What's your opinion on mercy?

I’m assuming this is to the bit where I say that her mobility is not direct power…

No. You are just straight up wrong. If Tracer just Blinks around and recalls all game and never uses her pistols… what will she have accomplished? Answer is nothing. She was a dead weight because she had no direct impact on either her enemies or her teammates. Tracer is arguably the most mobile hero in the game… but even for her, all the mobility is doing is allowing her to get into position to use her pistols or pulse bomb. Mobility is not impact.

GA and all its tech, Regen, and Valkyrie’s flight are the exact same way. It does not directly effect either allies or enemies… it merely makes it easier to continue doing what Mercy does without letting your opponents interfere. Then the question becomes is… is what Mercy does enough?

So… me pointing out how Resurrect conflicts with the rest of her kit is suddenly me using the thing wrong?

Yeah… no. Regardless of how I do or do not use Mercy’s resurrect does NOT change the fact that it temporarily makes Mercy absolutely terrible at the things she’s otherwise very good at. Usually only Ultimates do that. :thinking:

I have no idea what you are even getting at with this.

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When you understand Mercy’s playstyle and archetype more get back to me. Because i dont believe you understand her character. I cant explain anymore clearly than I already have without sounding condescending and thats not something I want to do.

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And… that post didn’t sound super condescending to you? Cause… it is very condescending.

Besides, my last 2 points have NOTHING to do with Mercy’s playstyle and archetype. It seems to me you’re just trying to avoid debating my points.

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Not really.

Different game

With different viability and different damage values for ones such as symmetra and torbjorn.

The most important aspects are very different.


I love Mercy, Nerf or Buff doesn’t matter, I’ll always love and play Mercy :angel:

I couldnt agree more. I discussed at length my position on Mercy here.

Its interesting to note that the only ability she has useable in a 1v1 or deathmatch setting is her ultimate. WHich before wasnt even useable in a deathmatch situation.

She has no agency of her own when it comes to defending herself beyons her peashooter.

Same game


I find that many folks greatly underestimate Mercy’s pistol, and as such, often use unnecessary derisive/derogatory terms to refer to it

I can’t play Mercy. I just don’t have the…patients…



It is an entirely different game, given that damage numbers are changed as well as hero picks and winrates are vastly different. Your control scheme changes the game entirely. Of course Mercy is fine on console.

You dont play her on PC so you dont have a valid standpoint, given you play on the inferior version of the game. There is a reason the OWL is played on PC.

uhm, wow…uh…words fail me?

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The quote above contains what I have heard others refer to as console shaming, as if console players are somehow lesser or inferior…though we are not

The games are the same.


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I think she has early onset dementia (the nerfs were actually her dementia developing).

It is factually harder to aim on a console than a PC. This has been known for over a decade of gaming now, perhaps multiple decades at this point.

Mercy requires far less aim than any other support to heal. Therefore, in that aspect at least, she is far stronger than the others on console.

To say you don’t have a valid standpoint is false, but the versions most certainly have substantial differences.


The games are the same

same name

same heroes

same maps

same modes

same strategies

same etc etc etc

This is similar to why Pharah was considered an issue on consoles (specifically PSN) but not on PC. Different aiming schemes lead to platform-dependent phenomenon. It’s the entire reason that aim assist exists, and it does produce effects at the meta level. Console Bunker includes Mercy, but PC Bunker uses Ana because aiming on PC is much easier.

It’s a little absurd to pretend that the differences between console and PC don’t exist. It’d be akin to maintaining round earth or vaccine skepticism.


It’s not all that surprising either.

But some people just want to cover their ears and sing the samey-same song. Despite ya know…Blizzard’s stance on using Keyboard and Mouse on consoles…




I mean if they were the same…why is the input device so controversial for consoles players?


I personally think that she is fine and viable I kind of want her HPS to be 55 or 60 but if it happened than good but if it didn’t eh I still love playing Mercy and she is definitely in a good spot.

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one of the best supports in the game, easily

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Which is true.

The games are very different. A different control scheme means playing Mercy is even easier than on PC, and aiming and shutting one down is harder on console than on PC. Of course your experience with Mercy is fabulous on console.

Its a different game with different damage values for certain heroes to accomodate the inferior control scheme. Theres a reason the metas are so different and why Mercy will always be much more dominant to the point where I would say she probably should be nerfed on console.

Its a different game, with different playerbase and skill level. Its much easier to perform on a hero like Mercy and harder to do so on aim or mechanically intensive heroes, thus someone like Mercy shines, being able to use Resurrect like its 2017 without being punished as severely as she would be on PC.


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