Whats your hopes for the next tank

I hope its a longer ranged hitscan poke tank to help deal with flyers in the tank role

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Mauga with swimming trunks skin.


D.Mon. Rein-D.Va hybrid, with jump ability, shield, and of course eject passive. Itā€™ll never happen, but you said hope not expect.


Tanks are supposed to claim space and/or draw attention/fireā€¦.a long range hit scan really isnā€™t a tankā€¦would just be a suped up ranged dps

Orisa is closest thing to that but thatā€™s why she has projectiles insteadā€¦sheā€™s deadly in like mid range

And Hammond is technically a hitscanā€¦.but he poses no threat from rangeā€¦.if he did though heā€™d just be giant soldier


Pretty obvious itā€™s Mauga. Theyā€™ve been holding on to him for a while now. I wouldā€™ve loved Mama Hong but doubt weā€™ll ever get her.


Hopefully something actually unique. And not another flavor of barrier tank.

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I would like a Vishkar tank who actually believes in Vishkar and operated as there enforcer.

Would be nice to have more evil tanks beyond Ram.

Or even better, maybe a Vishkar exec who decides to take matters into his own hands.


I hope some kind of hitscan, something attractive for DPS mains. Nice to know, that he/she is comming next season.


No purely because it brakes the game on dva already so no more please.

Less focus on blocking damage, more of a focus on mitigating and preventing it.

Stuns, AOE buffs, some maneuverability and with good self sustain. Also a knock up. We need some of those

Just not a brawl tank please

Someone to dethrone Rein as being the only real tank in the game.

Mauga seems to be the likeliest candidate. Based on that, my wishes are EVERYTHING this:


I mean hog used to take space through the THREAT of being hooked, they could maybe have a similar deal with a hitscan shot?

Its reliability. Many players will not respect widow until they blow their nogging off around 2-3 times the moment they peaked a corner. THEN people respect the widow.

Roadhog hook is so easy to use and get kills off of that people generally did respect it a bit more unless they were super evasive characters like Tracer. The moment you see hook used its likeā€¦ NO HOOK NO HOOK GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO

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hogs effective range is not that longā€¦hes got a hook that you play aroundā€¦and hes not a hitscanā€¦

a tank that is an actual threat from range wouldnt just be commanding spaceā€¦theyd be commanding the map periodā€¦i dont think anyone would actually want to play against that


Mauga but heā€™s a DOT tank with flamethrowers. Minus the burn status effect since burn does extra damage to armor and heā€™d be an instant requirement against anyone with armor.

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i believe mauga but i have no idea how he will work or if he will have a barrierā€¦ some of the old npcs/talon bots from the old archive missions might have his design? a heavy with 2 big machine gun looking things

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yeah but again if they balanced it out with a longer cooldown or maybe even force them to mitigate damage to charge said attack

I mean what youā€™re talking about is essentially just widowmaker and hanzo (kinda)
so idk i dont think it would be that farfetched to see it on a tank

  • in actual practice its not gonna function like widow and thereā€™s gonna be counterplay, if ur tank is chilling at the back getting a pick every now and then there isnt gonna be much space for ur team to work with , + that becomes more map dependent anyway

yeah i mean this is the same sort of philosophy with quite a few tanks (orisa, ram)
like, baiting or playing around cooldowns is definitely part of tanks so it doesnā€™t seem too crazy to me for a hero like that to exist, idk