When did they change the audio?

Audio sounds really bad. I mean, it sounds more natural but it works really bad in the gameplay. I can’t hear anything that is happening around me anymore, there was Hog next to me and I couldn’t hear him walking and ended up getting killed even though he is a big character and the bigger and stronger the character is the louder their footsteps are so I should’ve been able to hear him. I can’t hear as a healer when someone takes damage around me. I can’t hear if enemy ults. Someone in my team said hi right behind me and it sounded like he said it a kilometer away. This sucks! It ruined the game for me and made it a million times harder, might as well start listening to music while I play since audio cues are trash now smh :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Footsteps have been silent on xbox one x too

amongst many borked things that one is a joke tbf


Same! As a healer I’ve gotten flamed by my teammates so much recently for not knowing they were hurt when they’re right beside or behind me.
I used to rely heavily on audio… but now I don’t hear anything at all.

Also not hearing ultimates or enemies flanking is so bad
Especially when doomfist is running rampant right now.


Thank god I’m not the only one wibble! I was starting to think is the problem only on my headphones when there wasn’t any patch notes about it, or at least I couldn’t find any.

It happens to me in WoW too. The weirdest part was a D.Va bomb started literally one meter behind me but because I wasn’t facing it I didn’t hear “nerf this” at all

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yeah and you’d think you’d hear a bomb incoming lol. It’s just not working right now

Turn Dolby Atmos on if you’re using headphones.
Multiple people are having this issue where they can’t hear sounds behind them…

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Probably Someone at Blizzard: “Hmmmm, the audio in OW is bugged”
Someone else at Blizzard: “Let’s nerf Sombra, that ought-a fix it”
PSaT: “Brilliant idea, I’ll get the programmers right on it”


Omg thank you dad<3 Love you big time you saved my game :smiley: I wonder why it’s suddenly changed?

Do I need to buy this software ?

It’s on your OW sound options right at the bottom

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T.h.a.n.k y.o.u !!! :slight_smile:

I am partially deaf and I can’t hear a lot of the smaller sounds anyway, so I understand how you guys must be feeling about it, I wish I could hear that stuff.

I suggest turning on subtitles if you are having such an issue, it has been the best update to the game for me so far, perhaps you can use it until the bug is fixed.


Sorry to hear that. (pun not intended :S) I tried the subtitles but I found them more distracting than helping but I’m glad it helps you out. The issue was figured out so no need for it now, gladly. :slight_smile:

There’s a bug in latest Windows update that screws sounds in video games. Just uninstall the latest update and everything will go back to normal. It has nothing to do with Overwatch itself, it’s just M$ guys testing buggy raw features on their customers.




That’s good to know, thank you phpony. :grin:

Well I don’t think it’s dolby atmos that is the problem. A tech support dude in another thread even told people to try and turn it off.

Yeah, I’ve been getting flanked by Junkrat of all things and that dude has some very distinctive and loud footsteps. And yes, I’ll watch the killcam and he’s not crouching, he just strolls up to me and I don’t know he’s there till I get the ol nade+mine combo to the face.

Honestly, it’s footsteps that have been really bugged for me. Everything else seems to be working as intended…I think


Sorry to hear that. (pun not intended :S)

Oh kek

It’s the windows update according to blizz Broken sound from behind - #10 by Wrathion-21937