When is Ana actually going to get a nerf?

The only real problem I see with nano is in combination with one specific character, other then that it’s pretty much an ultimate augment tool.

This isn’t an excuse. If Moira is suddenly “OP” when double barrier arrived when she was F tier, it is a product of double barrier. It doesn’t make anti-healing grenade any less loaded cause Ana was F tier as you put it.

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And? This doesn’t change anything.

No she wasn’t? Moira wasn’t even out for most of dive. Then she had her own meta comp on specific maps with quad tank pushing into jakerat during dive.

It, changes everything actually. A hero who becomes a must pick but can be destroyed is generally better than say… a hero that some of the best hitscans in the world can’t shoot, moth mercy. Or some of the best dps can’t burst down, orisa.


That’s just it though- I don’t think it’s overpowered or overloaded.

“Bionade is not strong because Ana used to be F-tier” is like saying nanoblade is a bad ulti combo because genji is not meta.

But everyone knows that’s not really the case. Having more counterplay for broken tools doesn’t make said tools less broken.

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FWIW I do think it’s a bad ult combo in that it’s horrendously inefficient with regard to ult economy. Like do you really need to spend 2 ults on things, especially after the global ult nerfs?

The only easy hero that became a must pick that wasn’t broken was Moira(imo). When Brig and Mercy were must picks they were wildly overpowered, the most broken heroes the game has ever seen. Moira I feel got nerfed less because she was overpowered, but because she is unfun like you said. That combined with her enabling a meta that most of the playerbase dislikes means she was on the chopping block.

I think it’s bad balancing in general to make a character so dumbed down to play but I will not deny that there was a large element of player dislike that led to her nerfs.

People are always going to give these characters a pass because they fit more in line with the vision of what this game started out as. Characters with clear strengths but also clear weaknesses(for the average player). Characters that have high skill caps and lots to learn even if they have relatively simple kits like Reinhardt. Or characters like Ana/Lucio that take a lot to play them at their most effective level, but having overt downsides like no mobility for Ana or somewhat low healing/damage for Lucio.

Compared to that characters like Moira have few downsides. Moira has no utility but for the vast majority of the game, at her height that didn’t matter one bit. Because you don’t need utility when you can pump out stupid amounts of healing or just beat DPS straight on because most of the players in this game are terrible at aiming and you have training wheels and a self heal on yours.

I definitely think Reinhardt is overtuned and needs nerfs now, but it’s because they gave him obvious buff after buff to compete with some other heroes they felt were overpowered. Lucio and Ana not so much, people complaining about them are complaining about a mechanic that they have that isn’t offered anywhere else.

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No, but having a tool be as powerful as it is, also being tied to your only form of self sustain and your means of putting out similar healing averages to that of other main healers is more then compensation.

Nano and blade are fairly easy and fast to farm with high reward once comboed and Genji still remains as the top tier nanoboost target because of nanoblade’s power.

I don’t see how getting just about a guaranteed fight win with 2 fast ultis is bad ulti economy, otherwise players wouldn’t have genji as their priority nanoboost target if genji happens to be in their team. It’s very spammable ulti combo.

You’re making this up.

Moira has never at a point where she was literally so bad that you couldn’t play her.

She’s always been a great, if not THE best Support in lower ranks and a decent Support in mid-tiers, it’s only in GM where she’s a non-factor because she lacks utility.

That doesn’t even make sense?

And I’ve not once complained about anything being

If I took a guess, it’s because, despite these two being meta, the meta doesn’t either become either A) So lopsided that nothing else can be played into it or B) So woefully unfun that nobody wants to play against it…

People have admitted that Reinhardt is overtuned, people have admitted that Orisa & Sigma got overnerfed. People have conceded that Ana & Lucio might also be overtuned and are willing to have small changes.

BUT they’re not these overpowered, broken, monstrosities like you and all of your fellow fanatics try to claim them to be.

No, what’s hypocritical to me is that every time Ana becomes remotely strong in any way, shape or form, you and your kind come out the woodwork asking for Ana to get ridiculous nerfs.

Yet most Ana-Mains had to sit through almost two years of being SO hard countered by the meta, that picking her was an automatic hard throw and you more or less could not play the game because nothing you did worked.

At least take solace that you can at least play your preferred Support hero without being the hardest of throws.

But you know what? Instead of trying gut any and every Support hero that had dominance, the Ana-Mains asked for small changes to help assist Ana and put her in a better place.

