When did they change the audio?

Too bad I’m not hearing footsteps behind me… ON WINDOWS 7!

That’s odd, that dolby atmos fixed it for me :S I hope they figure it out soon

Yeah sound is weird, I can’t really hear enemies anymore, it’s like everyone is sneaking but in the killcam they clearly walk normally but I couldn’t hear any of it.

yeah i made a thread about this a short while ago
i don’t hear stuff like soldier running, pharah’s rocket jump or even reinhardt’s charge

it’s a bug apparently tho ?

ps4 has it too though

What’s McCree’s ult line again, haven’t heard it in years.

They say footsteps is a bug, but I call bs as I can still hear teammates footsteps and ball rolling. They took it away because of closed captions setting and they aren’t giving it back.

Weird. Didn’t know Windows ran on my PS4. Sounds are mess there too.

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I feel like im the only person who can hear the footsteps crystal clear crisp perfectly.