Cassidy buff idea

  • Peacekeeper - Fan The Hammer
    (+) Spread angle: reduced by 4.5 degrees (from 6.50 to 2 degrees)
    (+) Can now headshot
    (+) Has less recoil, from 2.5 to 1.5
    (+) Spread pattern is no longer randomized (Its a simple circle)
    (–) Fall-off range reduced by 75% (20m-40m → 5m-10m)
    (–) Deals 15 less damage (50 to 35) , before fall-off.
    (–) Has an internal cooldown of 4 seconds
  • Magnetic Grenade
    (+) Now apply a 20% slow on explosion to all targets hit (including self) but 20% more to the stuck target for 1 second.
    (+) Explodes 0.7s faster on stick (from 1.2 to 0.5s)
    (+) Cooldown reduced by 2 seconds
    (–) Deals 61 less total dmg (from 1 impact, 65 direct, 65 explosion [131 total] to 5 impact, 35 direct , 30 explosion [70 total])
    (–) Tracking reduced by about 50% (dont have the exact numbers)

I think most people can see that Cassidy’s a bit on the weaker side of the medium range hitscan category and while he does need some buffs, i think they should be sorta minor like this because:

1 - There should be nerfs coming to Ashe/Soujourn wich are the best medium range hitscans atm.
2 -, Zarya and Gengu are really good against him but are confirmed getting nerfed, Sombra is no slouch either btw since she can cancell high-noon easily and can just disengage his grenade.
3 - They should be reducing alot of the powercreep of the game with a ton of other nerfs.

So i think increasing his power level just a bit is the right move.


Idk about this one. Hes hard to use but that doesnt mean hes weak. Hes actually one of the stronger dps’s in the game.


There shouldn’t.



I’m hesitant to buff any dps until the top dps heroes are brought back down to Earth. It’s difficult to see where any other hero is in terms of power until that happens.


Hes not Bastion level weak but hes definetly on the weaker side of the dps cast (trust me, this new hero coming on the 25 is gonna be weak) .

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make him like han solo in bf2 and give him 3 combat rolls.

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Yep, this is true, i say only try these changes after

this happens.

There should, she seems to be the second best hitscan after Soujourn, Souj needs hard nerfs while Ashe only small ones.

If it’s your opinion - it’s fine to have it. Mine is that Ashe isn’t the best hit scan after Sojourn by a long shot. If it’s not - then you need to provide the arguments, such as her performance numbers - to back it up.

The same applies to cowboy’s state of balance. I don’t think he needs buffs at the moment.

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He doesn’t need a buff, he’s fine as is. Let Nerfs planned hit the game first, before calling for buffs that are unneeded.


nah han is terrifying in that game lmao I don’t want to see that in overwatch

Fair enough, dont have the hard data to back that up, just from seeing high level play and by proccess of elimination:

– Soldier is pretty decent but decently balanced after his recent nerfs to sprint and his dmg

– Cassidy is pretty darn weak with no utility and mobility, easily countered by many cooldowns.

– Bastion that is coming on the 25th i’m pretty sure is gonna be a weak hitscan character with a huge hitbox.

– Hanzo is not really hitscan but hes pretty much a medium range character that competes on the same slot, hes fairly weak with his current storm arrow nerf and dps passive literally doesnt affect his reload that is not existant.

That leaves us with Souj wich is pretty broken with good mobility and incredible one tap potential + has some utility and Ashe wich has a pretty decent gun compared to some of the others , some mobility / utility and maybe the 3rd best DPS ult (Echo duplicate and Souj ult 1 and 2)

I think nerfs are much more urgent than buffing him yes but this is just an idea for when that happens.

I don’t play him at all but gonna share my idea anyway

What if roll resets on kill

Cowboy genji

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Just give him a shorter CD on the grenade or give him 2 like junkrat.

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I agree that nerfs are more important and we should wait to see where that leaves us but i’m predicting that its gonna be a Soujourn fest and some Ashe with dive nerfed but yes, they should wait on that before buffing any1, its just an idea i’m throwing out.

Yea thats basically Ninja Cowboy idk… could work but a bit too repetitive? His nade and FTH are so boring atm i wanna see them changed.

Nauuur his current nade is so boring i dont wanna see two of them…

Hero’s power and playability isn’t determined only by its skill ceiling but also by its skill floor. As such looking at its performance across different tiers is a must when thinking about balance.

Ashe doesn’t have mobility either. Her utility is also questionable. At least the grenade is good at dissuading highly mobile heroes from running too rampant.

You talk about high level of play but you didn’t mention Widow which is pretty much a must pick on certain maps/sections. Though she is niche, if she works - she works well. Same applies to Sombra which is also a hit-scan. Though she’ll get nerfed, likely into obscurity.

Also your list does not provide insights into any reasoning of comparing the heroes in it against each other. For instance it’s unclear why Soldier would be worse than Ashe with his sustain, much easier way to get value especially in lower ranks and mobility. It’s also unclear why Bastion would be bad as it’s a tank buster + was pretty much playable up to mid-tiers easily (maybe even a “bane of bronze”).

Anyways - I don’t think there are needs to rebalance the roaster before nerfs are coming in.

He’s got too much HP for all the buffs he’s been getting already

They just buffed his deadeye (again) and gave him mitigation during his roll

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Ashe has her coach gun that propels her to high-ground and creates space, thats mobility is it not? Cassidys nade at best makes a mobile hero use one of their cooldowns like recall/deflect and just ends up with him dead too cuz it takes so long, its a crutch at best for when the player cant hit headshots.

True, but balance should tend more to its ceiling than floor, for many reasons.

Widow is long range hitscan, doesnt compete with those, Sombra is a flanker, like Tracer/Reaper, not medium range hitscan.

Well, i didnt wanna write a whole essay , y’know, if u want me to into detail i can try.

I agree, this is just an idea i’m throwing out for when that comes, cuz rn Cassidy is not only weak but also badly designed imo.

Fair enough, he does have 25 more HP than the majority of the squishies… with also one of the biggest hitboxes though, dont forget that, his Flashbang was one of his biggest assets too and its soo much better than his current one.

cowboy tracer!

I’d love to give that a try

No, thanks. I’ll look forward to the next try.

B-b-but its on a cooldown… and deals less dmg if u cant aim…i’ll try better next time i guess.