What's your forum story? (amnesty hour)

Free form no holds-barred journal time, GO.

I’m formerly known as Taiga.

I changed my name when multiple people started bringing up the Taiga jacket controversy when they saw me in-game (look it up if you aren’t aware of it)

I’ve been here since beta and forums 1.0.

My first main was and still is Pharah. I was a weapons loader on F16 jets in the airforce and I dealt with rockets, missiles, and flying stuff daily so she was a natural pick for me.

I got heavily into Sombra ARG and became so inspired that I made all three fake screenshot sightings of her at the time, on Dorado, with Maya, Photoshop, and Zbrush.

The fakes got quite popular and were covered by Chinese OW news sites and popular youtubers such as OhNickel

Then I finally came clean and promised to never catfish you guys again with my 3d skills (which I intend to keep; I wanted to make Junkerqueen at one point but decided against it)

I’m one of the largest Pharah mains on here, I have 675 hours on her alone, and same with Brig (with 500hrs) between my main and my Brig-only, zero seconds on literally anyone else alt account

Most of my post history from all my accounts has to do with Pharah or Brig, and complaining about unfairness in their kit

I’ll never stop feeling that way either. I’ll always hate Barrage AKA Press Q to respawn suicide meme button.

I’ll always complain about Pharah’s exponentially higher self harm compared to all other heroes.

I’ll always complain about Brig’s fragile sheet of electrons dust square of a shield;

It’s just from a place of love for them though.

I want them to feel fun and enjoyable. I want to not have to pre-plan to die before I ult. I want to use my shieldmaiden hero to do shieldmaiden stuff, instead of existing as a repair-kit dispenser-bot.

My most successful topic ever, is ★ Official funeral for Brigitte Lindholm (Age 23)
With 379 likes on the post itself, almost 400 replies and 6.4k views

The list of buffs/nerfs is currently inaccurate as I am on a new account now, and cannot edit it.

I have made a lot of enemies on here over years due to my support and pro-Brigitte stance and topics.

I have accrued 2000 years of exile because these enemies cannot stand me making a simple joke thread with fake Brig nerfs as a protest to her nonstop nerfs at the time.

I have accrued another 1000 for daring to fathom the suggestion that most females outside of base Tracer and Widow, have way too much coverings, waistwraps, sarongs, metal skirts, and arbitrary leaf-shaped/rectangle cloths on their backsides in most skins.

I have no regrets and still stand by everything I’ve ever said.

I’ve been trying to get a job at Blizzard and Overwatch for years, almost 8 at this point, as a 3D character artist. I have accrued about 5 rejection emails, but now my dreams are wavering because everything I read online says Blizzard is not a good place to work;

even before the current controversy came to light; I just keep hearing how the lowers barely make enough to survive California cost of living, and often skip meals to have enough for rent

So I got picked up by an awesome digital indie company called NOWWA and am currently the character artist for our upcoming 3rd person parkour neo-western hero shooter called Bulletville

It recently had a successful kickstarter campaign, and although it was small for the scope of our project (100k in funding) I am hopeful our launch later this year will go well.

I took an extended leave couple of years ago and joined the Winky Face council on discord after being disillusioned with previously mentioned 1000’s I got.

But stuff™ happened on there and I because disillusioned with it as well so now I’m back here…

wary to ever make another Brig-thread again for fear of losing this account as well. Endlessly campaigning to get Pharah the fixes she needs,

and just trying to be kind to others and a voice of reason when I can.

~ A silly Pharah/Brig main


Looking back, I used to be extremely biased on the forums. I still am now, but not to the extent I was. I remember making a buff junk thread every day, thinking doom was good design and people needed to get gud, and wanting widow/hanzo removed from the game. Oh yeah and I wanted sym/mei/reaper buffed to the moon too but that was before I started playing and maining tank

We’ve all got those opinions, takes, or posts we regret making or wonder how we thought that.




So you’re telling me you wanna see more pixel butt in the game?



(yes wojack)


Ok fair.

You were disappointed with Ashe’s new summer games skin?

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my story isn’t as interesting

i just poke fun at people who think they’re in elo hell and give advice to people when they ask for it, who are probably sarcastically asking and don’t actually care but I do it anyway because im bad at picking up on sarcasm

ive been on the forums for a long time but i changed my name enough that my bnet name change revenue probably rivals that of a small third world village



I’ve been suspended like five times here, but never even warned during the actual game. It’s puritanical forum standards.


More like a police-state


Im here since the new forums and have logged in since almost every day. There were things i was too harsh on at first and in the end i’ve accepted them if not ended up liking them.

Im tend to say so many controversial subjective things here but if someone doesn’t try to understand after 3 back to back replies i tend to stop the conservation.

Recently im the embodiment of “Why even try if i fail?” forum wise. When im doing a long topic after 24 hours of research no one replies to them, when i share news, they post on it, but then someone makes the same thread with a more mocking title getting even more attention.

Trying to keep everything positively even if the game tries and punishes me for caring and made me play rarely these days.


My story is not particularly pleasant… Formerly MoreHeroes, I remember people crying during the beta about how Widow mains were awful people because they didn’t play the objective, and as a troll, I wanted nothing more than to be that Widow player and get those same people to hate me. It was easy, by the way.

Anyways, I have since partially reformed, if I was ever overly rude to you in a discussion, I apologize. Once I took up the name ThiccBuddha, I knew it was time to mature not only my spirit, but also my interactions with people. The pretentious attitude had to go, and with it, I found that I COULD be friendly. I didn’t always need to make fun of people for my own entertainment after all! Who would have guessed?

