Whats your total win rate?

Its stupid… In the old days with Team Fortress Classic i made it to top 3 clan of my country… because i went to play against people of higher skill, I learned to play better way faster.

This system its mostly steamroll or be steamrolled, this allone is proof the system is flawed. Nobody would care so much about rank, if each game was neck to neck. But everyone thinks it will be better at higher rank, which i hear it isn’t.

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All I want to know is how people are getting the stats for total win rates. Websites seem to only be focused on current competitive season.

Can any of you fine OW forum gents/ladies help?

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That is literally the biggest example of you being at the exact sr you should be lol

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20 characters required.

(In Game)
Career Profile -> All Competitive Seasons -> All Heros

Teamns can be steamrolled for many reasons:

  1. Trickling in (this makes the team unable to fight a teamfight, and gives the enemy team more ults)
  2. Snowballing (people tilting [leading to the above], improper ult management, etc)

I fluctuate from silver to diamond (or at least high plat) on a season to season basis. So how is that an indication that im at the SR I should be at? You just on here typing non sense.

this should only be an issue for novices of the game (bronze rank) you’d agree? So why does this happen on almost every game basis in mid ranks (mid ranks should mean the person has knowledge of the game but maybe not the technical skill to advance… like in any other game in the world).

Unfortunately, people at the mid tiers of this game are not good. They make very big mistakes, and trickling in is certainly one of them.

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Well, then thats a direct issue of match making (making it too easy to place silver/gold/plat) and maintaining a 45-52% win rate keeps them at this rank or near it and effects the other 11 players in the game.

No it’s not an issue of matchmaking. It’s a reflection of the skill median players have.

They shouldnt be in the median ranks then! how is this not a direct issue of match making?

If they make novice mistakes they should be in a novice rank. Instead they are in mid tier ranks AND REMAIN their (they never drop).

Trickling in is a novice mistake and shouldnt be an issue by the time someone reaches gold. The issue is people START OFF as gold so they never have to grow into a better player because they can maintain this rank by maintaining 50% win rate despite being a liability to their team

What you don’t understand is that gold is a novice rank.
If someone is constantly a liability to his team he will fall in rank.

I think for some people here you will have to play your entire life to prove it.
I don’t understand why people love to defend broken things, rather than demand a change for a better more meaningful system.

That’s actually a point I have to agree with. Made two smurf accounts last year and tried to rank them down into bronze. Tbf it wasn’t right of me to do this.

It was harder to lose placements than to win them. I played attack torb, battle Mercy or just tried to miss on purpose with dps heroes. Despite that I went 3-6-1 on the first account and ended up at 1.8k. The players I faced during placements were way worse than the players I met around 1.8k. I mean one round on Hanamura attack first point, I just4fun ulted with Torb, ran through their whole team, put my turret on the point and we actually capped it. I did this just4fun because I thought this was obviously going to fail. Went Hanzo on defense and the enemy team was too scared to get through the chokepoint at all. So that play ended up winning us the game.

On the other account, I went 5-5 despite playing completely terrible and ended up at 2.2k. One round I played Symmetra on Nepal. I just went onto the point spamming leftclick so that the charge doesn’t build up and they kill me. Despite that, I still killed two or three of them by myself. I played really terrible during all these games. The players I was playing with were even worse and definitely not even close to deserving Gold at all.

New accounts all get matched against eachother in placements which makes it really easy for them to get ranked into Gold although most of them belong in bronze and silver. Instead of a bell curve, there should be a log normal curve.

Majority of new accounts are placed between Gold and Plat and this is such a mistake. Not counting smurfs.

First placement match is always a 2450-2500 avg game for new accounts and then it all depends on how you perform from there. My games got about 100-150 sr harder after every match last season and ended up placing 3.5k

Thank you sir! 20 characters

In what world is anything but the bottom tier (bronze) a novice rank? If this was a normal game, even silver wouldnt be a novice rank.

Do you know what the word novice means?

Novice = new for the most part
a person new to or inexperienced in a field or situation.

someone can be gold, in your words “novice” and be level 1500… thats not new or inexperienced. But someone can buy the game right now, level to level 25 without even playing all the heroes or maps and still place gold (and be a real novice).

and through the CURRENT system play 20-50 games a season, maintain a 50% win rate, still remaining a novice, and remain in gold.

Instead of understanding this is an issue, you defend Blizzard at all costs. It really is weird, honestly.

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So why do new people end up in gold then if it’s not novice?


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The ranking system is fine, so I’m unsure of what issue there is