When will Symmetra's survivability get buffed? it's so unfair

Again. No survivability 12m beam (supposed to be a close range character) 200 hp, no defensive ability, no fast escape while other 250 healthed heroes also has escape/defensive abilities like cryo freeze, wraith form and doomfist’s hp going up. Please just tell me dont you understand this with symmetra too??!?!?!?!? how is she supposed to ramp up with no survivability? give her a passive that when she charges up her hp goes up 25/50/75 then decays when the beam decays, so she can actually USE her level 3 beam

EDIT: i swear like LITERALLY everything in this game is against symmetra, everyone counters her, she counters no one. J U S T B U F F H E R! She wont be op i promise!
(well if you make the needed changes)


why must you make several threads a week asking for the same thing over and over again instead of just keeping it to your one thread?

reported for spam.


Because i’ve had enough. i love her but she’s so bad… too many weaknesses many tp bugs e.t.c. and no im not playing her wrong i have over 300 hours on her. (110 on symm 3.0)


Yes I agree. I think we all agree but the person above has a point. We are all frustrated at blizzard for various things and getting even more frustrated and saying something over and over in the forums wont really help our position.

What should i do then?

Symmetra is fine. She doesn’t need a buff. Genji just needs a nerf.


Symmetra doesn’t need a buff in Platinum*

Wait. Unfortunately thats all. Unless you have other accounts of course so you can come here unoticed. Unfortunately I dont have that luxury but I know a few people who do this. Eh…

You climbed to 3800 one tricking Sym… Proving she’s fine.


She’s not fine! i dont get it how people can think that… she’s so weak!

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So I guess bastion is fine because Kolorblind made it to top 500. :man_shrugging:


omg thank you, nice example there


sounds like you need some fresh air and sunshine, instead of making spam threads every day
spamming the forums wont make anything happen, for proof look at mass ress forum mercies

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I think her beam is okish id rather have a buff to her orbs give them pierce back if she charges them for an additional 0.5sec. Give her beam pierce 2 that way standing behind a barrier is double dangerous with a Sym around cause she will charge get ammo and still be able to hit you.

I like her beam! the problem is the survivability, i’ve had enough, i never survive under a team fight…

Sym has been in the exact same spot (not good in any meta) for a very very long time. I have mained other heroes, I’ve taken breaks, I’ve created threads and waited patiently for any new changes or even acknowledgment that the dev team knows she is a bad hero. Nothing, I get nothing. We as a community get nothing. I’m angry too and I wish I had the time to spam threads with all the reasons she is bad and all the ways we could fix her but it is all for nothing.

We are stuck with a bad hero, a community who takes a dump on anyone who plays her, and a game that does not have a place for her. All we are stuck with is a meta of “Everyone press Q at the same time!” and they can’t even fix that.

Mass rez is not a good example of why things won’t change because a) it was broken and made the game feel unrewarding and b) the dev team at this point probably doesn’t even want to deal with Mercy since they clearly don’t know how to balance her. Sym has never been broken and has never been anything more than a slight inconvenience even when all odds were in her favor.

She is a trash tier hero who is highly neglected and the dev teams snail pace of a patch schedule will not help her or anyone else in the long run. For the entirety of her 3-year existence, she has been a bottom tier hero who does not fit into this puzzle of a game no matter how you turn her piece. I am actually so incredibly confused on how people can just say she is fine and tell the people who main her that they are just bad or that they are overreacting on how weak she is.

So thank you PÜMĀŚŴĔĐĘ69 for making these threads and not just giving up on her like people want us to do.


Like im just wondering what is really the main issue here? The devs not knowing their own game or what? ALL, ALL of these problems are just because of them


Personally, if I were a game developer I would be worried and concered about a heroes balance if they have been consistently labeled a troll pick. Despite multiple reworks.

Thats a pretty good sign that they need a buff or two to me.


“trash tier” heroes don’t have the highest winrate of any hero, regardless of pickrate
that’s an indication that she is a niche hero who’s very good at what she does

and there’s a reason why she has been bottom tier for a years, and thats because her ceiling was bottom tier as well
and the moment they increase her skill cap to make her more viable, the outcry of forum sym mains can be heard in china

nah, it’s never good enough for you guys


yeah she needs a buff.
no mobility, no escape, low health, everything on a wind-up timer.

symmetra has good ish damage which makes her strong only for that reason but her health makes her weak.