Ana mercy main alliance

Poor ana and mercy, both are in similar situations ana is ignored due to how easily she is shut down and how frustrating it can be to just be killed constantly. Mercy suffers from a chronic lack of fun factor and a weak ult. But fear not! If we unite together I’m sure we can get through this! (oh and inb4 megathread)


Honestly I see Mercy as balanced right now, but I’d be pretty upset too if my main got changed drastically in a way I didn’t agree with. But Mercy is not quite in the same boat as Ana. Ana needs buffs, Mercy probably doesn’t.


I don’t really find their situations similar; Ana is fun but underpowered, Mercy isn’t considered as fun but is balanced.

That being said, I would like them both to get attention, just for different things.


You mean the Ana mains that pop into every single Mercy thread with their whataboutism? Ya no they can fend for themselves.

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Come now… Ana is in a bad place too.


Mercy’s state is not as bad as Ana’s. But Ana is getting Brig soon so.

Isn’t the “fun factor” a fairly subjective matter though regarding Mercy? For some, she’s not fun and for others (myself included) Mercy is still as enjoyable to play as ever, if not challenging.

Ana, I agree, needs at least a sliver of something done for longer sustain.


I remember when every single Mercy main was saying “Enjoy being garbage” after the Ana nerfs

So I have very little love for Mercy after the rework mess


Ok well now we are both stuck in a bad spot so lets stop bickering and find a way out of this.

Mercy is fine. She’s boring though

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Then thats not fine now is it?

Ana needs a buff and Mercy doesn’t need anything


I think mercy should need to aim then. Maybe it’ll be more engaging for the player :slightly_smiling_face:

Try not not judge everyone who likes Mercy because of this - I was looking through some really old posts searching for info about Mercy’s old ult-charge requirement, and I found a thread where everyone, from tanks to dps to support, were gleeful about the nerfs. If only we could go back and tell them the consequences…


But the rest of mercy is fine its her ult thats the problem.

Naw, Mercy’s just want to use us Ana players for clout.

When people were talking about Mercy 2.0 Mercy players were talking about it was a war on supports while not being there for Ana or having any uproar comparable to the Mercy threads.

We have not forgotten.


Mercy is 100% balanced. Boring can wait until we fix the 9001 other things that are wrong with this game.

Ana is fun, but underpowered.
Mercy’s entire Ultimate and Rez ability are balanced but boring

idk maybe give her a minigun when ulting? the way they designed her in general is gonna be boring for a lot of people

But you just generalized every mercy player.