When we will get an easy 1 star dps?

junkrat? pharah? bastion? reaper? all 3 of them are easy to play, just off the top of my head

Just play genji bro!

1.- Double jump
2.- Slash to escape or finish low hp targets
3.- Single target shots and AoE targets shots
4.- Wall-walk after double jump
5.- Deflect
6.- An ultimate can wipe 3 players alone and 6 during nanoboost

He is probably half star hero rofl


Junkrat and reaper are your best bets ,and maybe pharah.

They’re not exactly good, but they’re easy.

Yeah I get where you’re coming from. But more often than not, if I’m playing Mercy/Moira and enemy has an Ana, I find it difficult to compete (when they’re good), so I find myself switching.

Hanzo. :joy:

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On low ranks phara is not that hard. Neither bastion.

wheezes because pure healing is op enough to boost you

Not sure about this. Take the old Symmetra. She certainly was 1-star. And it was a desaster.
Now imagine a fully-fledged 1-star DPS… how is that supposed to work?
Killing stuff is probably the most impactful thing you can do to win an objective.
So having an easy-to-play, yet effective hero on this, would be the “Mercy-Effect”.
That combination is unbalanced as heck.
And if they balance it correctly, people would be like: “Why you playing weak X instead of a proper DPS?”

Just don’t ask them to shoot pharah.

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Lot of them before overwatch already proved it. Difficulty to use should not equal to balance.

More complex heroes get more options. The point of them being difficult heroes is that they need more time and “skill” to be played at the same level as a medium or easy hero. They wouldn’t be difficult if that wasn’t the case. Easy hero will suffer from their lack of complexity, as they are easy to predict and can’t do much when countered. Hard hero are able to play around their counter much more easier.

Hard to play hero tend to be about mechanics, easy to play hero tend to be about being inventive and more strategical, as they have to compensate for their being predictible.


I totally agree that a hero could be difficult to play in other areas than raw mechanics.
Just haven’t seen it done right in OW up to now.
But that would be the only way to make a low-skill-mechanics DPS balanced.
If you need a lot of tactical decision making to delete stuff, instead of mechanics.
I’d love to hear some concepts for this.

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being extremely ez.
a lot of my newbies friends boosted themselves with moira to be able to play w me

She can heal and do damage
she is easy but shes not breaking the system lmao

easy heros imply ez ranking up

Then why dont you onetrick Moira to GM if she’s so easy? :stuck_out_tongue:
if shes so easy, why is her pickrate in GM so low? Surely GMs would play an ‘ez’ hero for ‘ez’ wins?

i could up to diamond but from then i’d be stuck, so i’d rather just learn the game on a skill-needing hero, yet i’m already high plat
her winrate isnt amazing on high ranks but she’s amazing on lower ranks, like every low skill hero, so she breaks the lower part of the system like symm 2.0



People usually think Junkrat is easy hero. He is easy hero to pick up, but difference between a good junkrat who knows how his bombs will move when shot in a certain way and the usual “spamrat” is huge. Spamrat is annoying to go against, but he is usually quite predictable in the end. Yet going against good Junkrat is a living hell.

Its same with many other heroes who are considered “easy”. They are easy to pick up, but the difference between someone who just started and someone who has been spending time to master the hero is something totally else.

That’s why her winrates until plat are all below 50%, yeah? Because she’s an EZ free sr boost :stuck_out_tongue:

if you want to play an easy dps just play brig 4head