What's wrong with TP countering Grav?

and sym can’t even pick them up anymore :,(
remember lazer death ball strat man that was fun, in effective but fun.

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Well, we can certainly agree it needs more counterplay again.

I’m very worried myself about the next patch as what counterplay we do still have is going to be effectively neutered :sweat:

I feel like her teleport should work like a portal gun. That would be siiiiick. But really just bring the set up time to 1 second. Hell bring it down to .5 and increase the radius of the interaction.

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Eh arguably .5 s would be way too short or something. Currently I think we’re at 2seconds. 1-1.5s would be ideal. That plus the radius increase would be key.

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Yeah but … you can actually do it, if your timing and reaction is on point. The moment you hear Zarya voiceline, turn around and cast.
Its a skill shot, its not supposed to be easy or reliable.

If you cast it “as soon as you hear Zarya voice line” thats a terrible idea. You don’t know where the grav is going and with the piddly interact radius, that’s not a gamble to take. Raihan didn’t even do that in the clip you linked me. He waited to be in it, and it was simply luck that the entry porter positioned itself correctly. Oftentimes it’ll decide to spawn too far away to use.

In fact, it looks like the only reason the TP spawned directly under him for him and the team to use was because he happened to have his back against a wall. That’s a very rare circumstance.

That’s another reason why the TP needs to spawn consistently under Sym, even if other buffs aren’t implemented. It’s a key point addressed in this thread of mine with video evidence for Sym’s bugs and inconsistencies that I really wish would be noticed.

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I dont think you fully comprehend what being a “Skill shot” means but we can go point by point sure. Let me start by saying that im not against ANY QoL changes to TP, like the interaction area being wider or the Spawn appearing in an exact location etc.

Not really mate because, just like many skill shots (example Dva eating a grav), you cant take things for granted. Like you should be able to TP people out of grav under ANY circumstance. One thing is a counter, another thing is a skill shot that counters and another thing is a HARD counter.

TP shouldnt be a HARD counter to grav. Period.

Hence it being a skill shot.

Nope. He saw Zarya, saw the grav, heard the queue and “felt” the lose of control of his char so he reacted properly and with great timing (sorry to repeat myself but, yeah a Skill shot).

Yeah thats straight up false. He got grav’d in the middle of the entrance, a bit back. His back wasnt on the back. He just happened to have a side of a column near.
Either way, Seagull and many others (me included, yeah, its not THAT hard) did it on open spaces.

Let me be clear and state it once again :
Theres nothing wrong with TP countering grav, but you SHOULDNT ask for it to be a HARD counter nor reduce the casting time because you want it to be an “easy” skill shot.

Why not? Not being obtuse, but why can’t TP be a hard counter to grav? Plenty of ults have simple hard counters and I think it’s ok for grav to have one, especially from a character who hardly sees use. On that note, the Zarya can also bait out the TP cooldown and then grav too, as with any “hard-counter.”

Zarya isn’t countered enough by things and Sym doesn’t counter anything so why not introduce a healthy power shift? A reason for a team to say “ayyy let’s get a Sym” and a reason for a team to ask a Zarya to swap, which almost never happens.


No offense mate but its like we are speaking in different languages. You clearly dont know what a “Skill shot” is and now it really seems you dont know what a “hard counter” is. This is my last reply to you.

“Bait the TP?” What the actual hell dude? How do you bai … nevermind.

A HARD counter is something that no matter what you do, you are useless. Thats it. There are not many in this game and for a very good reason. They are frustrating and makes a character useless for several seconds. Having no counterplay is BS and all the developers know it.

Example? Widow ult and sombra invis. No matter what sombra does, she WILL be seen by the entire enemy team. Useless skill during that ultimate.
Another one? Soldier visor and Rein shield. No matter what Soldier does, if Rein has visual contact with him (obviously since Soldier is shooting him) he is NEVER going to break a full Rein shield. Useless ult vs a Rein with a Shield.

You are asking that NO MATTER WHAT ZARYA DOES, a Sym should be able to counter the Grav. That is a HARDCORE nope mate. Dont expect it to happen, its not.

Soft counter: Hitscans vs Pharah. I dont think i need to explain this one, right?.

For many reasons. Listed :
1 - Grav is not an easy ult. Its also a skill shot itself. It depends on the enemy’s position and inability to counter it. Those are EASY counters to grav.
2 - It has a lot of counters : Positioning, Deflect, DM from Dva, Mei Wall, Winston bubble/Orisa shield (yep), even Sym Ult. If you put the shield and force Zarya to walk in to use the ult, you can literally walk back and hide before she can properly use grav.
3 - Many abilities counter this : Mei cube, Reaper’s Wraith, Moira’s fade and TP (skill shot).
4 - It is a projectile so it can be dodged if you “feel” like she is going to use it with movement skills such as Swift strike, Dva boosters, Winston jump, Tracer blink, Mcree Roll (yeah, super hard, its a skill shot).

With all that. Agree to disagree.
Hope you understood what i wrote.

It’s disproportionately powerful compared to other, more easily countered ults on an already tremendously powerful hero; having to sorta aim the projectile doesn’t justify that, sorry. It deserves to have more avenues of consistent counterplay.

TP is on a 12 second cooldown. If the Zarya knows you’ve used it, that’s counterplay. Pretty easy to do too, easier than trying to play around deflect or DM. Misused the word “bait.” My bad.

