What's your opinion on mercy?

Damage boost and having some of the best on demand mobility in the game and passively healing yourself so you don’t really need anyone to peel for you like Zen or Ana do.

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Would buy her bath water and sniff her undergarments.


Here we go again :sunglasses:

HAAHAHA imagine comparing Mercy with a hero like moira who has NO utility compared to the rest of the healers. YOU POOR UNFORTUNATE MERCY MAIN, YOU HAVE MY SYMPATHY.


I don’t think she’s balanced.
I know she is balanced.

Right now is she not in need of unnecessary buffs. She’s already viable.

And asking for buffs or reworks simply because of feelings is just selfish imo.

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Yikes chill with that attitude lol. Though I do agree Mercy shouldn’t be compared to Moira at all rn.


I mean it must be nice being able to fade out of stuns


:sunglasses: OH POOR UNFORTUNATE MERCY WHOSE ULTIMATE ISNT EVEN AFFECTED BY HACK OR STUNS. Moira can still be stunneed out of her ult and she’s still vulnerable after she’s used her fade :sunglasses: does everyone forget that it’s on a 6 sec CD? we can’t all be amazing mercy players who can literally super jump to high ground every 2 seconds.

Fyi the moira buff sucks, play the hero on live once you figure it out you can already bait hook, ssleep, mccree stun etc. And you can already fade from shatter… The buff is trash for anyone who has even the smallest of game sense when it comes to that type of thing.

It isn’t all that impressive since you can already do that by having a fast reaction time. This buff won’t really change much I don’t think.

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thank you wabba :kissing_heart:

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Ok I concede, youre right

If I’m forced to solo heal, I generally pick either Mercy or Ana.

4-5 tanks: Ana
3 tanks/2DPS: Ana, maybe Mercy
2 tanks/3DPS: Mercy, maybe Ana
4-5 DPS: Mercy

when 2-2-2 goes live, I may change my mind, but right now she’s fine

Snooze Crooze: The Character


She’s meta right now buffing her would make her op

As long as Mass Rez is out of the game, I couldn’t care less about any changes made to her kit personally…

Ah sh!t here we go again.

Gonna be annoying for Ana players, but it’s hilarious how there even are Genji players complaining about it cus “MÖIRA BRÖKEN in bronze” when it won’t even make a difference against them lol

Ana doesn’t need any nerfs, what are you on about?

55hps and id be happy. Since Role queue is coming she will struggle a little bit more as a main healer. All in all though, once it hits live we’ll see what her numbers do

I feel like she could use a slight buff to her hps, like 50 to 55 to function as a main healer. Other than that, she’s fine if a bit one dimensional. I think you need good awareness to play mercy at higher ranks and her new tech for G.A. has raised her skill ceiling.

I hate the rez mechanic. It’s balanced and all that yada yada, but it feels really bad to do as it leaves you with minimal agency. I can live with everything else in her kit except this. I really think they should just redo the mechanic from scratch, but I seriously doubt they will ever touch her kit again aside from some number tweaks.