The ONLY time I’ve seen Ana-Mains actively complain about the Support meta was when Mercy was so blatantly overpowered that she was seeping into metas where Ana was supposed to be the preferred Support.

I abhor calling out specific groups, but the ONLY group of people that I see act in such a spiteful manner are Mercy-Mains, and really only a small handful of them.

Mercy-Mains are the ones that will use other Supports as scapegoats for their own cause and when that doesn’t work, they’ll quickly turn on them and quickly bash them.

Mercy-Mains are the ones who will label their own issues as issues of “the Support category”.

Mercy-Mains are the ones that tried to equate “not being fun” to the same level of a character that was actually struggling.

So before any of you start calling people out for being hypocrites, take a loooooong look in the mirror, cause you’re not that much better yourselves.


And people like you are part of why there is such a stigma about being a Mercy main. Mercy is 1/7th of the support roster. And thus, their issues are support category issues.

And whether she is struggling or not, is an opinion. You are not correct in saying she’s just fine, and those who disagree aren’t correct either, because it’s all opinion. Doom mains complained when his nerf made him feel clunky, and I didn’t see much push back (How dare you want his kit to feel fluid, like their arguments were verbatim what Mercy’s were, except their arguments worked. Kind of a slap in the face to Mercy people). Mercy Mains complained pre-rework because they knew it would be a hot mess, and they then had to just watch their character get hammered, over and over again. Not being fun is just as valid a reason for wanting a change as any other…


If nanoblade is a guaranteed team fight win against your team, you weren’t winning that game to begin with. Just a few seasons ago people were complaining about the amount of CC in the game. So much so they’ve buffed heroes like Rein to counteract the amount of CC to some extent or another. Now suddenly there’s none to shut down this combo? Please.

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Just gonna put it here that this isn’t mercy or support main versus ana mains “us vs them” thread or anything of the sort and y’all should keep that noise down. Whomever mains what is inconsequential, this isn’t about the players or their behaviour.

This thread was made to note how Ana has reached a must pick status (yet again) and her toolkit requires an adjustment.

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Except if very much is, and thinly veiled otherwise.

because this isn’t even remotely true as exemplified here:

and here:

Your cherry picked stats hold nothing when put into context.


Lemme put it to you this way its not because she is op but rather she is the only one that takes a decent amount of skill. They other main supps(Moira and Bap) are very low skill and easy, while mercy is harder than both of them yea I said it and own it, she requires a special player.

Thank you. I remember that dark period where Ana was literally a terrible character to play despite being hard to play. People asked for buffs but didn’t try to tear other supports down.

No they’re not, because time and time again the Mercy cabal has shown that they only care about Mercy’s issues. Just like it is the Mercy players in this thread who are asking for Ana to be nerfed, something that I have seen over and over in the past.

People who think that Mercy is the support category are the problem.

It’s not opinion. It’s reflected in the stats. Also Mercy players stated that she was weak throughout almost all of the nerfs in her most overpowered state. Literally every iteration was met with “she’s going to be a throw pick now” or “Res is now a death sentence”.

I have no problem with Mercy players thinking that the character should be more fun, could use a little more oomph in her healing or whatever. Whether she is struggling or not though is not up for debate, she’s doing pretty well.

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Ana is good because the other supports are kind of bad, ana is the only real main healer right now after Mercy got nerfed a while ago.

Wanting Ana’s toolkit nerfed isn’t me talking about “toxic ana mains” though. Attacking the actual players themselves is a great way to get threads locked.

Yes, she’s within the Support category but she does not define the whole Support category, yet with how Mercy-Mains went on about it back then, you’d think that every Support hero was in the same state as her.


Nowhere did I say that Mercy is “fine”.

Heck, I’ve recently advocated for Mercy changes myself:

…but you automatically assumed my stance on her and the fact that I was criticizing a small subset of the Mercy-community and lumped me with them.

The reason that Mercy-Mains have a stigma (and again, it’s a specific kind of Mercy-Main) is because of knee-jerk responses, their tendency to make everything revolve around them, and the horrible tendency of taking things out of context.

You literally couldn’t do anything.

Your entire kit was countered by D.Va & Winston.

Healing? Nope; Projected Barrier & Defense Matrix.

Damage? Wrong again; Projected Barrier & Defense Matrix.

Biotic Grenade & Sleep Dart??? HA.


The best you could do was try and Nano someone and even then, all it took was one Discord Orb to make your Nano Boost useless (either that or the person you boosted being an absolute troglodyte).

There was a reason for the ungodly amount of “Ana is a Troll Pick” posts.