetta is called Vigrid Station, i always pronounced it with two R’s which led to Virgrid

though i did change it since i got tired of random idiots in comp calling me virgin instead

Well i had a lot of fun playing destruction warlock in wow since the end of lich king.
And it stayed now forever…

Played a Vashir bard on EQ2 with the same name. Kept the name from game to game for the last 20 years since.

I put in random letters while closing my eyes.

I mashed the names of my two pet goats together, Anna Mae and Pixinella, a decade ago.

Pix since passed away, and Anna broke into the house today. So I just don’t ever want to change it.


Ah, those two. They are perfect example why greed is bad… Especially when you want to rob Vietnam War veteran who is going to brutaly murder everybody around whenever his PTSD gets triggered

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i love confusing people


Yoshi, my name and 4 is my lucky number.
Easy enough