When will Ashe leave The PTR?

Im just wondering how many weeks or days before she goes live

Maybe today or in 1-2 weeks

PTR is down.

Soon ™


I asked this politely yesterday hoping for a dev response, but no word. I do think there are some bugs though, I have never had OW lock up on me, and it did the first time I was in No Limits match staring an enemy Bob down on Route 66. He turned to fire on me and bam OW crash, and no I don’t have a crap system, its very high end. I noticed some other instabilities while playing in PTR as well. That being said, they seem to be patching at a quick rate. My guess is this coming Tuesday, but maybe today even. I can’t wait to get frustrated at all the two weeks of Ashe instalocking.

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Moira was on PTR for… Two weeks I think? If it is any indicator we see her live next week.

Maybe this night, and get ready for a full reinstall game. :ok_hand:

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Ashe is okay but i’m More excited for Symmetra and Mercy buffs.

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Most likely today, I dont see why they would shut down ptr and not update the game for another week.


I am a diehard Reaper fan who has been waiting like a year for ANY buff (I guess I should say pure buff because some universal bug fixes technically buffed him even if they were net nerfs)… the new hero is still more exciting to me. Then again, I intend to play her. I guess if it was a lame tank or support, I would probably feel you. Albeit, I feel like the Sym and Mercy changes are so negligible. I hope for the best though.

Beggars can’t be choosers though. I will probably play Ashe but only to get her trophies at first and then after she settles in.

Ah, that mantra makes sense; however, if the Reaper changes do little to help, I am going back to begging AND choosing.

Luckily her achievements are easy. I hope I get both my first game.

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Ashe and my first love for a hog buff. :ok_hand:

The PTR has gone down, and updates tend to fall on either Tuesday or Thursday. Expect a large update on one of those days this week or next.

That update will probably include:

  • Ashe & B.O.B.
  • Roadhog consistency buffs
  • Reaper spread change
  • Symmetra ramp up buff
  • Mercy Valkyrie healing revert

All of this packaged with a bunch of behind the scenes changes to the game client that will require a reinstall for the game.

Then next PTR will have the upcoming Doomfist, McCree, and Bastion changes. Wouldn’t be surprised if a Brigitte nerf got pushed in as well.

So yeah, see you in a few hours and we’ll see if it is today or if we have to wait a little longer!

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“A lame tank or support”… classy rolls eyes… instalock DPS ?

Sometimes I wait to make my team believe I will fill tank or support only to choose DPS at the last second.

Hope you’re prepared, though, as Ashe will probably be the last new DPS for quite a long while. They said most of the 6 planned heroes will be “lame tanks and supports” to balance out the choices a bit more. XD

Oh, fam, you have no idea. I am in love. Ashe is everything I wanted as a Widow/McCree at launch that transitioned to Hanzo later. She is perfect for my style and her gangster skin is completely gangster.

I do not care about any more DPS. I main hit-scan and still have fun with them (except for Bastion) despite all of them being garbage outside of Widow. Sombra too, but I am in platinum and rarely communicate. As you can imagine, I am not getting the same value out of her as professionals, lul.

I was mad salty that we got back to back healers into back to back tanks. But I got my dream character, so they can do whatever they want. 5 main tanks in a row? Go for it.

I am already jealous of people that are going to steal her from me. I want the whole process where people who pretend they can aim stop instlocking my one-trick character to end. So, the sooner the better. I am going to stick with arcade for the first day, learn a new sensitivity and by the second day, QP until she gets to competitive. If I do not get her, I will just play whatever is deemed her natural counter and focus their Ashe to take out my frustrations on the situation. Either that, or go Sombra, turn invis, and call everyone of their missed shots. Just kidding… or am I?