What's your opinion on mercy?

What about this?

Mercy’s Resurrect no longer has a cast time or slows her. However, using Resurrect reduces Mercy’s max HP to 125 for 8 seconds.

Or this?

Mercy’s Resurrect no longer has a cast time or slows her. However, using Guardian Angel now puts Resurrect on cool down for 2 seconds. This forces Mercy to hang out near the soul until Resurrect comes off cool down or walk to the soul, giving her enemies a chance to counter the Resurrect without locking her into a cast time.

Or maybe this?

Mercy’s Resurrect no longer has a cast time or slows her. However her enemies can see the souls of her downed teammates. They are objects with ~150 HP and if they are destroyed, Mercy cannot Resurrect that person.

Mix and match until the thing is balanced. I think Instant Resurrect could theoretically be balanced on E… It’d just require some creativity.

I do agree with you that the cast time and slow is just about the worst possible downside they could have given it.

She could use changes and fixing her would not hurt the game but here we have new heroes Ashe,Baptist and this new one coming but they still haven’t bothered to balance the current roster like REAPER. Something tells me they think it’s already balanced.

mercy needs a re work the hero just screams out " carry me to GM"

She’s the best main healer in the game right now.


Wouldn’t that be Ana? She has good healing and good utility. Not to mention she’s extremely fun.


Nope, because Ana doesn’t enable DPS.

The only reason to use Ana is if u have a rein (who is trash tier) or if u have a Genji (cause Nano blade).

But then again, Mercy can’t deny enemy healing, nor sleep ulting enemies, nor burst heal.

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Unnecessary with trance or team focus.

Not super helpful

No, but she can dmg boost.

Ana is just a healer for Ranked lmao. Not if ur actually playing the game.

I don’t understand what you mean by this.

And how is burst heal not helpful?
I’m not saying Mercy is useless but currently I don’t think she’s the best option.


As a silver player I can kill Widows and Pharahs in Valkyrie so I’m good.

Ana doesn’t have burst heal and usually in comps that u run Mercy in (anything without Rein) Ana heals is overkill

Only Brig has (had) burst heals.

Won’t know until 2-2-2 is implemented on live.

She has great synergy with healers like Ana,Bap, and Zen. Decent synergy with Moira and Lucio. The only healer she doesn’t gel the well with (from my experience and watching others play) is Brig.

However she thrives in high DPS comps and lacks the burst healing for tanks. Usually one tank-usually a mobile one- she can handle but now that there is the forced 2 she could struggle along with the composition.

You could go Ana and Mercy -you’ll get the burst healing and the ability to keep your tanks up longer…but you lack a defensive ult.

However if you play say the Mercy-Zen combo you have your defensive ult but you could struggle with keeping your tanks up.

Time will tell. Maybe to ideas of something with her reload or adjustments to her Damage Boost like Goodman proposed a little while back.

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mercy is fine imo and still very viable. I’m near a 60% WR with her in mid-masters. rez can easily win you a team-fight if you use it correctly, and her survivability/mobility is unmatched.

I don’t think she needs buffs. I’d be interested in seeing how 55HPS would work, but I do think she’s strong in her current state. :smile:

Only Mercy and Moira are competing with her.
These are introduction heroes.
There’s also Baptiste, but he’s underpowered.

This is the first time I’ve ever seen someone try to claim that Ana doesn’t have burst heals. What exactly is the instant 100 HP heal on Ana’s Bio Nade, or the 250 HP instant heal on Nano if they aren’t burst heals?


Nade isn’t instant :), sure you can call Nano burst heals, but when ur using it for a planned Nano Blade, then the burst doesn’t get to take effect.

You could Nano Rein, but Rein is also trash tier.

Sure it is… just have Ana throw it at her feet :stuck_out_tongue:

You sure about that one? I mean right now, maybe, but he is getting a buff with this PTR.

Yeah, the Rein buff is a step in the right direction, but it’s not even CLOSE enough to make him half decent compared to the other Main Tanks.

Also, I’m talking about the Nade healing. It literally isn’t instant.

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Her nade healing is instant though? Everything nade does is instant once it hits something. I figured you were talking about how it is a projectile with a travel time as one would expect with an ability with the word grenade in it. That’s why I mentioned throwing it at her feet.

Like I know her rifle is technically a very short duration HoT… but her Grenade isn’t like that.

It’s not tho.

It’s close, but it isn’t instant, like armor pack was