Where are brigitte nerfs?

Tracer and Genji say hi.

Oppressive is not sufficient for a NERF.

Oppressive is enough justification for a CHANGE.

The 2 words are very different.


Support players that are active in this forums are stubborn. don’t try to talk to them my friend. Mercy mains are great example. their hero is still op and they are still complaining. this guy also gonna be quite next week when statics go reallly really high. no point really talking to them right now.

Op also is 100% right.

rip season 10.


Oppressive is absolutely enough for a nerf when the reason she’s oppressive is that she’s too powerful.


Wow, you still think Mercy is OP.

Ever stopped to think that the problem might not be Mercy, and instead with Lucio and Ana being bad?

please don’t reply to me.

Oppressive =/= Powerful.

Statistically she is NOT powerful.

Oppressive = Annoying to fight.

A good widow is oppressive. A good Genji is oppressive, doesnt mean they are overpowered.

Equating them is silly.


whats her armor ability called maybe that should just have a half decent cool down. armors scary doe.

Repair pack?

Yes repair pack needs a huge buff to make it her primary heal. Inspire is just too unreliable for it to be a primary source of healing. Inspire should be augmenting Repair Pack, not vice versa.

Given that, then yes, Brigitte’s CC can be toned down, since then she would actually have a reason to be picked over Lucio or Zen.


This is the best comment i saw in this thread. Salute.

What is the point of creating a post if you are unwilling to discuss?

At that point it would be spamming.


This has to be the cringiest over-exaggeration I’ve seen in quite some time. Bravo.

I don’t wanna discuss this with stubborn people sorry.

Welcome to the forums.

You clearly arent willing to actually talk, merely poisoning the well of the other party, which defeats the point of a forum.

That by definition is being non constructive. If you actually said why you think Mercy or Brigitte is overpowered, then we have a discussion. Doing what you are doing is just spamming or trolling.

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That totally doesn’t sound stubborn at all. Man, just when I thought this thread coludn’t get any more cringe after “Wahhh Blizz won’t do what I say so they must be sabotaging their own source of money to spite me!!!”

I would gladly discuss this with reasonable people such as op and the other guy pulsefire or so many other people. But i don’t enjoy discussing it with you. if you call this trolling or spamming ok then.

So… you refuse to discuss with anyone that isnt on the same side of you on a topic.

That isnt a discussion, that is an echo chamber. Which as we know is non productive since it doesnt come up with anything new.

By that definition you are being discriminatory in your actions for no reason except because of someone else’s opinion, which is most certainly not what a forum is for.

This isnt a place for an ideological crusade.

Unless you ignore every other statistic available in the game besides winrate, the statistics do not support the idea that Sym and Torb are OP.

Again No. I read this thread. other people had tons of reasons why brigitte is op and unfun and all you said in like 10 comments were “statics”. that’s why i think you are stubborn and don’t wanna discuss it with you. if you have anyother reason than statics (which are nonexistent because she wan’t in comp yet and when she goes in comp it gonna be too late like op bastion or op mercy or op junkrat or op sombra or op…) we can talk.

If I click your profile- would i be unsurprised to see a lot of teriyaki brother play on record for you?

Brigitte is unfun to play against.

I will agree with that. And most of the posts I see state the above point.

Brigitte being OP is much more difficult to argue, especially since statistics are a good way of gauging a character’s actual performance without personal bias. By refusing to refute my point on statistics, instead directly calling it invalid, you are refusing to partake in constructive discussion and instead are being stubborn and destructive.

A lot of posts I see assume that because she is unfun to fight, she is OP. That is not a direct casual relationship. Otherwise we would have nerfed Tracer ages ago (btw I dont believe she is crazy OP, maybe slightly overtuned, but she doesnt need a nerf, bump the UP characters up a bit and maybe her dominance will fade)

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