When is cassidy going to get back 70 damage for FTH?

except tank queues are very unlikely to every be the bottleneck again, so the devs would have to make tank less enjoyable than in ow1 for it to be an issue, which won’t happen if tankbusting is made a bit more viable. most tanks are incredibly strong so there’s no harm in actually having a few characters that stand a chance at 1v1ing them

Thats not even the problem really, 70 dmg FTH is just too much and too unskilled imo.

Also instead of adding characters that just delete the tank player, i would rather have the OP tanks nerfed instead.


yes. 70 dmg fth is horrible but I agree something needs to be done about tanks. it’s hilarious that doom and junkerqueen are considered weak yet they still get almost as much value as a busted dps like sojourn

420 damage fth is disgusting and unfun for tank players. No one should be able to deal so much damage with one press of the button, especially since Cass can roll and do it again.

Give him more survability or mobility. His gun is good but he struggles to stay in his optimal distance without getting rush/dove. Also rework his ultimate because it’s terrible next to bastion ult.

Tanks are supposed to be busted and always get more value than every other role on a 1 to 1 comparison, but they shouldnt do as much as 2 full DPS characters the way some of them are doing now i dun think.

Again, i think FTH doing 35 dmg but headshotting with less random and smaller spread maybe could work and still be balanced cuz not only do ya need aim, it also would succ into barriers, would still put a cooldown on it tho.

Know what would be cool? 2 rolls but each reload 3 bullets instead so he cant like never reload but still gets way more survivability and some mobility (if ya didnt know, he now gets 50% dmg reduction on his roll so he can actually dodge some stuff if timed well), Dark Souls style but with guns.

Though i would prefer reworking his stoopid Nade and FTH instead cuz those are in a terrible boring state.

Sounds like a terrible idea.
Just increase the fall-off range instead. The fall-off currently starts at 20m and the breakpoint for 4 shots goes at 22m, which is pretty ridiculous.

That nade is meme tier. The tracking on it is extremely unreliable and it barely deals any splash damage. Pharah’s primary fire is stronger than his nade. Even a single headshot from him which is easier to do than sticking the nade deals more damage.
It would genuinely be stronger than it is now if they just outright removed the entire homing function from it.

I’m not even sure if that dmg reduction would be necessary if he got two rolls. It’s not a bad manouver to create some distance and dodge stuff like Hooks, Javelins, sleeps etc. But definetly not enough to run away from rush pressing W with Lucio (not even AMP, just some speed).

Cass has great damage output if you allow him to shoot you from 15 meters away. But it’s so much easier to prevent his damage than Ashe or something. Plus he struggles to quickly access highground.

He already has that dmg reduction mind you, on his roll and on Deadeye, ya can effectively survive 448* dmg with it so ya can actually roll pulse bombs rn at full health.

I think giving him full on invulnerability (with a cleanse) on it could also work but again, thats too much value on one ability then the rest of his wack kit just gets to be left on the dust, they need to make his nade and fth more skill based and better imo, if anything.

Edit : quik maffs

I don’t like FTH that much. I still think he needs mostly something to access highgrounds. It would massively increase his effectiveness and survability if he would get something like Widow grapple. It can have long cooldown, but at least something to reposition to highground imo is necessary. He isn’t good enough on flat ground to survive tanks, Reapers, Meis etc. And he isn’t good enough on mid range, where his fall off starts kicking.

I don’t think FTH needs more damage, but its accuracy should be improved. Right now it’s literally unusable except in close range against the single tank, or against a shield. It doesn’t feel like a core part of his kit.

Without a stun this actually might be ok.

I think we already had this talk, but i guess, again, i think then he becomes too similiar to Ashe, i think theres a break-point where hes so survivable/threatening that he would be able to play low-ground, like he could before.

On this thread of mine i think, with something like this ^ he could likely just hold his ground even against tanks and stuff, if he has his CD’s, he would still prolly need help but at least wouldnt just explode doing nothing.

I don’t think he would be like Ashe at all. He would be amazing 1vs1 hero but still kinda weak against groups + can’t snipe. Ashe has TNT to punish grouping up and is great at midrange but mediocre at close range. Cass with his sticky is a real threat in 1vs1 dps and his gun is good at dueling people as well. Vertical mobility would allow him to avoid tanks better + taking effective positions easier without wasting a ton of time. He could also straight up take top and two tap someone with good aim.

You guys will say McCree’s OP if he can do even a single point of damage to you.

He would be heccka similiar, with high-ground gaining capabilities and just being another medium range hitscan hero that is on high ground doin’ stuff,

I think making him more unique into a character that wants to play in different areas opens up the cast’s variety instead and is ultimately what i think we wanna see for the Hitscan cast atm, everyone just kinda does the same thing but one just does it better than everyone else.

Hes really not tho, his nade is awful, and has so many ways to just get ignored or countered by the close range duelists, or just never really a factor against the medium range ones/tanks.

Again, then we just have Soujourn/Ashe but male and thicc(er), darn is Sojourn thi- ahem, sry, its that month.

Maybe you’re right. Hard to imagine hero who doesn’t want to take highgrounds and shoot people from there. Unless you have zero range like Rein/Reaper it’s almost always better to sit on top. And since Cass has 20 meters range… yeah, he falls into that category as well.

I mean he would still wanna be there, theres still a lot of high ground that u can just take by walking there and he could definetly just walk on high grounds with his good ol threatening dmg helping him gain space, yknow,

He just wouldnt play on hard to reach high grounds as much as the others, making that one of the big differences on wanting to choose one or the other.

Fth is “I dont want to or cant aim” the button. Do you really want to buff that?

I think so, but by making you have to aim it.

Range vs burst damage vs dps is how hitscans now balance each other. Widow is pure sniper mode and nothing else. Soldier has decent dps but burst tied to 6 second rockets. Cass has high burst that doesn’t depend on headshots (but still hs are devastating) at close-mid range. Ashe mid-range with some dueling potential but mostly sniping people from range + fairly long reloads making her not great against shields and bulky tanks.

Cass with vertical mobility still would have different positioning than Soldier/Ashe. Soldier/Ashe play the most similar ranges, yet Soldier thanks to his Sprint is often on more flanky positions than Ashe. Idk though, different flavor from guns is important factor. I for example love Cass weapon but hate sniper rifles. They make me tunnel vision too hard, I don’t like scopes too much.