Also it’s kind of rich to be trying to tear me apart for my use of the term “hardcounter” in the colloquial way that OW players do. By your tremendously strict definition, it’s not a thing that exists.

Doubly rich for doing that while completely using the term “skillshot” incorrectly and trying to put yourself on a pedestal for thinking that I’m not using the term correctly when I haven’t even used the term since it doesn’t belong at all. “dO yOu eVEn KnOW wHaT A SkiLlShOt iS???” Different language indeed.

Triply rich coming from someone who is a p-

Nevermind I’ll stop there. I think you’re the one misunderstanding my position and trying to give me false arguments, so please just stop posting nonsense.


Can you please stop being dishonest?
You are not asking for a “consistent counterplay”, you are asking to dumb down a skill shot. Period.

Disproportionately powerful ? It literally just PREVENTS your movement and clumps you together. If you dont follow up with another ult it does close to NOTHING.

It does, and clearly you are using a different definition. I provided my definition and examples but you seem keen on just try to bash me because i slightly disagree with you mate. Very mature indeed.

But it does.
Literally i showed a video where it shows its possible, it just requires extreme timing, prediction and skill, thus being a skill shot (seems this words trigger you somehow).

Who is an alt account from a Diamond ?
Yeah mate, but lets not go there because it would be absolutely and brutally hypocritical to try to rank shame someone while using a PRIVATE PROFILE, right ?

Yeah “i cant refute any of your points so i’m just going to throw ad hominems to you and call nonsense anything that goes against my point”.

Got it, message received. Now we understand each other.
Let me know when you can actually refute anything and stop being triggered buddy.

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That’s gonna be an oof from me dude.

You still don’t know what skillshot means. Nothing is triggering me, but you’re using a term incorrectly. Skillshot is an actual term in games; you don’t just get to call something a “skillshot” if you think it’s difficult to pull off.

As for the rest… Just oof. You’re trying to deny that Grav is one of the strongest ults in the game??? That’s just…wrong.

(Also way to rankshame yourself when I wasn’t going to say anything about rank. Insecure?)

Indeed. One of us is deluded and the other is trying to promote a healthier game balance and give an otherwise underused hero some more use while giving more counterplay to an S-tier hero’s S-tier ult.

Also I’m loving the crying about me using ad hominems when all you’ve been doing is calling me triggered. I couldn’t ask for anything better! :laughing:

Lets recap:

  • Still claiming you know what a skill shot is but not providing the definition, very clever. (you cant be proven wrong if you dont do it of course)

  • Now you backpedal about the rank shaming when everyone can clearly see what you were trying to do and also claim i am the one “throwing ad hominems” when litearlly “triggered” was the last word i said in my last post. :rofl:

Love the rephrasing of trying to dumb down a skill and make it easier with :
“trying to promote a healthier game balance and give an otherwise underused hero some more use while giving more counterplay to an S-tier hero’s S-tier ult”

Like no one is going to see through what you are trying to do, but yet again, another insult/ad hominem, you call me delusional. :joy:

Yeah mate, agree to disagree. Like i said before but instead of letting it go there, you seem keen on bashing me without refuting any point and resorting to "oofs" but hey, you do you!

Good luck on the suggestion though. Im up for any QoL changes to any TP with that awful targetting (Reaper’s and Sym’s).

dont forget that oddly enough the tp spawns a few feet ahead of sym so even if she successfully creates a tp there’s s chance she can’t use it due to the limited range of tp

I guess you are mad to find out that as I see your icon is mei.
When you hack a zarya in time and she still use her grav.
Consistent game design guys.

I’m not mad about it. I just find it weird.

I came across it when I was thoroughly testing projectile ultimates with different latency.

[PROOF] Projectile Ults blocked by Lag

I also find it somewhat weird that an ultimate that is considered one of the best ultimates in the game doesn’t has the weakness other projectile ultimates has. If they are going to nerf Zarya, which I hope they don’t btw, would this be a decent nerf.

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I don’t remember graviton ever being a joke. And EMP or Earthshatter exists.

No, the entire mechanic of projectiles disappearing into thin air if the owner is stunned/killed is one of the most pants-on-head debil things I’ve seen in this, or indeed any AAA pvp game. It should be treated as a bug and fixed on every other projectile ability.

I’ve literally never seen a TP used as a clutch save against an ult. Fake hype, staged and contrived idea to make an unpopular rework more palatable. Blizzard devs think gamers are stupid.

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Projectile ultimates and … not even ultimates are god damn weird.
Pharah’s rockets literally dissapear if you kill her just after shooting sometimes.
Mei, WB and Tracer ults do the same, even if stunned.
Zarya’s seems to be an “entity” like a turret but can be reflected and impacts like Mei’s and Tracer’s.

Dude, seeing a rocket disappear or a mine or something is bad but … using your ult in the middle of an enemy team, hearing it and then getting stunned and … rollback, nothing happens … no ult charge is refunded, the ult vanished … is one of the WORST feelings in the world.

There’s nothing wrong with fixing it up to consistently be able to get out of Grav with it, considering it’s possible to do it with the current setup, just annoyingly difficult and inconsistent. Faster deploy would just help her in general, would maybe make it a little too easy to counter Grav, but a wide enough radius that you can use it even if it appears in front of you and out of use range of the centre of Grav is a must.