Anyways, Aria Rose is queen. She did more for the community than almost anyone. And Rich C were a real one. Not many people know the true story, and the few that do are either maliciously fabricating parts of it, or genuinely seem to have misunderstood his final work.


I have a genuine Taiga. Taps for green or red. Doesn’t enter tapped. Very OP. No matter how much power creep happens, duel lands will always retain value. :ok_hand:

My story is, I make games. I play games. I travel the world except I don’t any more because the humans got sick and now they won’t let me on the plane so I have to play Microsoft Flight Simulator instead.

It’s just not the same.

Also, I like 90s Trance music.


I just naturally enjoy discussions about stuff like this and more than that I’ve learned all types of things from here and after watching this place for years I’ve gained insight about the game and how it works and how players behave and so on. Whenever I do those personality type tests I get the Debater which is why having a back and forth about something is always amusing to me. I’m usually more active around summer because then I’m tied to more work stuff, which also means that I have more off-hours in the office because I sit there a lot more and just naturally circle over here to spend some time in between the work I do

I used to come here under my main accounts’ name, but got recognized a few times in the game and every time was rather cringe, so I just thought “hey I have this account that I use to play with my more casual RL friends” and just kinda switched to this account at some point to not get into those situations again and have been writing stuff on this one :slight_smile: Obviously I’m not gonna say anything about the previous account

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Fair enough OP

While others will ridicule your takes and Not laugh at your jokes I do/won’t due to your experiences on those heroes

Have fun with what you do

damn you go really indepth :weary:

i’ve been playing since may 2017 and joined the forums originally in 2018 to ask for advice on how to deal with toxicity (i was 16 and overwatch was my only online game, don’t come at me) and started using the forums more regularly in february 2020 because i developed an unhealthy obsession over mercy skins.

i fell in love with junkrat the moment i saw him. before i did i went through a massive mad max phase and i was obsessed with post apocalypse stuff in general, so he was my first main. until i picked up hanzo. the more i played hanzo, the more i also started playing widow.
there was also a time i brifly one tricked pharah and felt bad if i didnt have at least 30 kills with her in quick play :moyai:
over time i accumulated 381h on junkrat, 197h on hanzo and 116h on widow.
then winter wonderland 2018 came and i started one tricking mercy and now i have over 750h on her collectively. took me a mercy only account and like 2 years to “come to terms” with it because i was basically a pick me who took pride in “not being like the other girls” by being a junk main. i am now :sparkles: reformed :sparkles:

i absolutely love that

i also love that and if i had the money i would definitely pay you to do this because i’m a huge simp for the queen

most of my post history basically just consists of mercy, skin, mercy skin and event (and other light hearted topics) threads. i dont do balance stuff because i simply dont know nor care enough about that :sunglasses:

i love you

and respect you

and wanna be friends with you

i’m a hobby artist and been thinking about going to uni to go pro until omni called me a therapist so now i’m having another identity crisis and don’t know what career to pursue

we have so much in common! wanna be friends?


I exist


I helped save the community from the toxic revertmercy movement. It was a long fight but we did it team. The world is a better place now.

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I’m just another Mercy Main™ :wink:


I’m just your average Silver Tank, Bronze DPS, Silver Support (even though I haven’t done any placements for my Support)

And on Xbox (be that as it may)

I’m a Tracer and Tank main (sounds ridiculous I know…)

I’m BERKUT. Formerly known as GreatAether, WolfTheRaven, Wolfie, TrevPhillips, TrevPhilips, VercierSil, Monokuma, Berkut, and BestrafeMich…Also ZERSTORER to some!
:wave: :woozy_face:
I first joined the Forums very early on back in 2017 where I begged for Noire skin codes and got rightfully bullied off the platform.

A few years later, during late 2019 when the NSW bushfires began and had us all stuck in our homes to hide from the toxic smoke, I was insanely bored and decided to give the Forums another try. After all, I’d changed my name way too many times for people to remember me! I became a bit of a regular; made some friends and foes alike…

Unfortunately covid and the lockdowns overlapped the bushfires, so I was just stuck indoors some more! I figured I may as well continue using the Forums as what else had I to do? I think I “peaked” on this platform that year as well. That is until I got suspended for a month after a very ridiculous incident…

But luckily some kind souls invited me to a Discord! Which went well for…a while…until it didn’t…Kind of like your own experience really, OP… :point_up: :no_mouth:

Luckily my account was back by that point so I just stayed here for a bit, albeit for less time than I had before as life was getting in the way! I was one life-changing event away from making a “Leaving The Forums” post…

…Until everything fell apart around my 19th birthday thanks to the covid situation, and I was back in the same old life. My Forum use became more and more regular until the lovely Omni invited me to yet another Discord server!

Once again things went bad after a while, so as a result I am no longer there…Not that I am mourning its downfall, however…

Oh, and I was the first target of the Forums’ most notorious false-flagger, got perma’d by them, then got my account restored! That was an exciting 24 hours.

Ah…and now I am here, basically taking on the role of the Overwatch Forums’ “KISS” from the 1990s - Past my prime but still trying my best to stay relevant when I can be bothered. Did I mention that I have an honesty problem and love talking about myself? I’m probably an undiagnosed narcissist; anything is possible… :+1: :grimacing: