ONe of the reasons Orisa in OW1 was sort of a bad tank was because no one had to respect her at all. You could frequently rush past her and ignore her.
Her new style of play is so in your face aggressive you have no choice except shoot at her to avoid being killed. “Oh, You want to ignore me? Let me carry you away on my spinning spear, then javelin pin you into a wall and now you are dead. Going to pay attention now!?”
A range hitscan tank can work, but I don’t think it even needs to be spammable. Simply giving a tank a sort of illari alt fire where you fire off a ranged hitscan with girth every so often helps contribute to the deaths of flight characters. It doesnt’ need a high rate of fire. The only reason many have wanted hitscan was to have an anti-air option for the tank roster that wasn’t as risky as Dva.
yeah this all makes sense
ngl tho brainstorming hero ideas is always fun :3 i love not having to face the reality of what this game has become 
I’m waiting for the mauga, I have an expectation that the single tank potential will be better than other tanks
I want a hero that has a pet. Maybe a tank. Their pet is the damage sponge, and they’re just at the back with ability to control it. Maybe an omnic hawk or something.
Idk. I know some people get upset at AI stuff, but when done well (like Rexxar in Heroes of the Storm) It can be great, and very skill based.
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Stop! STop! Don’t get hope or expectations with OW. You’ll always set yourself up for disappointment.
seems pretty cool but it pretty much makes heroes like sombra and tracer such an insane hardcounter that it may as well not exist, unless the hero can do stuff on their own which would probably just get too complicated for players to understand
also like, if i’m not controlling the tank guy then what is he actually gonna do? I can’t exactly rely on an AI to know what to do to help my team out
but tbf i think if it was streamlined enough it could defo work
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I was so excited for ramattra at the time, what could possibly be the most in this?
I have so many ideas in my head about it. But I feel like it could be done extremely well. Your pet just follows you until you give it a command, and you use your aim (as if you were shooting them) but the pet/hawk fly’s to that target and starts attacking them.
I say hawk/flying animal/thing simply because of elevation, and I could imagine a ground pet being quite annoying to get to hit targets that are above ground level.
I do genuinely think it’s possible to make it work, but people will complain about a pet class for sure, given the amount of upset turrets cause, even when they’re easy to kill. Until then, I’ll be sat here fantasizing over it 
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Personally, I hope it’s D.Mon. I don’t expect it to be, but I’d really love it to be.
Realistically, it’s probably going to be Mauga. If it is, I want him to be a flamethrower hero like Blaze from HOTS. And have him voiced by The Rock.
A character being able to shield their sides with barriers. It would be very situational but unique at the same time.
Season 8 not 7. They only release heroes in even seasons.
If i remember correctly in the Baptiste novel its been told that Mauga has a projected barrier which made bullets ricochet off of it. I may be wrong though.
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That’s what i thought too, but then i saw someone mention new hero release in s7. I must’ve misunderstood. My apologies.
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Yeah, there’s some confusion around that. I think Blizzard is setting themselves up for yet another PR problem.
The roadmap ends with season 7 and beyond. It starts with new tank hero. To me, it’s obvious that they mean season 8 because it’s 7 and “beyond” and it includes things that come after 7. The only reason I think this is because they’d previously laid out heroes would be every other season.
But it’s poorly worded and several people seem to have the assumption it means season 7. Meaning we’re probably going to see some more posts by frustrated users who feel mislead at the start of season 7. Blizzard really needs to get better at basic communication.
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We need another Fortify-type ability, maybe not with the damage reduction but SOMETHING to ignore all the idiotic CC flying around that s**** on the tank role would be nice……
Something with a flak cannon that can do damage to fliers and high mobility characters.
A flamethrower. Works like Mei’s primary with piercing, but wider range and less dps.
Something to obliterate flying heroes. And I mean hard stomp them like Ramattra was supposed to feel with his Vortex. Bring them to me and let me annihilate damn it.
to be strong/ aka meta’ish, and not be nerfed after a week