Whenever I kill a Genji this happens

It’s funny how people respond to them being outplayed… esspecially in a team game is “1 vs 1 me!”
Happened to me less in OW but in WoT…
“Yeah, your rush strat worked great!”
“Dude, 1v1 me!”
Like… strategy has anything to do with dueling skills.

That genji is a legend FeelsGladMan

There is a a reaosn why I don’t want Genji gets buffed they reduced his skill floor/ceiling

Its pathetic and the games are terrible hard rolls one way or the other since the buffs. Whoever has the better instalock genji wins. I play ana and all i see and hear are “ANA NANO MME ANA ANANNO NANANA ABANANA ANA.”

and when you sleep them they go “?” “wwow i deflected” “better ana wins”

they are so out of touch its unbelievable

The only proper response to a camping genji is to tactical crouch using their body as cover.

i get BMed almost everytime i play genji so it’s kinda fine
it’s moslty of people getting tilted they are losing
cuz losing in ow feels kinda not ur fault somehow even tho it is

A lot to reply to here so bare with me.

Mmmmm. If you think that is good balancing then, like… Mei / Widow / Sombra would just vanish. #deletewhatever movements are always pretty bad.

There was no difficult mechanic to pull this off, you hit Q on the team mates you are locked on to and they are revived at full health ready to fight the enemy that is still licking its wounds from the previous fight.

The vast majority of ults have an obvious weakness, mass rez did not.

It was the I-frames on Rez which did that. They could have just reverted that buff.

Mass rez would still be a problem w/ or w/o that buff, and wasnt she considered trash tier before that? I could of sworn I remember an outcry for that particular buff but maybe i’m remembering wrong…

Now, there you are on more dodgy grounds. Most ults are VERY high impact, and very low skill.

Most ults have obvious counter play. Kill the Mercy is not counter play…

No they weren’t. Don’t try to speak on behalf of the entire community please.

There was a massive in flux of mercy rez complaints, don’t you remember the Mercy boogeyman people were complaining about for “causing” it (Seagull). I’m pretty sure you can still access the old forums if you don’t believe it.

Not an ultimate mate. An ultimate is the epitome of unfair. If this is their line of reasoning, no ultimate in this game is safe.

Most ults in the game have some way to deal with them, the only way to deal with Mercy was to kill her…

literally said tempo res. Please read what I write next time. That aside, again you don’t need to find the Mercy. What part of that do you not understand? Such a decision is incredibly foolish and dumb. If you constantly did this, no wonder you found hide n Res to be unfair. You weren’t even playing good in the first place. If your team is in a favorable 6v5 why would you leave your team to find the missing player and make the fight a 5v5? Legit what logic are you using here?

Tempo rez or not it does not matter, she was able to get multi rez’s off for a fraction of the skill requirement of other ults. OFC you had to find the Mercy, she would come out and rez the entire team after they weakened you in turn killing YOUR team, this was seen at the highest level of play.

What? Please know what you’re quoting. This is irrelevant in regards to the SR abuse.

Mass rez won games, thats my entire point here. You would still see these Mercy one tricks in high tier fighting over Mercy.

Even then, mass Res Mercy required way more skill than reworked Mercy so clearly the problem wasn’t skill.

Saying one was more skilled doesnt make mass rez difficult to pull off, i’ve already said they went about the rework the wrong way.

There’s a difference between winning and abusing a broken SR system to inflate your stats, regardless of whether you win or lose.

True enough.

Never said you did. I’m criticising your cousin for supposedly deranking with an absurdly broken hero.

Mass rez was his crutch, he had no viable skill on any other hero as he was a die hard Mercy one trick.

I think your mind will be changed. It’s a very informative post!

I’ve only skimmed it so far, I only just got back from work a little while ago. I’ll read through it in its entirety, though it may take me until tomorrow to have a response as to what I agree with and what has changed my mind.

As a Genji (and Doomfist) main, I hate my hero community lol. So many salty players. (does this comment make me salty :confused: )

I’m not crazy, when the match begin I ear Genji saying:
I’ll strike our enemy where they do not expect us

Sad to see that some Genji main don’t understand what they are handling

The correct response to this and everything that comes after is to say nothing.

Until you kill them again. Then say: ?
Nothing else, just “?”

Tilts them off the edge of the map everytime.


Why did you talk to a genji main tho?

Some of them don’t even have enough brain cells remaining to conduct conversations. They just whine about the same things on repeat to whoever is bored enough to listen.

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I mean, it is based on actual stats. McCree’s GM winrate this week is 46.59%. McCree is rock-bottom winrate in GM for monthly. And some people still argue that he’s “OP”! Seriously!

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Then if you kill them again you MUST hit them w/ the ? once more, maybe throw in an ez, people will aggro you hard, its so much fun. But never be the first to do it.

In the art of tilting someone, less is more. Stick with the ?

Never anything else.

IDK i’ve used this on trash talkers on a number of occasions, the tilt I see is kind of legendary. :sweat_smile:

On the opposite end of the spectrum, when they kill you in a duel they should absolutely win, they tbag. Every time.

Had this Genji, fight was lost, he got bubbled and Brig healed and killed me as Mercy (I was just shooting him cause fight was lost anyway) and he tbagged me. Like :rofl: ? You won, good job.


This has been happeening to me alot lately
“Stupid Mei”
“Stupid Zen ult cant kill me with blade?”
“1v1 me sym without turrets”
“Insecure mei cant play anything else” (Literally swapped from soldier lmao)
Whats with all these toxic genji mains lately

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Everythime you kill a genji, a kitty is born. Make more kitties spawn and spread joy around the world.

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Yesterday i had a genji call me spammer for killing him with zen while he was spamming right clicks jumping around me, then he jumped once more on me this i got a couple shots in then followed it with three kicks to finish him.
He shut up and never dived me after that.
I know he will live with that shame.

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Ya like his mains arr most cowardly that goes for supports exclusively most of the time and they t bag after killing anas.

I mean if you solo killed a brig good for you what’s there to tbag after killing a old helpless lady.