Even some meta heroes don’t have anywhere near 16% pickrate though, Mercy toward the end of dive included where she was practically only used to pocket Hanzo but got double nerfed anyway.
That’s agreeable.
Even some meta heroes don’t have anywhere near 16% pickrate though, Mercy toward the end of dive included where she was practically only used to pocket Hanzo but got double nerfed anyway.
That’s agreeable.
Ain’t nobody be able to justify must pick status both in ladder AND owl though.
Feels better to hit shots, especially in those chaotic moments where you’re jumping around like a maniac trying to survive, and too much is going on for you to reliably quickscope or barrel-stuff the heal target.
This was a really roundabout way to make a #deletebrig post
Moira, Brig, AND Bap get nerfed
Suddenly, Ana is magically the best
Cmon now. Lets buff the others up a bit before ruining supports even further
Mercy toward the end of dive included where she was practically only used to pocket Hanzo but got double nerfed anyway.
I think what ruined Mercy in the end was going down to 50HPS. I was fine with everything but that nerf. That screwed her over into her Limbo state where she doesn’t have enough heals to be considered a Main Support, but not the Strength of a Defensive Ult for an off-support.
the two are not equitable,
a hero might be a must pick in one and a throw pick in the other,
in that case majority rule wins out and ladder is the go-to for defining must-pick or META
It’s not magically the best. Ana has always been THE BEST. It’s like people forget she’s been must pick healer for ages, as long as she’s not oppressed down to the ground.
Cmon now. Lets buff the others up a bit before ruining supports even further
Imagine the rage on the forums though lmfao.
“WHy DiD YOu BuFf BapTisTe?!”
I think what ruined Mercy in the end was going down to 50HPS. I was fine with everything but that nerf. That screwed her over into her Limbo state where she doesn’t have enough heals to be considered a Main Support, but not the Strength of a Defensive Ult for an off-support.
Exactly but at the same time I don’t want just flat 60 HPS given to her. Put it on an R ability for her staff or something on a meter like D.Va DM, but let her refill the meter faster by successfully damage boosting.
And nobody here can apparently convince you that she isn’t a must pick, in most situations. Her highest is probably in GM due to the fact that her mechanical skill there is still really usable, but some teamwork mechanics that can shut her down in OWL isnt there. I noticed that was the first stat you used was in GM specifically.
Her use in OWL is to support characters that support Mei, and her usage is going down.
Her use on ladder is to bail trash tier teammates out of their own mistakes. Pretty much all her goats era usage came from teams that refused to not run DPS.
her sleep dart is useful but lucios abiltieis are major overkill
This was a really roundabout way to make a #deletebrig post
Okay, I don’t know you and you don’t know me, but I need you do me a favor.
Don’t EVER put words in my mouth, alright?
I’ve never been for or supported such a toxic, pointless & stupid movement and nowhere did I mention deleting her in the first place.
What I’m saying is a fact; Brigitte was made to counter Dive & Winston in turn, something needs to be done so he could be viable again, because as it stands, Winston’s been a LOT less effective since her inclusion.
If that means changing Winston or Brigitte, IDK but NOWHERE did I mention deleting Brigitte.
Point is that people like to cite one source and ignore the other, blizzard likes to do messy balancing disregarding ladder pickrates in one scenario while justifying a nerf with ladder rates on another.
But nobody can justify a must pick status in every ladder rank plus overwatch league and everywhich way it’s looked, it’s imbalanced.
And nobody here can apparently convince you that she isn’t a must pick, in most situations.
Because statistically and practically, she is a must pick.
Exactly but at the same time I don’t want just flat 60 HPS given to her. Put it on an R ability for her staff or something on a meter like D.Va DM, but let her refill the meter faster by successfully damage boosting.
I actually kind of like that idea. Maybe have her heals have kind of an “overdrive” mode where she does more healing, but it’s on a resource. They’d have to nerf the base to like, 40 tho. Then have the Overdrive do 60-65 HPS. It would incentivize more Damage Boosting. Then Have Overdrive just be constantly active during Valk, and thatd tie it up nicely
What I’m saying is a fact , Brigitte was made to counter Dive & Winston in turn, something needs to be done so he could be viable again, because as it stands, Winston’s been a LOT less effective since her inclusion.
She’s just way too defensive tbh.
Most of her kit relies on you coming to her than her engaging you, and when she’s in that range she’s got control of the fight ex. Dive being forced within her range. Meanwhile she’s got pretty weak offensive pressure and only exists to be a peel wall.
To give credit where credit is due, Zenyatta is the hardest support at staying alive/dealing with flankers, at a minimum a bronze Ana can throw a grenade at the ground for 100 hp and deal 60 damage.
Zen is an easy target to do to lack of mobility but he doesn’t need a full kit to survive in duals, and I mean survive, not necessarily win. He can out DPS Ana easily. I would put them in the same pool as easily countered though. His primary fire is also much faster and far more damage output.
I would rather dual as Zen all day long vs being an Ana. Your argument might stand if her dart was like McCree where accuracy didn’t matter nearly as much but you have to be precise and typically your counters are high mobility so it’s much much more difficult.
He was an average pick outside of Masters, to the point that Moira was used more than him even in Diamond
So how was it THAT powerful, when he was pretty average outside of Masters
OP thinks DVa nerf was wrong but sees Ana as a must pick who needs to be nerfed
Because again, in a coordinated environment with people who know what they are doing you essentially have Transcendance as a usable ability. Just because people in lower ranks can’t use it effectively doesn’t mean it’s not powerful. Being able to stop death for 8 seconds and heal your allies in that space is nothing to snuff at.