Where are brigitte nerfs?

As i said Qp statics aren’t the real source. the actual source for discussion are pro costume games. and all of them say “brigitte is op” just go check out some of the pro players and pro analyzers or pro coaches then come back. you are using the wrong stats.

btw don’t worry in couple of weeks we gonna have more than enough comp stats to nerf brigitte but season 10 gonna be lost.

Granted source may be biased, but it shows that this is not a unanimous consensus from the pros. Your claim that ALL of them say “Brigitte is OP” is a hyperbole. So it is on you to PROVE that most of the pros think Brigitte is OP, and not just a handful. Otherwise you would be cherry picking/making a hasty generalization. Until you can do that, you cannot use “all pros think Brigitte is OP” as a valid argument.

Pro scrims atm run a lot of Brigitte because they want to see what changes she might bring, it is the only place where they can actually practice with her. It does not mean she is OP. This is because they would much rather practice with Brigitte in zero stakes scrims, than high stakes OWL.

that is an outdated article. find some new ones. Btw Unfortunately what pros says isn’t enough and comp gonna be ruined tomorrow.

Overwatch pros analyze Brigitte’s strengths, weaknesses, and place in the meta
By Samuel Horti March 26, 2018

It isnt that old, she has not received any buffs in this time period. Her power level has not changed, meaning there is no reason to invalidate the article.

The burden of proof is now on YOU to find an up to date source that provides a blanket statement that ALL pros, not just 1, ALL of them, agree that Brigitte is OP.

Until you find this source, your claim is unsubstantiated.

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what you linked isn’t exactly pros idea. it is just an article in pcgamers that has been published 1 month ago. And I’'m gonna just give you 1 example of pro analyzers say brigitte is op. i don’t have time or energy to link everyones opinion to you since your opinion has no impact on the game future and season 10 is already lost.

That is 1 person. Not all.

You cannot make a for all argument with just 1 specific example. However it is sufficient to disprove a for all argument with 1 specific counter example.

Your evidence is insufficient to show that ALL pros think Brigitte is OP.

Otherwise I can make the following absurd argument

“I stared through my telescope at a random patch of sky, and I did not see another planet. Thus there clearly cannot be any planets in the Universe except Earth”.

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As i said there are tons of more but i don’t have the time or energy to link them all to you . you can go search yourself. if you do you find out what i said is true.

The burden of proof is on you.

Not me.

Otherwise anyone can make absurd claims and force the other party to disprove it.

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haha sure. 2-3 weeks from now we talk =)) when brigitte nerfs were on ptr.

Yea, it sure isnt like there hasnt already been a case of a nerf being a mistake.

Points at Roadhog

Also where did all the Moira will get a nerf people go. People said she would get a nerf for ages.

Brigitte is balanced git gud.

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So you are already know brigitte gonna be nerfed knew it.

No. She will be changed, most certainly. Not nerfed.

There is difference between a power shift and a flat nerf.

ok cya in couple of weeks.

They’re not nerfing the ability itself or the cooldown. Either you need to pay more attention to your surroundings, or you need to stop getting too close to her. Nothing is going to happen to you if you learn to do either.

Cya in 6 months more like.

Im calling it as a Moira 2.0

6 months down the road? Still no nerf in sight.

first of all, we don’t have quickplay stats in details.

second, there are only a few known stats of her.

third, in all of them she’s leading by a SIGNIFICANT difference in comparison to other heroes.

Her pickrate is currently the highest.

And her time being on fire is more than 2 times the next best.

so here’s your quickplay stats.

Pickrates mean nothing and you know that. Even then, she’s the newest character added into the game in recent times, so of course people are going to want to play as her. It’s what happens with every new character.



Oh gee would you look at that, she does less damage than Zenyatta. Her healing is roughly the same, (remembering that she doesnt have discord).

How about Moira?


Yea nope.

Pickrates mean little when she is the new kid on the block and its QP, not to mention she is a support, who automatically should have double the pickrates of the DPS because there are twice as many DPS to choose from (newsflash, she doesnt). On fire is a silly argument as it is based on arbitrary point values rather than relative performance.

Otherwise you would claim Reaper and Bastion are the strongest DPS. Which we all know is an absurd argument.

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Because she is bashing with her shield?