When will Symmetra 3.0 hit PTR?

What’s freaking me… It’s not the actual state of this rework but the nerfbat which will come sooner or later.
When the rework will appear, they’ll be a bunch of “DPS Mains” who will try the new symmetra on the ptr while barely scratching the surface of it. Meanwhile, there will be streamers who’ll do the same and treat the reworked symmetra as garbage tier or op tier.

I fear the absence of middle ground in the community reaction which will either lead to a nerfbat for Symmetra or a buff… Then a nerfbat when people will understand the potential of this rework.

The rework by itself, i’m not worrying about the identity of Symmetra since she’ll stay the same sassy and frying indian… But i’m frightened by how hard the dev will hit my favorite sneaky character.

The biggest problem I have with the rework is that the dev team basically never bothered giving current Symmetra a chance. They never implemented a visible range on her Shield Gen, they never made the shield gen/teleporter location visible to her teammates, they never made sentry turrets call out enemies to her teammates…

They just couldn’t be bothered actually doing their jobs and just decided to flatten another design and turn another character from a unique playstyle into ‘just another DPS’.

Id agree here to a point.

I think they tried quick fixes in the early stages of the rework… why rework something if a quick fix is all thats needed.

I think they knew that alerts to turrets and shield gen placements would not change anything. No ones going to babysit a shield gen or run to save it and risk a team wipe.

I think they did the right thing. But she will be different. Again DPS players will have a massive advantage over current sym mains… shes the same character yes but plays completely differently.

What info do we have on sym that someone cant pick up ina couple of plays?

Where to put turrets? Not hard? Theres only 3 now. The rest is new

I think they are trying to destroy the builder class due to the fact that they are focusing on the high pace fights of the game, rather than the slower fights that happen at some points.

Because a builder is often stationary and is reliant on creating a position, they may be trying to slowly phase out the class in favor of creating more utility DPS.

While I do love Symmetra and Torbjorn, I did see how the builders were always either amazing at very certain areas, but considered garbage by other players in everything else.

I want her to keep certain parts of her kit, but at the same time, I want to use her turret/teleporting gameplay to be useful during a large portion of the match.

So, I’m at a fork in the road… If this works, then she might finally be used in comps without anyone worrying or having to work around her.
But if it doesn’t then maybe Blizzard will realize that they screwed up her foundation and bring certain things back, sort of like what they slightly did with Mercy (yet failed at honestly).