When we will get an easy 1 star dps?

Isn’t the big focus winning? Who cares if you get better as long as you win.

actually its the other way around, winning is a meaningless act.

if winning was all you cared about, paying for a boosting service would be the smarter choice. because if you win a whole bunch…doesnt mean you get better. this is why boosting is so bad, people are higher then they belong because they got boosted and then they start to fall…

but if you get better, you’ll start too win more.

in one senario you get half of the rewards with alot long term negatives (IE losing alot to fall to where you belong), and in the other you get too have it all

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Pharah suck against the current meta with all the snipers and midrange buff.
Reaper is one of the worst hero currently.
Soldier’s dps is not burst enough to survive against aoe heal stacking.
Bastion is good only when the enemy team refused to counter it.

1 star indicates the complexity of a kit, not necessarily easy to play.

Soldier kits are pretty straightforward, that’s why he’s 1 star, but to get value out of him required a high amount of effort and tracking.

There was Pharah but she got nerfed.

Faster rewards vs slower rewards

Getting better is hard and requires lots of effort and in some cases that effort is wasted as some people will never improve past certain points.

I don’t advocate for boosting but you have to understand not everyone is willing to take the long road when the short road gives you just as much and you just keep exploiting until you need to find a new way

what the hell are you talking about? The OP was asking for a 1 star DPS to be available to play.

I replied: Junkrat.

While he’s technically not “1 star” on the OW site, he’s one of the easiest DPS Heros to pick up and play. Are you even reading the posts?


Stars represent kit complexity but I agree there aren’t really many easy to use dps.
It usually goes down to reaper or junkrat.

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if they dont want to take the long road then they shouldnt be playing a COMPETITIVE mode.

thats what quickplay and the various arcade modes/custom games are for


She’s called Brig :wink:

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Well can’t really stop em from wanting the rewards for competitive as much as anyone doesn’t want to see cheaters or people taking the easy way out as long as the option exist some one is going to use it and abuse it.

I mean if golden guns weren’t locked behind Comp I bet a load of people wouldn’t even play but take all of those people out and you still have people who just want to win and they will do anything to do it. If they can’t win on their own they will cheat or find a broken mechanic to exploit. Not everyone is out to become better lots just want to reward and have a means to get it.

thats kind of the point, if you want competitive rewards you have to play competitively. its like saying

i want food, water and an xbox one but i also dont want too go to work. (though some ppl find ways around this irl xd)

sadly this is the mentality of the majority of the overwatch playerbase. they want all of the glory but dont want to put forth even a fraction of the effort required too get it.

i just read a guys post about why dragonblade is so OP and needs to be nerfed. a statement that on its own debunks itself. dragonblade is so medicore, they stopped using genji during the DIVE META at the pro level.

some people are lazy, and they dont deserve all of the shiny things. that DB post guy would solve all of his problems if he stopped trying to nerf things that kill him…and instead tried to improve.

same for anyone who wants golden weps. its not even that hard to start improving yourself

i once struggled to get even a single one and now i have 5 on my main account, then 2+ per alt account. and i took a 8 month break some time ago

its not that hard to get 3000 CP

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i love “easy heroes” you have to be truly inventive with them to push them on to the next level above what’s expected of them.

but that’s just me.

Soldier 76. CoD players find him quite easy

You don’t need godlike tracking. More like decent tracking.


Junkrat, Torbjorn, Bastion

He’s also really only good against bad players. Once you get to high masters and GM Junkrat becomes very difficult to use compared to Genji.


I think they called her “Brigitte”… Moira fits this as well incidentally. Both do dual duty as DPS characters, much like Ana and Zen if you forgo healing.


You’ve never played rat.

Well at least not above bronze.


I mean
Ignoring the part where this is a straight up lie spoken by ssomeone who has truly never played Junkrat.
Yes we could play it and we’d still be at our same rank. I mean many of us have mained him since the beginning before his tire got a massive speed buff. Oh and while.he still had self damage!


Are you talking about in healing? Don’t forget that you have plenty of utility! The “easy” supports commonly specialize in high healing output, but not necessarily utility. The heroes you listed are also meant to both heal and damage. With enough practice, they are more valuable than the easier supports.
Well, except for Moira. I have a burning hatred for her.

I’m sure you’re doing great, I just wish that more players took the time to appreciate the work of some other supports.