Whats your total win rate?

the ranking system is not fine… as obvious by the multiple examples in this thread… if you TRULY think the ranking system is fine then theirs no reason to further this discussion with you because your mind is on rabid fan mode.

Since coming to this game I’ve disliked every single hero (sombra, brigitte, moira, orisa, doomfist, any others I missed…) blizzard has come up with, and a lot of the design decisions they make (i.e the power of healing, mobility, too many buffs, etc). I’m not a fan.

The examples in this thread prove nothing in your favour. In a real competitive system, people should have 50% winrate.

can you name one other competitive system where this does (“should”) happen? Or are you just typing to type… and some how came to this horrible thought process by yourself?

just one.

Truth of the matter is, if everyone is 50% that means everyone is equal. And in nothing in life are people equal. For everyone 1 person thats 70% win rate another person should be 30% win rate. Thats equal.

34.95 million people out of 35 million people being equal win rate is asinine.

The ranking system where people are placed with and against players of the same skill level. In this system, no team is favoured to win and as such a 50% wr will result.

I asked you to name a system, not give a round about answer. You said “in a real competitive system everyone is near 50%” but im saying thats BS and you cant name any other “real competitive” setting that this is the case. You are just typing non sense.

just give us ONE other competitive setting where 99% of the players are near same win rate


just name 1 system man

you cant, because it only exists in this game.

It’s hilarious that you still don’t get this. You aren’t putting 34.95 million people into a random team selection pool, so GM’s don’t play 70% of their games against bronze/silver/golds. They are segregated by SR and grouped together accordingly, which means they should reach 50% winrate when they come close to their true SR.

This is not what this entire thread has been about, but it’s a valid point. One actually worth discussing. Maybe start a new thread that has an actual point based on this?

In Unreal Tournament competitive ladders my team was 23-0.
Why did we need a 50% win rate?
That was a far more competitive game than this one.

This would work if there were no trolls and smurfs.

Wrong again, 78% of the 35 million players ARE within the same team selection pool (silver-plat make up 78% of the playerbase). These are numbers quoted from Jeff Kaplan, not made up #'s. While its not 34.95 million people, its still 8 out of 10 players can play in the same game as each other. the other 20% is split between Bronze, Diamond, Master and Grand Master.

I also played UT, a far more competitive game than this will ever be.

But you dont even need to search outside companies. You can look at the ladders/ranking systems of other Blizzard games.

why they tried to recreate the wheel on this game, who knows…

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I run into so many 1600 and 2900 players in my 2300-2600 matches. Lol. Keep stretching your imagination for excuses. Can play and are matched up against on a consistent basis are two completely different realities. Your argument has been, and continues to be, terrible.

My imagination? These are numbers Jeff Kaplan posted himself.

I can find the numbers QUOTED from him if you like

Those systems are different as they have teams of different skill ranges fight. It would be stupid to expect a 50% winrate then.

You are comparing two fundamentally different systems. This system, in overwatch, places people against others who are the same rank. It would be a failure on the system if people did not have a 50% winrate.

See the point above


For example, me and you have the same winrate. I’m better however.

The reason people should have a 50% winrate is for the reason I gave here:

the picture is in the quote, just click the quote.

It’s not a matter of stating some numbers. I’ve read what % of players are in which rank. It’s how they are applied in the correct context. Being able to group within 1000 SR does not mean that I consistently play people in that range. It’s typically much closer.

You continue to spout numbers without realizing how they are applied. The same goes for the 50% winrate. You’ve basically given up on that topic entirely, because you can’t debunk the proper application of statistics and sample size. Therefore, you’ve started latching onto new excuses, which also are poorly thought out.

Stick to the one decent argument you’ve made this entire thread, starting ELO for new accounts is too high.

i havnt gave up on it, ive stated how it effects the ladder by “novices” maintaining a 50% win rate by playing few games (or in cases a lot of games) and still be same rank effecting long term players.

You just choose to be a rabid fan for blizzard so you turn a blind eye to this

DESPITE you yourself being 50% win and your rabid fanboying for Blizzard wont let you turn against them EVEN THOUGH THE EVIDENCE IS WHEN YOU CLICK ON YOUR OWN PROFILE

I could care less about Blizzard. I do dislike people spewing complete bs when they don’t even have a basic understanding of applied math. I KNOW that I have a 50% winrate. We’ve talked about how this is normal, and expected, numerous times on this thread.

Its not normal for me and you, 2 completely different players, to be same win rate…

Even if you ignored the 50/50 MM system and rolled a 1000 sided dice to give us win rates from 0.0-100.0%, it would be statistically almost impossible to NOT have 2 people with the exact same win rate considering the game population size.

I apologize for not being able to adequately explain statistics to you, but that’s how it goes sometimes. For anyone tuning in late, just read the first 30 or so posts. The “forced 50% win rate” is fully debunked and correctly explained there.

difference here is we arent talking dice and you’d have to roll 12 of them each time by the way

70% winrate with brig so far season 10.
The 30%? loss?..85% of that 30% were unwinnable and stacked against me because of the matchmaker. 15% of that were actual even matches that teetered and were clutch for the enemy, i’d say 15-25% of my wins were “fair matches” that teetered.
Leavers and smurfs are a huge issue, but the the biggest issue is the wild variance in skill at bronze/silver.(and im assuming this carries on to all skill tiers, except maybe GM).

I run into quite a few people that i think don’t deserve to be here.

Placement matches are complete crap btw, i won 8/10 or 9/10 and placed at 990ish(because of last season applying to placements). I consistently put up ridiculous numbers across the board. This is the Stupidest sh@t ever, breakdown wise i was playing 2600+ (based on 3rd party sites, because blizz is so tightlipped this is the only option to get clear stat feedback). You would think that fresh season equals fresh placement… but no.
It’s PURE garbage.
I let my 6year old play on my account, but dont let him play Comp of course,… so quickplay stats shouldn’t effect my mmr, are possibly doing so. I didnt play comp “seriously” until season 9 and even then i came in late and still had to suffer from decay and QP hidden mmr effecting SR.

I really want to buy a new account to place in a more realistic bracket, but i dont want to reward them with my cash to placate my ego, because THEIR system is broken. I hope this fortnite fad hits them hard enough to wake them up.