Actually if you look at other statistics, including solo kills, elims, damage dealt, etc. And most importantly, PICK RATE, then you would realize that win rate is the exception, not the norm.
A hero that has an absurdly low pick rate is automatically not OP because otherwise everyone would play them.
I remember mercy and junkrat mains used to say things like that. You just wanna abuse this hero. Otherwise people with average IQ know brigitte needs a nerf.
Mercy 2.0 was OP. Mercy 1.0 was the one people were arguing about being balanced.
Junkrat was a bit of an edge case. He was statistically strong, although not far enough to be obviously in the OP camp. Besides he got a relatively light nerf.
The nerfs you are asking for are severe nerfs, reserved for heroes that are obviously overperforming. Brigitte is not obviously overperforming. She needs CHANGES yes, but NOT FLAT NERFS.
Can agree with this. Question is, what would be a viable change. Honestly, I think something to fix it all would be slightly (10%) slowing down her melee speed. Would cause Tracer to force recall on shield bash but not outright destroy her. Would also slightly lower her dps, and slightly nerf her place as the best 1v1 character.
Her shield bash power can be reduced if the above is satisfied
Tracer getting oneshotted by her is fine, Tracer should never be in a position to get one shotted. Shield bash should be less effective against tanks and Reaper, who I think are unable to avoid her while still doing their jobs.
hahha wait to judge till comp quick play is broken dude, ppl dont play straight and bridge has super high surviability in choas. against a little more cordination not so much.
Her radius on inspire is wide, the issue is that the healing is terrible for how difficult it is to proc.
It is actually the hardest healing in the game to utilize. Ana just needs to shoot allies, Brigitte has to hit enemies with a 6m flail or an ability with a 4s cooldown.
I restate what has already been said before - her Shield Bash hitbox reduction is not enough.
Her Cooldown needs to be increased as well.
And as for the “stats” argument, the Devs already made it clear before that pat of the “math” isn’t just how a character preforms, but also how it feels to play against them.
And Brig feels, simply put, horrendously oppressive.